>he has not experienced the joys of travelling
Explain yourselves Jow Forums
He has not experienced the joys of travelling
no way that's real
It probably is but they're all American
I have. Almost died a few times.
I have been on every continent except antarctica
>only one slim woman
Why do they have no ass
>enjoying travel is normalfag
I don't care
i have, a little
still, i dont care for it anymore honestly
i have google earth and radio.garden, why make things complicated?
I'm poor.
No further explanation required.
I've realized three things:
1 This planet is shit everywhere
2 Nothing of value exists anywhere
3 I hate everyone equally
So why all the hassle?
Too poor. Also the only places I'd really want to visit have draconian border control, and log your face and fingerprints when you enter the country.
there's nowhere to go when you live in the best country in the world
>dog mom
>craft beers
>not looking for hook up
>don't got my shit together
>1000+ instagram photos
>last pic is with kid
too expensive.
>I got lost on the mountain after hiking all day with an overly heavy backpack
>Night comes
>Cold as fuck
>Strong wind+hard ground means cant set up tent
>Hear barking from dogs
>barking gets closer
>cant see my own palm from the darkness by now
>climb down a 7-8 meters cliff to avoid possible wild dogs
>fucking freezing to the point where I start feeling warm
>luckily I find some rocks and make a pseudo tent that blocks the wind
>get in and enter sleeping bag with all my clothes on but I dont dare to sleep in case it starts raining or in case the tent gets blown away
>dogs keep barking, hope they dont find a detour to me
>next morning takes me one 1+ hour to gather up the tent and my bag from dizzyness
>I barely climb up the cliff
>can spot the hut where Im supposed to go
>20 mins away
>arrive in 2+ hours due to exhaustion
not him but I left Berlin the same day that the terrorist attack happened at the christmas market. Same market I was the night before
They probably just needed a big enough back to fit all dem stars on.
>takes a picture
you were meant to die stupid
I traveled a coupel times, but i honestly don't like it that much. Lookign at stuff is cool and the food is too, but not worth the price for me. I'd be much more interested in moving to a new place every year/few years to experience the people truly, but that requires language learning and job finding every year/few years and is probably not worth it either.
Why shouldnt I lol. Id rather take a pic to remember this than an eifel tower pic.
This is awesome, I'd never heard of anything like this before. Thank you.
You need to take a picture to remember that you 'almost died', that's bullshit. If anyone was actually close to dying they wouldn't take a picture or a selfie of their tent
I said I almost died. I didnt say I had such a bad time that I wont take pics or that I wont travel again.
>Fat one is american
Traveling sucks
I'm too poor
I'm a poorfag
A man of culture who asks the real questions
look at theirs flags, girls from those countries are flat.
Travelling nowadays is a no-no.
Everywhere they try to fuck you over with the pricing.
In this world travelling has become shit.
It's past the good stage, way too commercialized.
No exercise