What do i read to get into stocks? is it a better investment than crypto...

what do i read to get into stocks? is it a better investment than crypto? i want to put 1k into something and make money and go on from there.

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download robinhood, its a good starting place for you youn'ins.

Stocks are less voliate but plenty of ppl have lost money in stocks also.

yeah but where do i buy them and how do i learn all the terms and shit.

Download robinhood, do the kyc process, link your bank account, send money to app, search companies through tickers, buy shares by clicking. pretty fucking easy user. you can learn more just by watching youtube vids. If you cant even do these tiny bit amount of research and expect to be spoon fed on here, maybe you aren't even ready to invest. Make sure to learn how to research on your own first and not just rely on others because some may lead you astray.

Also, choose a better roastie next time.

Buy some sp500 etfs and call it a day

>sp500 etfs
what is that?

seriously you should not be allowed near a tap never mind a trading platform

Yep, this is what I do. Index funds and walk away

feed me info you cuck

Smart money thinks small - Tillinghaust
Pic related good too

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Buying high dividend ETFs and REITs for boring gains by sum rich asian.

>reluctant kneepad girl

Exchange Traded Fund. A closed end managed fund. Basically a portfolio you trade over the secondary market. Typically reflects a specific market sector though some mirror the broad index.

Seriously, do your own homework before you fuck around with the big boys. You think getting BOGGED in crypto is bad, those players trained their whole lives to fleece retail from their money.

Where can i learn?

investopedia. dumbs it down enough for a layman, though still a difficult read for a beginner. just look up the terms you don't know.

Seriously though, I'd just stick to crypto right now. It's still an emerging market and hasn't defined itself yet. The traditional markets are at ATH and I believe it's due for a serious retrace. I dunno if you remember that massive drop in the S&P500 as soon as volatility picked up, but I think it's pretty telling.

To me that means that Wallstreet believes the market is overbought and they're afraid to get caught with their pants down like in 2008. The big boys have their parachutes ready this time. Plus we got baby boomer retirement about to hit and those securities are gonna start being cashed out en masse.

Crypto is an emerging market, and it looks to me like the government cares more about collecting taxes on it than stifling its growth. With government support, which will eventually include regulations hitting the space, even if the market tanks from the news, it will welcome proper institutional investors into the space and then the real money will start flying.

Of course when that happens, that's when you want to be cautious. Cause like I said, those financial sharks, those motherfuckers are cold af. They'll take retail for everything they've got and blame it on lax-regulations. It'll be 1930 all over again. But after that crash, something amazing will be born from the ashes.

you think if i bought lets say 1k worth of bitcoin id end up making a profit? it would take years to double.

read this


you're going to be in for a rude awakening.. monetary policy is on steroids. and you are buying it way overvalued.

op go look at what is happening with Deutsche Bank. you need to look @ the financial economy atm.

Learn EWT and Fib retracements. Then trade options on SPY. Then get 3 grand and sell premium on XLF over and over.

Equities as a whole are overvalued. Where is someone supposed to park their money when even real estate is over valued.

ive been studying the recession.. it seems to me blue chip fast food is the best way to go that I've found thus far as to equities that won't crash in the next big recession. Their sales don't go down during a recession it seems.

After that, once I hit the bottom, switch out to something like an airline ETF, which will be at an all time low.

Telecoms present value: T VZ CNSL CYL FTR UNIT
Fuck, even MU is fundamentally cheap.