Why is so good?

Why is so good?

Attached: 1_xwdwyVpzM0AcNCK6N9dc1A.png (366x366, 32K)

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Nice shill

quality shitpost
welcome to /biz

Attached: cool pepe.jpg (600x600, 119K)

Hodling 300, pretty much set for life. Quitting my job the moment this goes 1000 EOY.

300K is enough for you? Shit, now i want to live in india too

Living in Russia has its perks

kek, more like Pakistan

matter of time before this explodes

think about it, eth is going PoS and this has the potential to become the de facto trading token on ETH


India is unironically a shit hole, it reeks

ETH is the de facto trading utility on ETH, retard.

no u dummy eth will be the lifeblood of the network focused on dapps you dummy, 0xbtc will be the trading currency

Smart move. Let's use a separate token instead of ETH itself. Retards, man.

Your newfaggotry is showing, ETH was never designed to be a currency

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 37K)

So what makes you think that creating a new token on top of Ethereum will make that token better qualified to be a currency. Come the fuck on.

it will cause tokens are more flexible than eth especially when it comes to dapps, do your homework before making a fool of yourself man, you literally dont know shit

>Coping this hard.

fucking dumbass. i understand you missed the chance to buy below a dollar but dont resort to these tactics, man

DELETE THIS I STILL HAVEN'T ah nevermind it's mainstream anyway


Holy fuck people can't honestly be buying the erc20 btc because ethereum scales up the network?, you could literally buy any fucking erc20 token.

lol this

you mine this shit dude

Yehh i get that, but there's literally nothing interesting about this, its just a mineable shitcoin with theorised value because it can be sent from person to person?, I could think of literally 200 other projects i'd rather fill bags with.

i mean if having the first minable token ever with the most fair distribution means nothing to you, i guess you can go full your bags with more link or any other shitty ico you like

Don't buy it then, nobody is forcing you to

Filling my bags with HPB so I can get the high powered node and make $15,000 Per year staking it while my bags never stop going up in value.
Screencap this.

lol kys faggot


You'll be killing yourself next month when you can't afford a HPB node because you're holding worthless erc20 tokens that are gonna be dumped hard by the people that mined it from day 1.
You think institutional money is going to be accumulating a community coin?..


Just screencapped it myself, i'll be enjoying your wojaks when i post it at the end of next month, before i dump my HPB bags on you.

How can you dump your bags on us if we're not buying it from you? retard

Keep yourself telling that, nobody gonna buy chink scam coins

You'll see, its unironically the next antshares, be a good goy and buy ur 0xbitcoin sirs.

Yes sirs buy HPB very good project!
> What is the China Hustle

No no! But this is the next antshares!

Do you have any idea of the scale behind the technology they are creating?, Literally going to be running the future IOT cities in China and I will have a node in it. Keep buying your Oxbitcoin though i'm sure it'll have great use transferring rajeet the money you owe him.
You probably couldn't even afford a node at HPB's current MktCp anyway.

need. Meanwhile 0xBitcoin will become the premier and prefered Currency for Gamers in the World.

terrible shilling
get lost


You'd have to be dense to not see the scale of this project or accumulating, Idk theres no hope for some people in making it
>Turned $1k into $100k in a scale of 3months over january bull run
>Still have $50k split between RLC/HPB/Link
I'll be enjoying my beach house while you can keep ur Oxbags

the fuck? shouldn't this be based on eth classic and not eth since eth is phasing out pow?

That's why it's gonna be huge.
All that hashrate is gonna go towards other coins, you'll be able to mine 0xBTC when ETH goes PoW.

>when ETH goes PoW
you mean PoS?


are you sure that's how it works? dont tokens need to keep the same properties as their mother platform?

Yes, mining 0xBTC is just a way to distribute the tokens, it doesn't influence the actual ETH network.

the dapps currently on eth will be transferred over to the new fork

Very good coin sir. My friend rashid just bought 100k.

what excahnges have this? most normie friendly pls, preferrably where i can just leave i on exchange to just sell when it moons

Attached: 0xBitcoin 50usd.jpg (800x600, 149K)


I can have it ther and just leave it then sell for btc in a future time?

How long to get one with a laptop from mining?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (495x362, 19K)


This is coin is going to be topcoin this year

Attached: i-5-14313_mgmt-wp3.jpg (1440x900, 158K)

which is safest to leave my funds on?

why would you leave your funds on you scrub. tokens are easy to transfer
