Is Russia the Africa of white people?

Is Russia the Africa of white people?

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Russians are the whitest nigros in the world.

HIV is a meme

you have almost three times more chance of getting aods in russia than getting killed in brail

That honorable title goes to poland

There are several milllions HIV-infected in Russia.
All those dumb advs ot the state TV channels don't help.

>hate gays
>get HIV
really makes you think

WTF are Germany's numbers rising? Everyone else besides Russia is stable or decreasing.

Do the ads tell them not to share needles and use condoms?

Huge African and eastern eastern euro migrants I'm guessing

It is easier to rise if you are rock bottom.

That shit mostly about clinical examinations. Like do your tests every month and ask your partners to do the same.

>has HIV

HIV isn't a death sentence. Nowadays it's like getting asthma or diabetes. You can control it and live a normal healthy life if you take your medication every day.

Once you'r on medication you become undetectable using normal finger prick HIV tests and undetectable people can't spread it to other people either. You can even make babies the normal way with an HIV negative person.

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In Russia in most of the cases HIV transforms into AIDS.

Fuck off gay Finn weeb

I doubt Russians are getting good HIV/AIDS treatment.

In Finland HIV positive people get free medication so it doesn't spread to other people and nobody dies of AIDS

>In Finland...
Aha, sure. Our state TV tells us that you eat Russian babies.

I'd rather die of aids than truck of peace

HIV positive Russians should claim asylum in Finland because they will die in Russia otherwise

>go to a clinic to check out your hiv status
>get infected with it during the examination

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It doesn't scary to die if you have vodka.

Well, that's how it works sometines in the Motherland.

From what I understand about it's spread in Russia they really need to focus on junkies sharing needles.

>HIV isn't a death sentence.

In Russia it is.

>In Finland

Russia is not Finland. Yes, theoretically, HIV-positive people in our country are supposed to recieve free medication too, state-provided health insurance is supposed to cover it, but in reality less than 10% can get it since we have a severe shortage of ARV medication in our country, sometimes it's impossible to buy antiretroviral drugs even for big money. Therefore most of the people who get infected with HIV end up dying from AIDS in a couple of years.

The Government doesn't even consider them as humans.

they are pretty tasty desu

Any trickery in the Russia data? Like making up Russian stats for PR purposes? Or is it common in commie blocks like Poland too? IF not, then whats the difference, the reason?

New day, new act of terror in Russia.

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