>White country that speaks a Native American language
What the actual fuck
>White country that speaks a Native American language
What the actual fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>>White country
they arent white dummy
but yeah, pretty impressive that mestizos know an amerindian language
We used to speak it too until the XVIII century
Why do we allow americans have opinions on race?
they are less white than us
one of our tv sports commentators literally called paraguay an amerindian village kek
and that's a good thing!
Just because Masaman said there were White people in Paraguay doesn't make it a White country
>the middle one
i'm pretty sure he mentioned multiple times the word "mestizo"
if OP misinterpreted the data then shame on him
I saw them in the world cup
They are White
He did, but he mention White people speaking a Native American language and OP probably stayed fixated on that, that and he mentioned Mennonites, Italians and Ukrainian immigrants.
not gonna watch the video
what's weird about them
Post video
Am I allowed to look at this?
lmao we weren't never white
most of us consider ourselves mestizo and don't care about what wh*te cuck because we will fuck any woman/men that can move and create a unite family
there isn't much secret to it
knowing a different language than spanish and portuguese works well as a warcode and shibboleth
>Italians and Ukrainian
lol @ "MUH HERRITAGG" fags
they're paraguayan with italian & ukrainian grandpas, that's all
is ok because is like one of those black woman from national geographic pictures
i said NOTHING!
mennonites consider themselves mestizo?
Tell me something you know about Paraguay quick. The only thing I can think of is that I believe they had a keeper who scored some goals in the '90
>a keeper who scored some goals in the '90
how old are you, fellow boomer?
nah, gerries are wh*Te, they don't like racemixing but they certainly have one or three illegitimate offsprings with the locals
28 my friend. Yeah its him I remember I tought it was such a cool thing back then. Him and Higuita were my favourites
>Perro Corteño jersey
Paraguayans have a large German diaspora
Wow paragayos are exactly like I tought they were!!
Paraguay is actually among the whitest countries on latam genetically, they are almost 65% white genetically, which is higher than Chile, Colombia and Costa Rica which are usually thought of as white-ish, only countries whirer than paraguay are Argentina at 75%, Uruguay at 79%, Brazil at 70% and Cuba at 68%
Being white alone doesn't mean much. I mean moldavia and belarus are white too (are they? not even sure tb h kek)
but we speak guarani, therefore we're LE INDIOS
But their skin color isn't white so it doesn't matter Tbh.
not that much, our biggest diaspora are
1 Spainiard(like most country in S.A.)
2 Brazilian
3 Argies
4 German
5 Italian
but yes, german descent that aren't mennonites like to don't care if racemixing with us and a lot of german culture has influence here
you are worse than 0n
t. watched Masaman
>a lot of german culture has influence here
oktoberfest a full papá
kek who doesn't like beer after all? Next time i want to go never went there :(
Yeah i dont disagree but the point is that they have edificated their national identity based on larping as indians as here
Its whiter than you think
0n is deluded, i am factual
Im also been posting the same shit since 2013, i am consistent
"avisado no es traición":
Paraguay is BORING
we don't have mountains or mesas, just a chain of hills
we don't have gigantic waterfalls (Iguazu is in Brazil-Argentina border), just a lot of "saltos"
we don't have huge sandy deserts, just these small beaches next to the Parana river
everything is tiny and focalized, and if you're not into chilling on a hammock while listening to birbs chirping then i'm not sure you'll have fun here
not to mention there's only 3 four-star hotels, and they're all one close to the other
we like beer a little too much...
Sorry I was talking about Oktoberfest in Germany I forgot to mention
paraguay = mato grosso do oeste
he meant the average paraguayan is 65% euro, not that 65% of paraguayans are white
oh. my bad then
so i googled paraguayan beer
2.24 is neither too low to hate it nor high enough to like it
real men drink whiskey
¿Por qué nunca llueve en Uruguay?
Porque está debajo de Paraguay.
Paraguay is like 98% mestizo isn’t it?
a bit more than 96%
there's 1% whites, 1% blacks, 1% asians and 1% amerindians roughly
this is the True paraguayan body look, you may don't like it, but this the peak of mestizaje look like
Chilavert? looser
what about Venezuelans? they have to be a lot now.
i dunno, they're much better in Argentina where everybody has free health and free education
AND YET i know two of them. fortunately they don't wear that yellow-blue-red jacket ajjjjjjj
no my amigo
those are lies
i'm not white my parents are Japanese (tfw could have been a weeb living in weebland) i live in the parts they call la Colonia this zone have some rice people and krauts living there, but that is just a minority, germans an japanese are one of the most hard working people here the rest of population are mestizos but sometimes you can see people that kind of look white but that is also a lie
you see is a melting pot
>cueca cuela
my sides 300% gone
> i live in the parts they call la Colonia this zone havesome rice people and krauts living therelive
you live in a colony in literally middle of nowhere. Please don't make a stament that you know how people are in the real part of metroplitane areas if you don't live in there and you allways have the open door to the world if you don't want to stay here because your kind only represent the 1% (10.500 census) of our society and only korean and taiwanese can have an opinion about us, they are the real asian mvp here, no your degenarete nippon race to come here as literally fucking slave and amost all of them were just farmer wihout education and home in your archipelago
el asunSENO
I remember stroessner was white, yes.
