Donald Trump Thread

Why do Americans I know all hate him? I dunno the actual reason.

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you must have the luxury of conversing only with high-IQ Americans, the average flyover mongrel loves him almost as much as they love israel

coincidence I suppose, people like and dislike him fairly evenly, with varying degrees of intensity

found the 89iq or proxyfag

I haven't met an american here who doesn't think he is a buffoon. The smart ones get a good education, are smart with their careers and get out.

Because hes a pussy grabbing, egomaniac, who spews b.s., and is destroying the U.S. ... well that's what they'll tell you but the reality is he says mean things that hurt their feelings and they see Nazis everywhere because that's a good story the other side can sell.


Ahh the old, “Drumpf voters are all dumb and poor” NPC line. It’s like I’m really witnessing a conversation from a Bethesda game.

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t. enlightened urbanite

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here comes the TIDF

you think an undergraduate degree makes you smart? The people I work with and talk to have MBA's or Masters minimum. Most are doctors in their field.

If you think because a white man with a BSc in Eng is intelligent I have something to see you lol.

Also, by the way, your meme image (unsourced) shows democrats earn more vote share than republicans above 200k. So you are double retarded. Trumptard.

>Regurgitate a fictional leftist talking point
>Call somebody a shill when they rebuke it

It’s all so tiring

Yes, the 100k-199k bracket is practically living in squalor.

Trump solidly won the bulk of the middle class and upper middle class. Hillary won the poor and very elite incomes. Were each of those voting blocs their own country, one would confidently be a much healthier society than the other.

Imagine if someone brought the level of debate in your country down to Jow Forums tier shit, and then systematically set up a dictatorship while brainwashing 1/3 of the adults.

However I’m not worried. After Dems control the House they’ll control 21 subpoena-wielding subcomittees and Michael Cohen is greatly assisting New York authorities in their investigations. Also,

>"[Manafort] and his lawyers have visited Mueller's office in Washington at least nine times in the last four weeks, a strong indication that the special counsel is moving at a steady clip."

I never got the poltard agenda against cities. Are you that uninformed?
Trump is an urban developer.

You should also mention that Trump’s support in the primaries (when republicans had other options) was all the poorest and most uneducated of republicans.

Keep in mind
1) Trump lost the popular vote, and he doesn’t have the Midwest support he NEEDS to get re-elected
2) He only ever won because the FBI director intentionally reopened an investigation into Clinton a few weeks before the election. And even then he lost the popular vote. It’s not realistic to assume he’ll last his entire first term.

that's the general electorate. Trump primary voters were in fact uneducated.

He says lots of asinine things. I don't know if you have talk radio in ROK but everything Trump says makes much more sense if you imagine it being prefaced by "Donald from Queens you are on the air"

it was a little more than that, you took the attitude that if you aren't permanently buttblasted about trump then you're incredibly stupid and not enlightened by your own intelligence as you plainly are.

in effect, you're a pox on mankind

Because the urban areas where 80% of Americans live is not the real America. The real America is where the 20% live.

Enjoy your caravan and saudi assasins

It's just assravaged leftist hipsters on the West Coast.

He's an idiot and a conman. Anyone who lived around the northeast and read the newspaper 10-20 years ago knew he was a shitty business man and a fraudulent douchebag. Flyoverniggers don't know any better and think the fucking Apprentice is a realistic representation of the kinda guy he is.

Did you know that Obama carried the high school dropout vote in both of his elections?

Snagged this gem from Jow Forums a little while ago.

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>Trump lost the popular vote

You do know that the Democrats in 16 were utterly ravaged at the national and state/local levels. They got cut down to their weakest strength since the 1920s.

>everything Trump says makes much more sense if you imagine it being prefaced by "Donald from Queens you are on the air"
I have never seen it put better lol

This cartoon is still highly relevant.

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lol america is so stupid, city vs country is some retarded braindead rhetoric.

I'm 37 from CT and live in NYC. I know all about him. I'm just saying the valid points arent why the ding-dongs on the left protest him while being blind to shit Bill Clinton did and Hillary has said. They think hes going to usher in fascist America and they wont have any rights and then he'll blow up the world. Both sides are predominantly made up of morons.

I love how all the radical feminists sat in silence at all the women that Bill Clinton forced himself on.

