So stop the FUDing and shilling right now and tell me if this is a scam or not
So stop the FUDing and shilling right now and tell me if this is a scam or not
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DYOR nab
skycoin is but skyhours are not
Motherfucker I did. Constant shilling, a lot of posts banned for really stupid reasons, general attitude of the developers and still it looks promising tech-wise.
If anything this is the only crypto that isn't inherently a scam. They actually have a Blockchain, a real use case that is maiorly needed, active developers, etc. Compare that to the majority of these erc20 tokens with millions of dollars or valuation who have no software and are just a marketing team selling bullshit.
I can't guarantee skycoin will succeed with all of their lofty goals, but even if they accomplished 10% it's going to be huge. I'm mostly interested in the decentralized internet which after the net neutrality fiasco is pretty obviously needed.
>even if they accomplished 10% it's going to be huge
As long as it's the skywire part, it can be 1% and I'd still be happy
Obvious scam desu faggotlad
seriously watch some interviews of Synth on youtube you'll be blown away by how well thought out this project is
This. If this is a scam, you may as well call everything else in crypto so. What have Litecoin, Ethereum achived for example, technically, after their 5+ years of development. They don't even care to have an official block explorer site.
Skycoin is a huge project with many different components. Something like this takes many years to build, so you should be happy right now that everyone is calling it a scam, while you do your DD and realize it's the most valuable one in crypto. Accumulate time it will be.
i watched a few of them. Thats exactly whats bothering me. Everyone is screaming scam left and right yet the tech behind it is really thought out. The part of banning posts for asking about the tech is really fucking stupid and has been occuring more than once now. ANd honestly the first things you read about the coin is wether it is a scam or not which obviously isnt good for normies to hop in on that community
It is not a scam but it is not a quick moon mission either. It is a top 10 coin for the long run that's for sure.
remember eos? they screamed scam the whole way from 50 cents to 23 dollars.
same thing happening here.
i think it will be quick cause of the net neutrality ruling on june 11
In this UN talk video he mentions Obelisk (Skycoins concensus algorithm) and SkyLedger (Skycoins platform)
Do you think the UN just goes on and choses one of the blockchain on random or do you think he did research? Anyway, you dont scam the United Nations without getting in serious trouble
Man I really, REALLY hope skycoin doesn't get picked up by the UN. This isn't about making money, it's about creating a new, free internet
Synth should talk to Elon Musk and make something happen with the SpaceX LEO satellite internet thing
To clarify, it's not like "I hate money", just the UN beaurocracy and the NWO it represents
skytards like you are the reason it looks like a massive scam you stupid dicksucker
a insane literal who financial equality professor babbling on a small conference is not the same as
>the un choses something
fucking dicksucker
>working with goverments
i'm sure governments are thrilled to work with a plattform who will be mainly used by druggys and kiddyfiddlers and terrorists
I'm not the person to risk it all, but I am considering going all-in on Skycoin.. I've been holding for months now trough all the FUD and I still can't believe these bargain prices I'm seeing.
I'm pretty confident that it will hit atleast 20B marketcap in 1-2 years which is like a 100x.. which would make like 700k if I all in. Sounds pretty decent..
God damnit it would be really nice for a change if all that constant shilling wouldnt be done on Jow Forums
Ofcourse its done on Jow Forums its full of moonboys here that want a quick PnD, but they ain't getting one with SKY, so they keep tryharding.
were not trying for a quick pnd with sky, we understand it's long term potential.
>did a 2500X in under 6 months due to manipulation on craptopia and synths c2cx
was a longer pnd, i give you that
real price discovery now will result in 3-5 dollars in the next weeks
So basically it's the new raiblocks
>Thinking government doesn't want us enslaved by skycoin and synth ain't some time travelling AI playing out the end game.
Must be tough
Don’t buy til the price stabilises desu lads.
Go through the telegram and search through Synth's messages or ask him questions yourself. He's very active in there and there's a lot of good info in there.
This Synth is at least active within the community
yeah exactly what i want
"leaddev" (lol) giving price predictions for 12 hours a day
the other 12 hours are filled with conspiracymemeshit
i wonder if the constant outcalling of other projects as scams is his form of coping
1 dev being acoustic doesn't really mean much when there are 150+ devs working on skycoin/skyfiber/skyledger, and Synth is still a very clever person even though he is a bit weird compared to other devs. at least he is honest, straight forward and open and is doing his best to further the project and to make everyone understand it
Skycoin overvalued meanwhile every other project is inferior to skycoin even as it is right now but skycoin is overvalued? Ok lol
yeah the 150 devs he constantly claims work on dozens of projects
yet the only people you ever saw were him behind his webcam and the crackhead marketing guy
you are clearly not a clever person
skycoin superior because the lonely schizo in tg tells it all day to his cult
makes sense
Lol you retard, look at skycoins GitHub, one of the most active in the cryptosphere and look the other different projects that are being developed on SkyLedger and you'll see that there are a ton of devs
Also tell me one project that does something better than skycoin?
Skycoin has no fees and 2 second transactions, a better concensus algorithm that has fixed all the problems that pow, pow and so on has
>pow, pow
Pow, pos