Dump HOT for FT

What yall thinking, HOT is gonna drop a little then go sideways while FT trends upwards?

Attached: sDH50Cn.gif (220x242, 2.78M)

Ft is a pajeet shit coin

Whats this gif from OP? Its creepy.

No idea I love it tho

I dont think it is just going with my gut and mediocre research

It's Prometheus isn't it?

mark zuckerberg without makeup

I'm DEEP in FT currently, you will not find a more likely 10x than this. Or call it a 5x, shit.

4x and we're still only 10mil cap, what a joke.

FT is the next 10x

its the real patriarch of the rothschild family

10x short term or long term


You'll miss the next HOT pump.

lol, pump to 500M market cap on IDEX? That's what, 3x? And super unlikely. HOT is done. FT can go to 10M easily. Don't marry your coins.

Agreed. This is the next end all 10x

HOT isn't "done" but yea it will grow slowly this year.

Fabric is unronically 10x in the next month. The wojacks of regret will be most striking.

behind the scenes from Prometheus

HOT is good for mid-term, but there's a lot of hype surrounding FT right now after the SML Capital rumors. I'd say FT will do better short-term

HOT is in accumulation mode with whales taking small take downs. This is a billion marketcap easily.

for sure. i just am going with the thought that it'll stay around the price it is now for a few weeks while other tokens like ft will increase more thats it. i'll put my earnings back to hot for sure

FT is the definition of gem, At 2.5m mc its a no brainer. Even 10m will be a nice ROI.


also FT is probably a good place to put profits because it's obviously the next moon mission