At some point along the way, the Democrat Party stopped being the party of the working man.

Ow I agree, I'm 20 and also from CT. All those pamperd upper middle class faggots just eat up CNN and it disgusts me, but when I'm talking with my Union buddies at Stop n Shop we all know it's just the next step in the billionaire take over of the country.

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His voter base was heavily concentrated in white suburban America which leftists have always had a scathing contempt for.

it's the party of the gibs and FOBs

Yep, many of those people went on to vote for Trump.

Make up your mind and take a side if you're going to samefag argue with yourself.

I hear they all voted for Bernie Sanders, but IDK.

Why do cunts think that welfare is even marginally a fraction of what our taxes goes towards?
It's a social safety net that hands out barely anything, much less enough to live off of.

I optimized your picture for you. This saves precious kilobytes of bandwidth.

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I'm college educated and I voted for him, bitch nigga


Entitlement programs account for as much as 30% of total US GDP.

>pick a side demagogic socialist (R-NY) or demagogic socialist (D-Chicago)

Hillary only appealed to three demographics: People who work for the government, illegal immigrants, and the Castro Street crowd.

>Entitlement programs account for as much as 30% of total US GDP.
Those are in pensions, social security, veteran checks, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.
Not welfare as in food stamps and unemployment checks as most people think of it.

And white people make up 52% of those entitlements

Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid are all welfare programs

nice semantics
reread the second line that isn't greentext

As we get closer to election day, the paid DNC bots are working in overdrive.

I would be fine with the republicans social platforms if they supported a Social Democratic approach to economy but that will NEVER happen.

Trump doesn't have a platform. He is winging it all and his motivation is somewhere else ... enriching his family, satisfying his personal desires for attention and petulant power.

They're just really loud and a tiny minority and try to bully people into screaming about him too. Most people, even the ones who don't like him, are not these crazies you see on the internet(and here on Jow Forums, I'm sure this post will attract exactly the types I called out).

If you look at the Democrat "platform" for the midterms, it's mostly just about impeaching Trump and any judge he's appointed and ripping the hinges off the border and allowing unlimited massive illegal immigration. There isn't anything in there that would appeal to normal, working people.

I don’t know why economies of agglomeration trigger Poltards so much, but they really should get a basic education if they’re going to keep talking about it.

And in fact there are a LOT of very right wing urban developers, economists and urbanists. Check out market urbanism, I love that site.

And if any poltards want to start reading, Triumph of the City by Ed Glaeser is a right wing city book.
Urban Economics and Real Estate is a good book that helps you understand urban economic theory and how it relates to financial advantages.

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Only in America are cities seen as communist.
It never occurs to poltards that they have inherent advantages and offer a wider range of opportunity than sparsely-populated places.
The problem isn’t cities or rural people, the problem is suburban sprawl.

Even in a place like NYC, psycho leftists are a relative minority in a traditionally blue collar, union city.

>If you look at the Democrats, all they wanna do is impeach Trump and open the borders

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Actually Republicans yak about impeachment a dozen times more than any democrat. Don’t lie.

>The problem isn’t cities or rural people, the problem is suburban sprawl.

As covered here.

That's because you guys are literal twitter redditors

Anyone who understands resource scarcity has a big problem with suburban America.
Like I said, do some basic research.

Take a look at a city like Portland where ANTIFA mobs roam the street uncontrolled and attack anyone they don't like. This is the Democrat Party of 2018.


Is there any way for Trump to avoid prosecution from the New York authorities? If they have 2.4 million documents showing his entire history of corruption what can he do?

What compels people to make up shit like this just to spew anonymously on an image board?

unironically only the privileged elite, redditors that only read headlines, and minorities dislike him. Mans doing a fine job

>muh sekrit klub, akshually yu guys r twitterreditors!!1!
It’s literally funny you autist

It’s been 2 years and I genuinely don’t understand what motivates Trump supporters.
I hate SJWs too but I can tell they have some form of reasoning/ethics even if it’s not very good. With poltards they just say “Trump did it? Ok that’s what I believe in!” and “Democrats did it?! That’s what I’m against!”

go back

Of all the lies from the Trump administration, I’d have to say “trump’s economy” is the biggest.
Wages have not improved for the average American, prices are going up because of his trade war, which will also cost a lot of his supporters their jobs, and there was no responsibility or foresight in his budget.

you have to go back

You mean his father's money thing? I think the criminal responsibility has expired because statute of limitations, so what's left is civilian cases for fines and taxes as tax liability doesn't expire.

