>stay in your country and fix it! stop looking for a better life elsewhere
Stay in your country and fix it! stop looking for a better life elsewhere
>live in shithole country
>make new country shithole
>If you hate America so much, why don't you just go back to Mexico?
unpatriotic swine. have some balls and attempt to work for your country or else abandon it completely behind and assimilate. dont take your shitty culture that ruined your country in the first place with you
You can stay and try to fix it tho. What's wrong with that line of thought?
>Leave shithole country
>Go to nice country and make shithole and expend zero effort to assimilate.
>old country is still a shithole
Yeah I cant understand why anyone would have a problem with this or find it incredibly stupid.
>yeah fix your country spic
>don't mind me, just installing puppet dictatorships and destabilizing fledgling new governments.
really says something about those countries that make them so unstable that an outside force can change their government on a whim.
>yeah its just a little assassination here and there. no big deal
>one chance at life
>don't try for a bettter life because of muh patriotism spook
Yeah, no. First chance I get I'm moving to a first world country. Why would I endure living in a subpar country for a vague notion of a collective well-being of 40 million of strangers who happened to be born in the same political entity as me?
>the USA never had their leaders assassinated
>JFK and Lincoln (and some other faggot) getting assassinated is the same as extrajudicial killings on behalf of a world superpower to destabilize and install puppet regimes for said superpower's benefit.
god you are utterly moronic. and it wasn't even just assassination in the case of Iran. You must be some retarded boomer if you are actually defending the US on this.
We had tried so many times user if you want to know more learn Mexico history
at the same time moving to a country you have no intention of adopting the customs of is a very cancerous thing to do
>the only assassinated presidents are lincoln and jfk
Stop posting retard
To Americans:
>Leave if you don't like things in your country
To non-Americans:
>Stay and fix things you don't like in your country
Well, which one is it?
>Leave if you don't like things in your country
We say this to immigrants who complain about their new country.
The point is that the US hasn't had any leaders deposed or killed by foreign powers to destabilize the country.
but you l*eafs say the same thing to immigrants and foreigners.
literally the kettle calling the pot black.
Take your bait over there, the assblasted replies are a lot better than those you get here.
first world countries are the way they are because people stayed in them and worked hard. I'm not saying we're perfect but we've definitely done pretty well in the last 90 years
Watching white nationalists get butthurt is hilarious.
>instead of going through the citizenship process like everyone else, i'll just walk right in. wtf why do people hate me
stop shitting up other countries by forcing your degenerative presence on them
>move to another country where i will never fit in because im a foreigner
>stay in my homeland where i will never fit in because i hate how things are
kek the irony of an irish flag saying this
Cursed quads
There are literally more Irish people outside Ireland than in it.
>first world countries are the way they are because people stayed in them
You're not Irish, Seamus from Boston.
McKinley was
Our government is not business friendly so only they have the power to change the country.
He was killed by an anarchist.