Is living in Europe like living in an Open Air Museum?

Is living in Europe like living in an Open Air Museum?

Attached: ils5.jpg (1055x704, 434K)

No. It's not a museum if you live in it.

>euros live among reminders of the superiority of traditional Christian society
>choose gay open-borders liberalism instead
what retards

Just like living in am*rica is like living in an Open Air Dump

>those libburrall reeeeeetards
off to with you

I've lived in the UK

There's really comfy medieval quarters like this, then you'll get out into the country and there's suburbs and strips malls just like in America.

>suburbs and strip malls
really hate brits with their semen slurping attitude towards yanks
should just make nice blocks like every other country

It's really amusing to see the likes of Jeremy Clarkson act superior towards America, then get into the suburbs in the UK and see a strip mall with a KFC, McDonalds, Verion Store, Nandos, and Autozone. Such high culture.

Seeing European beauty stained by self-hating govts and brown hoards. Do you want to see places like OP's pic graffiti-ed or banned?
Truth hurts doesn't it, Hans.

I am just saying they should have nice commieblocks
we are still superior to you in every measure you disgusting creole

tourist spots or city central or some comfy rural towns are, maybe
but it seems that suburb is same everywhere you go
I would believe this pic related is Japan if someone says this is japan

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>duh buildins look pretty so iss superiur
>duh lubruls wann ban duh pretty buildins >:(
imagine being american

Whiter than you, Ibrahim Muhammed-al Taziri

what the fuck are we meant to have? when im driving home from work i dont want a 14th century church i want a fucking kfc and an oil change. the difference is we have historic parts to visit when we want all youj have it shit

i'd believe it's 100% Japan if telegraph poles lined up on the street in the pic

funny cause dad is algerian :)

>National parks desu. The grandeur of North America is in its nature.

Attached: rockymounyain.jpg (1200x801, 1.25M)

yeah but your mum sucked my cock as soon as she heard my accent

And your mum gave birth to an autist

Not all of Europe is a historic beautiful city. Most cities are just boring and very dull.

sorry, we don't all live in your mum

>get out into the country and there's suburbs and strips malls just like in America
no there isn't

we don't have either of those things

i'd do your mom but i don't wanna catch a yeasts infection

Nobody is banning old buildings idiot not even the commies want to.

Don't lie, yes there is in the suburbs

first off, we don't even have suburbs
secondly we only have shopping centres not strip malls


If you live in Amsterdam it is, mostly because of the tourists though.

Ive been to a strip mall in Gloucestershire, through and through 100 percent, complete with KFC and McDonalds.

I agree with the britt. Neither of those here either. There are villages and small towns around large cities that can fill the niche of suburbs but they have been there for centuries.

why does france have so many suburbs

Attached: smh fam.jpg (534x300, 32K)

imagine being this retarded

Europeans will say "strip malls" don't exist, but that's because more Europeans live in compact cities than in sprawling urban areas like the US, so they appear superficially smaller. It'd also be shameful for those who like big islands full of massive shops to acknowledge them as American-style strip malls, so they call them "shopping centres" as if they were the same thing as inner-city areas with plenty of little shops within one big building, usually accessed primarily by foot traffic.

Suburbs which historically served European cities are now thought of as part of those cities since the industrial revolution. Older towns can become suburbs, but their pre-existence doesn't change the fact that that's what they've become. When a city gets very big it might even take over what were once urban centres in their own right and turn them into satellite towns, a step above suburbs but a step down from what they were and a step on the road to suburb status.

Literally what even is a strip mall? We have shopping centres which are malls but I don't know what a strip mall is. Suburbs in the American sense of new build towns are extremely rare, commuter towns are mostly turn of the century

Those still have little to do with the planned suburbs in the usa. They are far more independant.

>Literally what even is a strip mall
It's a "shopping centre" where you park outside and every shop is in a different building, usually massive warehouse sized things. American English calls those "strip malls", while enclosed buildings in which different shops have little outlets are just ordinary "malls".

That's an ill-defined assertion. Anyway, pre-existence of the nucleus of a historical town doesn't negate the function of a town as a dormitory suburb for a big city, especially when a lot of their extent is built up in modern times for just that purpose. You can't point to a town's status in the middle ages and say "see, it's not a suburb!"

They really do, tho. Here whenever the right wing government decides to rebuild some old, classical style building which was destroyed by the commies, the liberal media starts REEEEEEing like a frog in boiling water.

This desu
It's also Americans and the USSR which pushed ugly architecture after they and the eternal Anglo bombed Europe to rubble. There was deliberate intent, it was never just about cost effectiveness nor about sincere belief that brutalism and so on were actually aesthetically superior.