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2. Are you a cat or a dog person?
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2. Are you a cat or a dog person?
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as chinese muslim, I despise dogs.
Cat, because its not a brain dead slave.
Fuck cats.
dog because i'm not a menopasual women or incel freak LITERALLY the only thing a cat can do is shit
None because i am not soyboi
>he unironically justifies pitbull schizo behaviour.
d*gs are shit-tier animals and pets
>Man's best friend
>easy to train
>can be used for protection
>responds when you call their name
Meanwhile cats are boring they give zero fucks about their owner and they're gay
Cat for lazy people
Dog if you have lot of free time
Parrots are the best
Nothing wrong with Pitbulls,every cat should be mauled to death
fuck off bulbul parrots are for faggots
>Parrots are the best
NO. Komodo dragons.
fuck cats, they always shy when I approach them
Don't know who's bulbul, parrots are objectively the best
>He doesn't have a pet Burmese Python
oh dear
Maybe because you approach them too fast and try to forcepet them?
that cat looks exactly like my fucking cat to the smallest T what the actual fuck
probably think you're gonna make them into a stew
OY Sir! Do yo have a loicence for that?
>what the actual fuck
Animals tend to look alike
*feeds him your soy shitting machine(cat)*
Is your name Rex by any chance? Rhino?
Dogs have noble traits while cats are sly and disloyal
I used to like dogs more but now I prefer cats
>will protect its family
LMAO that fall
is this bitch retarded?
they call me mad dog deon
Dogs are so based and redpilled they can sense real danger
they knew this was a test all along hence this video doesn't prove anything
Hate dogs
deformed russian woman
Are you musculine alpha Chad pussy destroyer?
I love dogs, pizza and travelling
Pic related is me
She is mexican
Cute girl
I like both, but I don't intend to take care of either.
Fear the tomchad
Semi ugly
>he fears
Whats wrong with pizza? Whats wrong with travelling?
Based quote
Nothing, I like pizza too
I have a dog. I'm a reptile person tho. Also I'm a bit allergic to dogs. If I pet it I get hives on my hands.
Cute pupper.
cats are alphas, dogs are betas
He died of hunger tho
dog person like I'm not a pussy
i like both ;_;
I have 3 dogs and 4 cats, help.
Cat obviously
habsburg cat
how can you afford to feed/take them to the vet with the crisis in argentina?
Russia pls breed these into pets
My cat will actually play fetch it's hilarious
Actually I don't notice it, of course things are more expensive but things are always more expensive in this shithole. Once you get used to live in constant crisis it becomes natural, like breathing.
I think it's mostly affecting the lower middle class. The lower class is being contained and supported by the government, while we folks from the middle class can survive with our jobs and properties. The lower middle class is in a limbo, they aren't poor enough to receive assistance from the government, and they don't have stable jobs and most of them have to pay a monthly rent which in times of crisis is a great thread because if you don't pay you end up in the street.
Cats are adventurous but they go alone
>of course things are more expensive but things are always more expensive in this shithole. Once you get used to live in constant crisis it becomes natural, like breathing
feels like brazil