Why is he relevant Jow Forums?

Why is he relevant Jow Forums?

Attached: pMvLOBo.png (810x337, 129K)

Unironically because he's a loud mouthed asshole with a history straight out of a Hollywood movie and because he says so.

He's not. The fact that he's taken seriously in crypto is a strong market indicator.You should be worried.

>beliving he only has 4 million

wtf, i thought he was a billionaire.

fuck this guy

>On August 19, 2010, Intel announced that it would purchase McAfee for $48 a share in a deal valued at $7.68 billion.[
Are you legitimately retarded?

Because a man who spent a significant amount of time meditating on virality, had a fake and documentary made about him, with the intention of injecting him in to peoples minds, and into the mainstream. He did this for economic gain, political gain - and probably to prove a point.

Attached: considerit.png (212x79, 21K)

He was much richer before, maybe $100 M . Unironically, he lost all his money on bad investment

Brainlets think he spent it all on coke.

Attached: Brainlet.jpg (645x729, 26K)

lol, this

his networth is 4 million in fiat. How much of your holdings are in fiat?

>Why is he relevant Jow Forums?
Because he bet 1 BTC would be worth $1million by 2020 or he'd eat his own genitals and were all entertaining ourselves thinking of new recepies for BBQ scrotum and pudding with semen topping to give him.

Networth websites are shit. Most celebrities have far less money than those trash websites keep telling us.

what does he mean with eating his own dick? literally eating it or autoblow?

reminder he had his white neighbor murdered

the fucker poisoned his dags, mate
ya dont like dags?

>Mcafee sold like 15 years before and made $100m and ended up broke selling his shit in auctions then ended up in a third world shithole

I don't

He shots from the hip
That price could be right under certain conditions
He was in crypto way before most anyone.
I hope he right
1 million a coin

>He was in crypto way before most anyone.


Most anyone still isn't in crypto so I guess that one is true

If you don't feel sympathy for John you are dead inside. How many 70 yo do you know and listen to in tech?

Money not reported for tribute to Israel is not counted. Most of his holdings are overseas, with the rest of the dead prostitutes.

and the smart ones keep it all locked aaway in trusts
Why the fuck would you keep your 8 figure wealth tagged to you? youd just be a gigantic fucking kidnapping target.

The ultra rich have it all in trusts companies with multiple layers of each. Many wouldnt even know their total net worth at any given time due to this structuring.