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With Poland, you'll always lose.

only got dust on there now pulled it all out a week ago knew this kyc shit was coming. embrace the dex

twitter is not so happy

Attached: frozen.png (733x725, 77K)



Just verify ID brainlet to get it out



Time to brush up that CV user :)

Attached: Dd2TTelU8AAtCee.jpg (402x610, 33K)

It's not working properly. It just asks me to upload the photos again and again.

?? They still online


Sorry for your loss user

But everything still there


Attached: 1515564724585.jpg (641x530, 46K)

and this used to be the leading exchange two years ago

Could this happen with Binance?

>We appreciate your cooperation in this process.
>We appreciate your cooperation in this process.
>We appreciate your cooperation in this process. >You will not have the ability to use your Poloniex account until your profile verification is complete
>You’ll have 14 days from the date this email was sent to verify your account information.

forgot to add, cant you just id yourself, withdraw your shit and then delete your account?

After they verify you the balances are still frozen so you couldn't withdraw. I guess they did it so people wont instantly withdraw everything out of anger, but later they will say it was some technical mistake.

wew glad i only have a few hundred bucks on there
completely missed the ownership swap aswell
guess ill wait and see what happens

It's only a matter of time user. Expect the KYC announcement once they finalize fiat pairs. AML is a bitch.

this is bullshit. fundus are not safu

>hear the news about new fees on May 15
>login after a long time
>"all right, still can withdraw with a limit"
>forget about again
and now this
So, the Legacy accounts are also fucked?

goldman sachs bought it two months ago. you should have been scrambling at that moment to gtfo ASAP if there is some reason you cant verify

kek, based pajeets

Attached: dfsgdfgfdgfd.png (638x1326, 489K)

sucks for binance then. any exchange that does this is relegated to second tier at best. with DEXs nobody will even use centralized exchanges soon. fuck FATCAT/AML faggotry

I'll just leave this here

Attached: bitmainpolo.png (642x479, 23K)

Saw this coming months ago and removed all funds slowly over the next few weeks.

Only had like 1 btc on there. Sad to see what used to be a good exchange go to shit. It used to be a great place to trade when they still had the trollbox.

Can't we gas the jews who forced KYC laws on the entire world?

stupid FUD.
been using polo for more than a year now and I never had any issue despite the lag on 1st big alt boom in march-may as was the only exchange trading shitcoins with decent volume back then.

Poloniex is safe. they can be slow to resolve tickets or updating wallets. Syscoin wallet is updated four weeks ago on other exchanges, still not on polo for example.

are you verified?

It's not FUD you idiot. Unverified accounts are literally frozen right now, with no option to withdraw. Same for some verified accounts.

yes, I verified my acc right after the registration and got approved really fast. This was on Fev 2017

that's basically what crypto is all about, in a metaphorical sense. no actual gas required.

nope, just did 1 withdraw to make sure and guess what it's still flawless as 1 year ago.
you with your tiny little penis don't have verified accs because you play with pocket money that's why.
stop investing with your launch money pajeets

>SOME verified accounts
hurr durr
congrats on getting in crypto early with your tendie bucks, now try to buy yourself an education to improve on that gradeschool tier reading comprehension

why the fuck are you talking about "FUD" then, if unverified accounts are frozen?

>2017 early
I think you are the one that needs some reading lessons
or you could always just be a lazy pajeet that only open his eyes when the consequences for being a lazy fuck hits you in the head

>Withdrawals will remain enabled at the daily withdrawal limits prior to the deadline.
bet your retarded ass reads that as "prior to the deadline, withdrawals will remain enabled at the daily withdrawal limits"
again: go back to school. you literally need it

Attached: fvcxbfdgfdgd.png (538x743, 120K)

wtf are you on? I understood it correctly, that's why I'm not crying that my acc is frozen like all sad ppl here.
They launched the ann on dec 27 so you had until now to verify your acc or you could just withdraw the funds if you didn't want to wash your face for the 1st time in a week just to take 1 pic.
You did nothing and now you are crying because you acc is frozen.
probably, polo must be overloaded with a lot of legacy verification requests now because the pajeets cant read and follow simple instructions.

hahaha pajeet portrait
>has 5 months prior notice to resolve his shit
>try resolve it in the last 2 days

explain what don't you understand in this sentence, retard

>understood it correctly
>verified my account on feb 2017
you can't even keep your story straight
starting to wonder if you're a genuine retard or if this is poloniex' idea of damage control
stop wanking on Jow Forums and start fixing your shit, mike

also, these faggots have updated their terms of use on May 10, don't really remember seeing notification about it

Apparently. My legacy account I can't do anything with. Well, guess this 100 FCT will set there forever. Fuck it.

srly seek help dude.
the deadline was due on q1 2018. we past the deadline long time ago.

>>verified my account on feb 2017
yes, I'm verified since fev 2017 what didn't your little brain get?

>The exact date for this deadline will be announced in Q1 2018
how can we be past the deadline, if it was never announced?

Q1: 1 January – 31 March
I'm almost positive they announced on the Notices feed but you can't check the history on that.

And probably the deadline they mentioned on Q1 was today. I mentioned that the deadline was on Q1 but I was wrong, Q1 they announced it.

You still have 14 days to send your verification files.




Attached: download (1).jpg (222x227, 10K)

Poloniex was hardly worth using before this bullshit. Fuck polo and their shit tier $2000 daily withdrawal limit

wtf y r u so racist
u votted for trump didnt u ?

this user has the smart idea

This is Bittrex all over again, luckily I sent a photocopy of my passport through their portal and got verified in a few minutes.

I'm glad I've already done the KYC on Binance and Bittrex

rekt...besides my account being locked I am being requested to provide proof of origin of my XMR deposits. Glad I only have 200$ left on there...

Verify me you crazy kids.

>how fuck am i

Attached: hehehe.png (1159x917, 74K)

Your funds are safe... right here, in our pockets.

Attached: tristan.png (309x221, 16K)

Please tell me that is not your entire portfolio on a single exchange...

>judging by shitcoin to btc ratio it probably is

Attached: 1467993102866.jpg (452x254, 27K)

what the fuck

neg, it is not even the largest part of my portfolio.

But yes, I don't use wallets at all and keep all coins across a bumblefuck of exchanges so I deserve this I would think.


He doesn't look like a pajeet or anything of the sort, I feel at ease. ty~

Same here rofl but I have over 50k there, can't believe it's just gone like that


Why not try to make some fake proof? You got nothing to lose.


Yes. It can happen on any exchange that is centralized. Especially with all the big players soon. No fucking way they will let some exchanges play by the rules and not others.

just verified and it says im good but still cant withdraw. how long does it usually take?

> Uses verified exchanges
> Doesn't understand the long dick of the law will eventually catchup with him.

Enjoy Jamaal's dick in prison.

how long did it take u to verify? Also did you take a picture with timestamp saying poloniex or nah?

like 5 mins after i sent my dox the page asking for my name etc went away but it still says my account is frozen. no i just sent one with no timestamp

hmm, i'm on an hour with no verification. Did you get an email saying it was processing or that u were verified?

yea i got an email that said it was verified but not one that said it was being processed

>be me
>Verified account with 200k withdrawal limit

Anyone want to buy my account?

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uploaded a new set of pics and it at least says pending now, thats a step in the right direction at least.

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