Post yummy treats from your cunt

Post yummy treats from your cunt

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Fuck those are tasty

That looks delicious, what is it?


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>gravel with chocolate sauce

At least it's not fries with brown gravy but I bet those white thing are cheese curds nonetheless

>brown gravy

That's not what poutine gravy is you dumb fuck

Have you never seen mini marshmellows before you retard?


Feels weird that they sell this while it is still 21°C outside. Crazy summer

It is the same with pepernoten here, the stores already had them during august. I refuse to buy them when it still is warm enough to eat ice cream, it just feels weird.

doughnut dough in a different shape

I have one of those every time I'm in town

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Sand ice-cream?

Lol no and what they do is worse than you can imagine.

>The birds are caught with nets set during their autumn migratory flight to Africa. They are then kept in covered cages or boxes. The birds react to the dark cage by gorging themselves on grain, usually millet seed, until they double their bulk. Roman Emperors stabbed out ortolans’ eyes in order to make the birds think it was night, making them eat even more. The birds are then thrown into a container of Armagnac, which both drowns and marinates the birds.[6]

*The bird is roasted for eight minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, or without the head and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird.

Yes it is
Well, I haven't seen them being served with pebbles :D


I can't imagine a whole bird tasting that great

bird poop is a delicacy, you must be poor or something unlike me who enjoys delicacies *scoffs at poorfag*

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