Please explain why Americans/Europeans/Japanese are so fearful and annoyed about this happening?

Please explain why Americans/Europeans/Japanese are so fearful and annoyed about this happening?

They literally dindu nuffin to you.

Americans in particular keep saying they treat their own people too cruelly at the same time as calling them subhumans. The lack of self awareness is insane.

Attached: 1423279816501.jpg (1262x1200, 594K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love China!

Europeans domt care
Japanese are too old to fight
Amurika is scared that they only will be left with Latam since even Canada will become chinese territory

>Americans in particular keep saying they treat their own people too cruelly at the same time as calling them subhumans. The lack of self awareness is insane.
explain how these two things make sense

Fear of retaliation

Attached: _2.png (1271x845, 261K)

Does Japan deserve retaliation for what you did?

Attached: sata.jpg (599x389, 45K)

No, Japan paid them off using oda
European cunts still have some stolen stuff in their museums

I don't understand hate against chinese. Chinese never hurt other races