How much drinking is too much?

How much drinking is too much?

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Still posting on Jow Forums, then you're probably alright.

There's more than one way to define too much, and the amount varies by person, so let's start with you. How often, how much at once, any cravings/withdrawals, what's the deal?

When you shit yourself and not care

Consistantly more than 50cl of any kind of alcoholic drinks a day is prob bad for you.

>never had withdrawal symptoms
>typically drink every other day
>when I do drink I try to moderate but then end up drinking until I pass out

When you're getting fat or aren't producing because you drink instead.

when you start to experience signs of discomfort from your abdomen or chest area

That last thing is a red flag. Usually a sign of alcoholic tendencies. I don't drink anymore but I was an alcohol for like fifteen years.

Yea I figured. When I don't have anything to drink I'm fine but if I get two beers with someone I go home and end up a half pint of vodka or more

You sound like you're fine for now but you could quickly get yourself into trouble if you let yourself. My unironic advice is to slow down on how often you drink. Every other day is a lot.

Glad to hear. What stopped you? Liver?

Former alcoholic here.

The point where your liver/stomach stop hurting and you regurgitate slimy green particles (with no liquid) and / or blood as if it were normal.

when you're out of money

btw, if anyone is wondering what a typical week was like for me

>monday - 5 pints of a pilsen (starting the week lightly)
>tuesday - same
>wednesday - 2/3 bottles of wine
>thursday - same as monday/tuesday to prepare for weekend
>friday - usually about 3 to 4 liters of a double ipa (9% ABV) + some pilsen at the end of the day
>saturday - sometimes an entire bottle of vodka, otherwise pretty much the same as friday
>sunday is resting day

As I got older, my whole body just felt like it was rebelling against what I was doing to it. I started getting to where I could barely drag myself to work. Decided it was time to give it up.

>double ipa
I didn't think Brazil would have beers of that sort. Are they made in Brazilian breweries or do you import it?

>half a bottle of wine with food
>300-400ml of rum shots after for the rest of the night

Ive bought a 1.75L bottle of whiskey every 5 days for the past 2 years


it was never that bad for me but i experienced something similar: as i got older it became almost physically painful to recover after only a few drinks so i stopped drinking.

I drank to the point of passing out for 6 years. Not one day went by in 6 years when I didn't have at least 8 pints of strong lager. When I stopped I didn't sleep for 3 days and hallucinated insects on the walls. I recovered and have had liver tests and I'm 100% healthy. My liver had lots of fat but it cleared away.

when the rats who'll feed on your corpse die of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol is a poison. It's ok to drink it on occasion for social reasons, but don't make it a regular thing or you'll regret.

Dont listen to these larpers, where do you live user? If youre in new england I can help you by getting drunk with you

sorry, I was eating and doing stuff...
you're probably not here anymore but I'll reply anyway

Brazil has a huge craft beer scene.
You should check it out, I've been to the USA several times and I can tell you we have stuff that rivals your best, the problem is that as a foreigner (here) you'd probably not know where to find it.

If you want some recommendations


DUM - Petroleum
SWAMP - Double Bite
DUM - Grand Cru

I only have 68% Québécois absinthe which destroy my mouth

I have ketamine though, which might be used for tonight since it is Friday and i have nothing except csgo to do

>Double Bite

i heard that all drugs were just legalized in canada? or only weed? i didn't folllow the news
is everyone high in the streets? do people drive high?

I live in Colorado (craft beer everywhere), but I don't like smoking weed. Culturally, people here drink all the fucking time.

Just weed, and no laws are extremely strict when it comes to driving high, more so than alcohol.

I'm hrunk right now

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are you in quebec? do you still have bikers gangs and wars between them?

how old are you?
i'm 27 and my liver test results are fucking terrible if i drink this much
i wish is started drinking when i was 21

>>Double Bite

Yeah, the name is because their IPA is called "HopBite" and the Double IPA is cleverly called... "DoubleBite".

Attached: swamp-hopbite[1].jpg (660x528, 317K)

What compelled you to stop?

unironically, weed. i was also smoking a shit ton of weed as well and i suddenly felt super paranoid all the time and anxious so i stopped drinking and smoking weed but these days i can drink as much as i want and that never happens it was all weed's fault. but im not an alcoholic any more so its all good

>be me
>the BR drunkard here
>also started using drugs at 13 years of age
>crack cocaine, cocaine, cigarettes, weed, LSD, glue
>had liver/heart/lungs checkout this year
>everything completely clean

how the fuck...

i think people who do shit tons of drugs and alcohol and dont get any damage arent focused on because they arent a good example. my father was an alcoholic for 30 years and his liver is fine but his brain is fucked

I can't smoke weed anymore for that reason, it makes me introspective to the point where I question every action and thought. Not fun.