Trump is a retard and a national embarrassment

>and minorities dislike him
Not all of them and I'm not talking about Kanye.

>Jow Forums
>reading literally anything

You do realize what the process of impeachment entails, right? By every projection, the Republicans should maintain control of the senate after the midterms, and while the percentage of people who are absolutely loyal to Trump is “only” 1/3rd, a solid half of people in the US are still firmly unconvinced there is any grounds for an impeachment.

Imagine calling other people stupid while hinging on a strategy that is pure speculation and wishful thinking. The situation that led to Nixon’s resigning was: Feds having actual tapes of Nixon admitting to foulplay, opposition party controling both the Senate and House, and his approval rating was 24%.

You can’t just politically hamfist an impeachment without also coalescing strong popular support or else you risk destroying the very political civility of the US Republic. Even if it’s proven that Trump in some way colluded with Russia, Democrats will still have to answer the question, “Okay, why should I care?” There are plenty of whataboutisms to throw around of government officials coordinating with journalists and foreign entities during campaigns. There is refuge in the argument for Trump that he colluded with Russian officials out of mutual alignment in political beliefs, not out of blackmail or bribery, and has always had the best interests of Americans in mind.

Parading yourself around as an intellectual while talking about a full impeachment of the president as a probable concluion is laughable.

Why are Reich Winger redneck trash so obsessed with recreating a 19th century smokestack economy and lynching POCs instead of creating 21st century jobs and a society where people of all races, sexual orientations, and stuff live in harmony?

when voting falls more along racial differences than economic differences your country is pretty fucked up

I legit cant tell if this is satire or not.

remove the so called liberal shitholes of new york and california and watch what happens to america's economy, those flyovers talk shit but their usefulness has been shipped off to asia and they are now nothing more than parasites

>Live in NYC
>Everyone hates him
>puts up these little ornaments of his face on the street that say "please pee on me" or some shit

What a shame

I'm unsure. I like some of his policies, but not others. If he wasn't such a moronic child I'd be more likely to vote for him

Which is below their total percentage of the US population, so what’s your point exactly?

He's based and highly redpilled, can any of you fags claim to have a leader who consistently owns the libs as much as this guy does?

the only people that benefit from his policies are unsurprisingly the rich because of easing taxes, the retarded flyovers who voted for him can keep dreaming that hes gonna bring back american steel industry from china

Holy shit either your completely retarded or this is some majorly low tier bait. Back to plebbit with you Akmed.

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>Immigration: I like that he's tough on it, but separating families is cruel and idiotic

>Guns: Don't care. Just don't arm teachers, give more money to states to pay for real security measures like CT did after Sandy Hook.

>Military: Don't care. Nobody on any side will do much to their funding.

>China: Guess it's good that someone is finally standing up to their theft of corporate secrets and tech. Not sure how it will turn out.

>Healthcare: Clearly had no plan going in, overestimated himself, accomplished nothing.

>Abortion: I'm pro choice so I oppose him on that

His character ruins a lot of it though. He has turned his followers into paranoid, rabid people

Are you fucking serious with this post? At all? Jesus fucking Christ.

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dont forget that hes pushing to require drug makers to include the price of their drugs in their ads to wide bipartisand approval. Thats more than obama ever did for transparency when it comes to healthcare pricing

That is something I forgot, and I support him on. He's also trying to bring more generic drug competition onto the market to lower pricing, which is based and affordablepilled

Killing all whites would reduce welfare spending by 50%

hes had 2 years. most of america is still living paycheck to paycheck and dow is higher than ever but thats to be expected since stock markets get bigger with time

Killing faggots like you would make the world a better place.

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That's absolutely retarded.
Most people don't pay anything close to sticker price for drugs.

t. buttmad trumpanzee

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>paycheck to paycheck
Using shitty, meaningless buzzslogans doesn't make what you say correct. It's also not my damn job to pay people and subsidize their mistakes. If my neighbor shoots himself in the foot why the absolute fuck should I pay for it?

>german flag
slap yourself

The hairy man in that picture is a jew.