Fucked up badly on class presentation today

>Fucked up badly on class presentation today
Most humiliating day of my life

Attached: IMG_4353.jpg (480x360, 20K)

You'll be gucci, we all fuck up a couple times.

Lol you deserve it you worthless sack of shit

>Most humiliating day of my life
Most humiliating day of your life so far

>teacher asks you to resolve exercice in front of the class
>no idea what Im doing
>hear someone say "ah, tourist"

I doubt people will care really. It's not highschool so no one is gonna make fun of you.

At least its over. Kek I'm pretty bad at presentation too what happened user?

Any friends he has in the class might. At least here that's how it works.

this I've been filmed sometimes kek you're probably on youtube already user

I once had a panic attack during a presentation in school before, I only had a few lines to say. I mumbled them out and it seems people didn't really notice fortunately. Although I hate presentations now but take propranolol before any sort of public speaking as it helps.