1. Your cunt
2. Do you believe being poor is a life choice?
1. Your cunt
Only in the spiritual sense.
Care to explain more?
Economic poverty has many factors, but richness in spirit (loving others, building a community etc.) is absolutely a choice for every man.
Poor people are almost always irresponsible idiots who are entirely to blame for their shit lives
Yeah. Of course there is this culture if poorfags that drags you down if you try to succeed but if you get past that you can do prettt well on social mobility. My great grandpa was an orphan railroad worker who got polio as a kid but he worked a lot; then after my grandma studied for an accountant their life quality improved
I grew up in a poor home, in a shitty poor neighborhood. I had shitty """"friends"""" that all turned out to be druggies, delinquents, etc.
I never wanted that, but that's what I got. So I started to study, to do well at school, to be something other than a stupid monkey like all the other kids surrounding me. And I got out, alone. That shit of "being poor drags you down" is a fucking meme.
Depends on the country. Is true that you could go in another one but its not always that easy. In Switzerland it's a choice for sure. I mean there are construction worker that make 7000 euro a month how hard can it be?
Get Rich or die tryin
Depends where you live
>I got out
I don't think so
But I did
Absolutely is
Only in first world countries. Like if you're poor in the US it's usually 100% your fault if you're not disabled.
I do.
l have to because flag
Without a doubt, yes
In the first world yes, absolutely. Even if you work at McDonalds you will earn enough for a modestly comfy life. Only way for becoming poor is not working (or making horrendously stupid decisions, like taking a huge loan you can't pay back).
In the third world I'm not sure.
>15k a year
>Livable in any part of the US