Do people actually want to live here? because I don't

do people actually want to live here? because I don't

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I think it's okay.

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Yooooo, white grill with asian grill is hot as fuck!

ah yes

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go smoke some weed dude

I agree.

Canada is an important tool for the process of natural selection. All of the people America doesn't need are going to be funneled straight into it, and at some point it will be mercy killed.

I don't deprive myself to the level of other subhumans in this nation
that point won't happen for a long time.
your government is controlled by israel and unfortunately benefits from our existence
luckily once your nation falls so will ours along with it. that day can not come soon enough

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as gay is it is, in terms of freedom and economic opportunity its better than most. Even our history is severely underrated

I didn't exactly say America has the people it needs.

reading about Canadian history is a good way to put people to sleep, maybe for good
>being British lapdog for eternium
>dude 1812
>dude native genocide
>dude angry Quebecois
>and now, dude weed
at least America did some relevant things in history and things like Latin conquest of South American you can read things about cool things those natives did/epic tales of genocide
there is nothing interesting about our history
there is nothing interesting about our country
I look forward to the day this nation falls

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Hmmm honestly speaking no, but pre cuck era Canada was based

this miserable nation was always cucked

only in the french part
only if it was an independent country
even then the yanks and anglos next door make it an unpleasant region of the world

doesn't matter, Quebec is just as cucked as the Anglo part
Canadian culture is really just American culture but more cucked, present in both Anglo and French part of Canada
this useless piece of geography was destined to be worthless no matter who inhibits it

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>lives in one of the richest and best country
>whines like a baby because of a rainbow flag

The absolute state of 1st worlders

that would of course change in an independent quebec in which anglos are purged

t. pizza

canada is a nice country, rich, diverse, beautiful nature, safe, what to ask for more

shouldn't it be russia kissing china

>ignoring all of what the rainbow flag implies/represents
it has a deeper meaning lying in terms of cultural decadence and society becoming more weaker and less unified
a pot is bubbling
and it is only a matter of time before it explodes
it doesn't matter who colonized Canada
it would still be a shithole
in my opinion it should have been a part of a country, like America/Russia/China/whatever
at least I would be able to move to a nicer part of the country if that were the case
you are describing Russian nation
if only this place resembled any of those things

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I dont really but the more I travel the more I like when I can come back. Canada is great if you're old or just visiting, but for young people its meh. A lot of places are faaaaar uglier with bugs that can kill you, low wages even when you adjust for cost of living, corruption, etc. Like I can land at yvr and walk home at night with my wallet in my back pocket and have my cellphone out and not give two shits... most places aren't like that. Most of the problems if not all are not Canada specific, its western problems. The only places I've been that I would say are better are some parts of SEA and some parts of eastern europe (the not too poor sketchy parts with good nature).

>it has a deeper meaning lying in terms of cultural decadence and society becoming more weaker and less unified. A pot is bubbling

Literally every societal change was faced with the same critique.

Read actual accounts not big long wiki article/textbooks and you'll enjoy yourself.

Doors open, leave.

You're an idiot

those societal changes were meaningless though and it is a very slow process
it might not mean much right now but some years in the future, a close future we will see shortly in our lifetime, we will be witnessing a tragedy unseen since ww2
like what?
you could be reading much more interesting history with your time, things that look like they come out of a novel but happened in real life
or you can be reading about how Scottie btfo the natives and read a weaker version of British history on a colder continent
emmigration isn't as easy as you think
you have no retort against my argument so you just say
>You're an idiot
it is not a problem on my end if you cannot handle truth

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I certainly don't.
Doesn't make it right Luigi. And any societal change from the 1920s, atleast here in Germany, was a negative one anyways.

now that weed's legal i wouldnt mind it, kind of makes up for the cuckery

>like what?
>you could be reading much more interesting history with your time, things that look like they come out of a novel but happened in real life
>or you can be reading about how Scottie btfo the natives and read a weaker version of British history on a colder continent

why do you pretend to know anything about Canadian history? I'm not saying its the best history ever, I'm saying it's underrated and interesting if you're not reading it out of your grade 10 textbook

there is a reason they don't show anything more than in the textbooks
because its all meaningless
nobody ever reads Canadian history and goes 'gee that was profound and worth my time that I could have spent doing other more important things'
everything this nation has ever done is meaningless
the most important event in Canadian history will have been its legalization of marijuana
thats it
thats how meaningless we are
we may as well not even exist

>muh history
>muh relevance

Gay cunt, non of that matters just enjoy your life with you brilliant standard of living.

must be easy for you to say that
>dude just enjoy life who cares what people think lol
truly the loser mindset
with that in mind I should just take in every drug I see and embark on a life on hedonism
truly works out well for other people

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