Someone please post a paraguay ball comic
That dick looks fake. Otherwise it is too huge
>Brazil 70% white
>Cuba 68% white
Non-europeans shouldn't talk about """race""".
can't find a single one that doesn't give me eye cancer
here, grab the first one i found on google images
thanks. the one i am thinking of was a brazilian, uruguyan and argie thugs all dressed like slavs in tracksuits. i think that one was funny.
if you're talking about this fucking piece of shit edited by a shit-in-head macaque brazilian, then let me tell you it's a completely historically inaccurate crap
how the fuck the general would be wearing a 1930s Chaco war cap. we even won that war
fucking brazilians, i hope Bolsonaro genocides them all
hahahha yeah that one. it is a beautifully retarded piece of work, very Jow Forums ish
and i think it is a copy of stalin in a russia ball (the winter war) . bolsonaro will legalize guns. so it will be brazil ball all over the country. brazilian refugees will flood paraguay as there is no border if i remember correctly at least in places like ponta pora
Yes, Paraguay speaks Guarani
And drinks Guaraná?
>it is a beautifully retarded piece of work, very Jow Forums ish
here's the original from where the snowclones come
>no border if i remember correctly at least in places like ponta pora
there are natural borders
.... not that it matters much, people will climb and swim if they need to
and yeah Ponta Porã - PJ Caballero shared border used to be an empty lot lol. now they made a roundabout, a parallel road and fences. and if it wasn't stereotyped enough, the paraguayan side is full of shopping centers
another dry border is in the valley between Mundo Novo and Salto del Guairá
only when it's smuggled from Brazil
sads, i prefered it to Fanta one
wasn't it supposed to be around 80%?
but yeah the intersecting population is bigger than the monolingual ones
what year is the data from?
>mfw i'm the 4.89%
Say something in guarani
máva he'ita ndéve che aikuaá la avañe'e gua'u
a better question is how the hell would anyone speak portuguese and guarani but NOT spanish?? (0.39%) brazilian migrants?
since the locals speak guarani then why bother learn spanish? just because of minor details such as legal documents? nah m8
btw is portunol a thing or a meme? do you just add nho to spanish words? :)
very cool, i hope you never switch to spanish
>what year is the data from?
2012 census, but I don't know what the sampling frame is, so maybe that's the reason why bilingualism isn't that high?
i'm quadrilingual tho
i totally forgot japanese except for basic grammar rules. it's for the best i suppose
no, that's the thing, the numbers i recall were much higher
you see, since 1992 all education began to be officially bilingual so kids with guarani mother tongue also learned spanish at school and kids with spanish mother tongue (like me) learned guarani at school
let me get you some official numbers even if it's fucking 2 AM
(got nothing better to do)
>is portunol a thing or a meme
it's just an interlanguage without proper rules, basically people trying to talk in the other language and failing (see "cueca-cuela" above in the posts)
it kinda exists, but considering it an actual pidgin is the meme
>see "cueca-cuela" above in the posts
lmao yeah i didn't notice this the brazilian ball is delivering :)
btw what's up with paraguay and counterfeit dvd and cheap electronics?
it's our "hat" i guess
the country is full of taiwanese immigrants who brought up lots of "made in Guangdong" stuff to sell. some of these electronics are even assembled in Paraguay, which means they're even cheaper than the "official" imported ones aaaaand yeah some have very funny brands like "epple" and "wuawei"
add to that protectionism from Brazil and Argentina and you get a huge difference between products sold there and products sold here. used cars are straight brought up from Japan and S.Korea (via Chile) while BRs have to content themselves with Fords and VWs and argies with Renaults and Fiats
in return many people smuggle food products from Argentina and Brazil: tomatoes, wine, cooking oil, sugar.. they're cheaper there so the smugglers skip the whole "pay import taxes" and sell those products here. the government itself smuggles gas and foreign companies like Shell have a hard time competing
law and order aren't really a staple of Paraguay, unfortunately
>let me get you some official numbers even if it's fucking 2 AM
>(got nothing better to do)
while you're at it, can you also search for which population are the linguistic questions representative for? did they ask 6-year-olds and above, or 5 and above? 3?
apparently those are the latest numbers,
especially considering most data people show online is from the _2002_ census wtf
you were right
>did they ask 6-year-olds and above, or 5 and above?
I REMEMBER (because i actually worked at the Census and Statistics Office for a while)
that ALL the questions were directed at the head of the household (in other words the wife, lol. do you wish to know more?)
the data, therefore, is called "deceiving" because most people just were asked "what language is spoken by most people in this household?" and they would point out "Spanish", "Guarani" or others if it was immigrants
thus the mom would answer for her children, pointing out that most spoke guarani at home and spanish at school, therefore the data would look like there is more bilingual people than monolingual
reality however, many complain about, is that paraguayans don't speak neither Spanish nor Guarani, but a pidgin named Jopará, and Jopará counts as Guarani for most people, since most of the verbs and the grammar is guarani with the obvious aid of spanish loan words. BUT it _doesn't_ count for academics, who try to refine Guarani and teach something completely unfamiliar at schools, like using loanwords was a sin or some shit
the bad thing about speak guarani our accent has heavy ɹ pronunciation like english or dutch instead of normal r in spanish and a lot of rio platense spanish but wihout sh and more y "yeismo" than the argies and uruguayan that make us sound like it we are drunk all the time when we speak in spanish.
>that mate
>that comfy quebec
I miss that poster.