Is it normal to shave your cock in your cunt?
Is it normal to shave your cock in your cunt?
I don’t think so. I mean, that’s not really something you bring up with friends
>bros, do you guys shave your cocks? Just curious lol
>not helping your bros shave their crotch
The back of the gooch can be hard to shave
>shaving in your bed instead of bathroom
Trim it better than shave
I do talk about it with my friends
Normal to trim, not normal to completely shave.
>shaving anything other than your head or face
Really hope you guys don't do this.
>shaving anything ever
good goy
Depends on the person. Hard to calculate the number on this one. I dont, too much work and itchy.
You must have assburger friends. All my friends talk about this.
How would i know ? i don't go around asking people if they shave their private parts, also why is it any of your concern ? if you want to shave, shave, idiot....
I trim full bush is actually uncomfortable
Gave mine a trim a few days ago. Definitely shaved it too short but makes my willy look massive
hahaha pubic hair in mouth :-DDDDD
Damn dinosaurs look like this?
I actually shave everything but my hair, I love having a smooth body to touch when I sleep, also, it helps me feel the world a lot better (I love seaside)
i trim it because gf deepthroats and its better if she doesnt need to remove hair for me
Hey Jow Forums is it normal for women to shave in your country?
I've never fucked a woman who hasn't shaved, hence why I keep shaven myself. Its an unspoken expectation
Shaved or trimmed, yes.
The only time I've ever seen a bush was some retarded straight out of china international student
Man Asians are absolutely dogshit at sex
you also paint your nails and take dick you fopping fag?
I've never gotten the fetishisation of Asians
Sex feels so much better when you're both shaved you pathetic virgin
>dogshit at sex
this expression from anyone else would sail but ..
no it doesn't you mincing fag. women shave becasue they're women. go shove a dildo up your hairless ass you limey chicken fucking cum burble
I don't shave my ass you fucking cretin, only around my dick.
Though why all the homophobia, in the closet are we Boris?
how long has your continent been full of prancing la-las with their new age cum digger cuck words.
>arachnophobic are we?
>I don't shave my ass
prove it you flaming transexual cum slut
You instantly accuse me of being a homosexual for what is a relatively standard practice in Australia.
You seem to be a little obsessed with homosexuality there buddy, got some repressed thoughts? Its ok I won't tell the other Bulgarians
I’ll be asking a good lady to wax mine soon. Hihihi
Mate, you're projecting so fucking hard right now.
>accuse me of being a homosexual which is a standard practice in Australia.
I can tell
It's almost 2019, we're past eating ass and we're into getting pegged. Stay with the trends swety xx
I like trimming first then shaving it while taking a shower, the balls too.,they feel really smooth afterwards
No, my gf likes it hairy. She loves to get pubes stuck on her mouth when she sucks it.
Who has hair on their actual dick?
I keep my nether region groomed and trimmed cuz it feels nice and looks good. Manscaping isn't seen as abnormal nor is it a prerequisite where I am.
>Not going to the gym with your bros and changing in the locker room together
OP's pic prolly is about waxing
I do all my shaving in the shower cuz it washes the hairs away nice and easy. No mess.
I only shave my ass and legs, i trim the pubes
I shave my ass to avoid dingleberries. I prefer a clean ass desu.
Why would you shave your legs you fucking massive faggot
>I don't shave my ass you fucking cretin
I know it is considered gay. I don't do it, but is it not very unhygenic to have shit stuck to your ass hairs?
faggots everywhere in this thread
I do. I have hair in penis. Also I shave anus area
only ever had problems with this like 4 times
Get out narrow minded Trump
You didnt answer Abdul Idiota
Thats why you remove pubic from penis body. Pubic hair from oelvic area can be trimmed
U gay Maple Bro
I shave it every other day, apply coconut body lotion and use wet wipes after shitting.
Nice. I use products from The Body Shop
If you don't shave your ass you're a barbarian
My arse hair is like a fishing net after I shit, shaving makes clean up a lot easier
I bet you have a pristine butthole, user.
>wet wipes after shitting.
>eurocucks use wipes to wipe their ass
just use your left hand
Thats from India
Yes, very
Women expect it where I live, conversations like "dude where are you? -I needed a few extra mins, I was busy shaving my cock" are very common when friends are going out to clubs and stuff.
Though I think it's different down south with the m*doids for some reason.
Still, do you want your bed smelling like shit and with wax and hair deposits?
user you sound gay
Care to post your boi vagina for me
Yes because this is a hot hellhole and if you don't shave you get hot and uncomfortable down there.
My roommate and I shave each others asses. No homo ofc, well he is, for me it's purely the hygiene.