My ancesors > your ancestors

my ancesors > your ancestors

Attached: Aztec_Warriors_(Florentine_Codex).jpg (1850x1907, 1.2M)

Muuuuuuuuuuuuh ancestors

>nothing personell, hombre

Attached: 57359ED1-66F7-4415-9284-34280804769D.jpg (200x342, 35K)

He looks badass

Because its a painting

>i'm 100% sure i decend from this small group of people in my region.

If Germans can larp as ancient Aryans from Sumeria, Greece, India, ect, than any Mexican can claim to be Aztec/Mayan because the haplogroup from the region is similar to all natives from that area. It's only fair

Whats going on in this trhead?
Chi coslays Aztec?

Germans don't do that, though

My ancestors :)

Attached: 350px-Empire_of_Theodoric_the_Great_523.gif (350x320, 22K)