The most iconic Asian hat is of Vietnamese origins . How does that make you feel ?

The most iconic Asian hat is of Vietnamese origins . How does that make you feel ?

Attached: IMG_4316.jpg (275x183, 22K)

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*Blocks your path*

Attached: komuso-monk.jpg (336x640, 98K)

I'm happy you guys got a cultural impact on asia !
Wishing you all the best vietnam !

And it's used to mock people, how does that make you feel

>Being weird as fuck
Name a more iconic duo

*Blocks your path*

Attached: chewing megumin.gif (1280x720, 294K)

The most iconic Mexican hat is of Andalusian origins, and the poncho comes from Peru, who cares ...

Attached: A1sCbiBXl6L._SX355_.jpg (355x338, 27K)

Is that hat supposed to protect from rain?

Attached: BZ9QB2lCYAAhs3J.jpg (583x473, 19K)

It's to protect from sun