Latinas look like this?!

Latinas look like this?!

Attached: 1530482991514.jpg (1350x1800, 471K)


please give me latina gf

Attached: 1511472553624.jpg (800x546, 57K)

>Castizo futurism is ba-
oh wow

i dont know what a castizo is

>Saca selfies como una ramera
Tírale un balazo en la cabeza mejor.

light(er) skinned Mestizo

and what is a mestizo? do you mean % native/european?

half breed

Basically someone half white, half native.

Mestizo = 56%
Castizo = 88%

Attached: 640px-Casta_painting_all.jpg (640x902, 181K)

Nope all.

Attached: IMG-20181012-WA0010.jpg (720x1280, 70K)

>half white, half native
Isn't it with a specific mixture of European? Like Spaniard or Portuguese? The word is Spanish.

Her face reminds me of that Brittany Venti

Yes you're kinda right, though I don't think anyone today would distinguish between a man/woman of a native mother and a Spanish father from another person with a native mom, and let's say, French or German father.


Attached: IMG-20181015-WA0045.jpg (720x1280, 117K)

Too big, they make having sex with her more difficult. Her tits will reach her waist before 40, and she will have back problems

She should have breast reduction surgery

no she is perfect

Are you a virgin? You sure sound like one

My south american heritage has been more than bleached.

Attached: heh.jpg (677x871, 277K)

its not only her body, the light tan skin, brown eyes southern euro look, AND she has freckles

Female detected.

dumb flat r*Astie

Why are spaniards so fucking gay?

This is how her BF looks like tho

Attached: images (7).jpg (275x183, 10K)

At 15 too.
t. have to drive by a high school coming from work

probably has a nice booty, right?

if the girl in OP is castizo what is this girl?

Attached: 1536593654010.jpg (1080x1349, 163K)

Castizo is 75% or more European
Mestizo is anything under 75%

who wants to dp her with me?

If you say so

This is 11/10 in Mexico.

Attached: indig.jpg (2048x3072, 1.78M)

Ok but seriously how can i get a latina gf?

Attached: 1530549526777.jpg (1023x1023, 100K)

Looks Spanish

Go to Latin America.
Be handsome.
Don't be fat.

That girl is underage, you absolute nonce.

Does it bother you that your women go with other men?


Come here and show that you're a f*rstoid. Is that easy.

girl with make up

Most don't. Do you have anymore stupid questions?

Attached: Finnish BVLL2.jpg (1079x1090, 252K)

lol just be rich, white and tall

extra points if you know how to dance

just start waving your passport around

Mexican school photo, this is average.
Not all latinas look like that retards.

Attached: Arquitectura.jpg (960x720, 110K)

if I didn't know better I'd say they were americans


dem hips on nerdy girl, bet she has a nice braper

Same thing.

ok this girl then? is she mestizo?

Attached: 1525503519835.jpg (1080x1349, 86K)

She looks 100% photoshop

Ok, but this girl? she looks more native

Attached: 1533693639471.jpg (639x522, 29K)

a skeleton
now give me a Swedish GF

Attached: Swede2.jpg (578x960, 39K)

just go to miami if you want this phenotype

i'd prefer something like OP pic though

My boobs aren't thaat big though

I'm still waiting for my Swedish bitch.

Attached: swede.jpg (707x960, 188K)

show bob and vagene bitch

How do you look? You are pretty greedy bro


Die, you creep

Not good enough, let me dream

they are both ugly

why does cross-racial hotness seem to be different from intra-racial hotness? I see darkies salivating over average to below average white bitches all the time

Unless you're hideous, even being a f*rstoid will get you something here.

Add chinitos and that becomes Flips

there's a show on here about Portuguese immigrants around the world and there was one about a nerdy Portuguese dude who went to Peru and got a qt Peruan gf

pls be my gf

desu they look ok to me, not beautiful, but ok.
Post a picture of an attractive white girl, just as an example, so I know what is attractive according to white male standards.

That's a hapa

Attached: 1515271141286.jpg (602x900, 160K)

I went to a 98% chicanx school and we looked better than that

do you like like her facewise?

maybe beacause you are wealthier.
Yeah I have seen that image before she looks very attractive but the ones I posted are also ok.

>like like
Nigga you’re so excited you can’t even spell right

maybe he is a virgin, and he gets very nervous when talking to a girl

sorry i get textblind like it blurs together
i dont notice when i write

Fuck off chi

like I said miami

Attached: 1.png (497x499, 605K)

Midface too long

You look like agent smith but browner

Attached: Agente_Smith_Matrix3.gif (319x240, 53K)

She looks like she is 12


why does everyone there look like they are in their late 20s/early 30s???

lol our 12 years don't look like that. She looks like a british 15 year old if they weren't all fat cunts

post more qt latinas

Attached: CDEC17FF-40B9-4FAE-919E-EF68072872B1.jpg (620x926, 273K)

she's 22, perfect for pedofags

Attached: 1525580694854.jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

Attached: BD5345AC-D9DB-4F94-9049-7941760485B8.jpg (750x797, 106K)

Attached: 1533273527730.png (537x581, 538K)

It's a University.

Butterface latina

Attached: Screenshot_20180929-090618.png (1080x1920, 1.02M)

i don't know why i imagine this kind of girl arrogant as hell

and this kind of girl much more friendly and talkative


Attached: 1525596651189.jpg (640x640, 46K)