Do you think genetics has anything to do with it?
My mother was adopted by an Italian man, the guy was 93 years old (back in 1958) and he drank till he died (literally falling from a set of stairs while drunk lol).

My ex mother-in-law was Italian too, she's about 70, smoked like 2 packs a day for more than 40 years and never had a heart attack or any other problems.

Did you abuse fuck with your brain?
I have sort of PTSD and Panic Attacks.
I can control them (had one today during launch) - but I find that weed sort of seems to trigger them because I focus too much on certain things (like heart beat/brain functions).

Shit's weird.

What do you mean? You had PTSD from weed or weed made your preexisting PTSD worse?

weed can be evil when you smoke far too much of it you just feel uncomfortable and anxious but you are so used to smoking it all the time it takes you months to actually realise it is not any fun any more and time to stop. i was staring out of my house windows all the time thinking someone was going to kill me

Double IPA is disgusting. Tastes like flowers

Yeah IPAs are like the blue cheese of beer. Love it or hate it.

all that shit is too sweet for me

When your eyes look like that OP.

What the fuck is up with people being little faggots over weed? Some people pay good money to trip out. It seems those out of touch with reality are the ones going batshit crazy over a few puffs of dank.

PTSD from emotional trauma (I enter a trance and have compulsive obtrusive thoughts of negativity) and they were made worse because of my drug/alcohol abuse. I've been in 5 car crashes and was ran over by a drunk guy too.

One of those car crashes was nearly fatal (car considered Total Loss by insurance company etC).

Anyway, I noticed that my heartbeat changes drastically when smoking weed, and that triggers panic attacks because I started thinking I'm about to have a heart attack (I have the urge to run and feel an impending doom, as if I were about to die suddenly). Also the fact that I have a bicuspid aortic valve, a prolapsed mitral valve and pectus excavatum doesn't help, but it is what it is.

Anyway, weed is a no-no for me, it makes my OCD worse and I focus too much on certain aspects as I said (heartbeat, brain)

do you use cocaine? i have stayed up for 2-3 days doing 4 or 5 grams and at the end i feel paranoid but it wears off quickly. weed paranoia is way more uncomfortable

I believe you, and nice bottle it is aesthetic. It's just that I read that in French which mean ''double dick'' and tired me laughed out loud

Just weed lmao. There are 3 SQDC stores for the entire island of Montréal (2.5M people) so Idk anyone who has been able to go so far.

And no we don't have bikers blowing up cars with kids in them, that was a while ago. The weirdest I saw was bikers blowup an appartment block when I was a kid going at the blockbuster store. There was a big fire but no one died

>do you use cocaine? i have stayed up for 2-3 days doing 4 or 5 grams and at the end i feel paranoid but it wears off quickly

I used to snort but I always preferred crack cocaine, I'd also go days just smoking, not eating or even sleeping.

>weed paranoia is way more uncomfortable

Yup, I agree. I don't know why though... the funny thing is that when I smoked a shitton it wasn't like this (basically from 13 years old to 20). I stopped smoking but still think it affects me to this day.

What is your paranoia like?

I can kill more than 1.75 liters of vodka every weekend.

im at a liter a week and im pretty sure im at the "you'll regret it later in life" stage

my paranoia is like my whole life is fucked and i am going to lose my job and everything is doomed. i always felt like crack was too harsh when you come down you feel horrible. cocaine + alcohol is what i prefer. i do make freebase sometimes though on a spoon to smoke

If you aren't drinking enough to weigh over 300 pounds at 5'6 despite doing hard labor all day you aren't drinking enough
t. my Dad

Weed badtripping is one of the hardest thing to control. Everything else from shrooms to acid to PCP you can go: ok it won't always be like this, I just need to accept it. Can't do it with weed, I advise you to not smoke too much at once desu.

them fucking feels. Good South American coke is nice, are you sure you feel paranoia though? I think it's more fucked up serotonin levels which make you really depressed and can go "oh my life is shit Im shit I should kill myself", I don't think it's paranoia. 4-5g is fucking huge btw lmao

>my paranoia is like my whole life is fucked and i am going to lose my job and everything is doomed.

so more of a you're getting into a shitty situation you can't escape rather than "holy shit I'm about to die"?

>i always felt like crack was too harsh when you come down you feel horrible.

Well yeah that's indeed the case. But surprisingly, crack doesn't make my heart race, whereas "pure" cocaine does, go figure. So I never liked it.

>i do make freebase sometimes though on a spoon to smoke

hehe... don't remind me bro.
Is crack common at all in the UK? I never thought it was even erm... "available" there.

>hallucinated insects on the walls
I get that a lot sobering up.

ocaine is so much better than weed imo. on coke you feel super horny and confident and can go out in the world and get laid and do whatever you want. weed just makes you sit there either paranoid or happy to do nothing. i have done at least 5 grams per week for like 2 years

we have cocaine here crack is easy to make its everywhere