The good old days

>the good old days

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arr rook same


Japan dominating the Pacific would be based if they didn't routinely rape and eat people

too ambitious like Germany.


A Japanese university museum will break taboo with an exhibition on the infamous live vivisections of American POWs during the Second World War.

According to testimony that was later used against the doctors and military personnel at the Allied War Crimes Tribunals, they injected one anaesthetised prisoner with seawater to see if it worked as a substitute for sterile saline solution.

Other airmen had parts of their organs removed, with one deprived of an entire lung to gauge the effects of surgery on the respiratory system. In another experiment, doctors drilled through the skull of a live prisoner, apparently to determine if epilepsy could be treated by the removal of part of the brain.

The tribunals also heard claims from US lawyers that the liver of one victim had been removed, cooked and served to officers, although all charges of cannibalism were later dropped owing to a lack of evidence.


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2 wasn’t enough.

>Uhhh you can't prove we ate people, we just cut them up while they were alive to see what would happen lol

Yepu... Nanjing was gurrd ray...

What was next in their master plan?

>No source and supply from headquarter
>literally surrounded by allies, USSR coming from North, Pacific battleground is in combat against US

let it justified, it was severe circumstance to be normal as usual.

Didn’t you also perform abhorrent experiments on your own people, alongside raping them?

The articles I read about Japanese cannibalism referred to it occurring in New Guinea. It was not said to have been done for survival but as a way for the unit to bond. Also there is never a reason to rape, you can't pretend that they were justified in raping people.

>abhorrent experiments
you mean conscription? juveniles were send off to battleground and died for his own country. also Kamikaze'd was their duty.

American Secretary of State Michael Pompeo supported the desire of Kiev to achieve autocephaly for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo expressed support for the movement of Ukraine to create an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church. "We urge the church and the authorities to move towards the creation of an autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox church. The United States reiterates its support for religious freedom and the freedom of religious groups, including Orthodox, in Ukraine," Pompeo said in a written statement published on Friday, October 19. The document emphasizes that Washington supports the Ukrainians in their desire to "independently manage in their religion and pray as they like." Recall that on October 11, Constantinople set about providing autocephaly for the church in Ukraine. On October 18, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a bill on the transfer of the Church of St. Constantinople to the Patriarchate of St. Andrew’s Church in Kiev.

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ok, I'm ignorant about raping in WW2, maybe they did because of boredom and seeking entertainment for a rest.

I’m talking about freezing people’s limbs off, ken-sama.

Did japs had whole sakhalin at this time? As i remember they only had southern part. Later soviets kicked them out of another part and kuril islands.

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ah, unit 731 was terrible and inhumane organization which should be blamed on abhorrent experience. I don't mind people fussing up about that it screwed up Japanese honor.

they didn't finish the job. Now we had to suffer living with the out of place ch*nkoid insects.

>these mutt flags acting morally superior

>MacArthur struck a deal with Japanese informants[58]—he secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit 731, including their leader, in exchange for providing America, but not the other wartime allies, with their research on biological warfare and data from human experimentation.

Are Nips really this ignorant about their own history? What do they teach you in your schools?


>Be Okinawan
>Get told to act as "more Japanese than Japanese people," but still get treated as inferior
>Forced to join a gigantic war when your island has 300000 people on it
>Japan knows the Americans will come for your island soon
>Send 100000 soldiers who conscript all able-bodied men and children over 14
>Place tanks in the streets and soldiers in houses, forcing Americans to shoot back at civilian-filled homes
>Half the Okinawan race is dead by the end of the battle
>Still have to be part of Japan

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it is omitted because it doesn't matter at study in schools. rumor says that government just orders committees to teach kids "Japan lost war, that's all".

the study is basically for building your grade reaching well-paid jobs here. and it's normal that latterly people know the fact of deep and brutal deed Japan did in ww2.


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Why are you surprised? You think a country that prides itself over "honor" and "saving face" and other bullshit will teach their kids anything about the horrors they committed?

Most Japanese only know of the Nanking massacre because of everyone around the world talking about it. Same goes with comfort women. No one knows about Unit 731.

That was over half a century ago. Indians are oppressing and murdering Kashmiris TODAY.

And? You won't see me defending it. India is a shithole through and through. Myanmar is carrying out genocide against the Rohingyas. No one cares about that either.
>That was over half a century ago
That's all fine and dandy, mate. It could be 200 years ago or 10 years ago. I am not putting any blame on the citizens of Japan because they aren't responsible. They weren't even alive.
Their culture of honor and saving face is retarded is what I'm getting at. I don't get why people defend their country? It's not like they're attacking you or your family lol

>Myanmar is carrying out genocide against the Rohingyas.
sending people back to the place they (illegally) came from is not genocide

>You're not responsible for things other people did, don't worry
>But let me remind you and attack you for it constantly, why are you getting defensive about it?
see: this thread

Fucking savages, glad we nuked um


If by sending people back you mean killing and raping them while deporting them, then sure.

Do you even know where they came from? They're not being sent back to their place of origin. They are being forced out of it. They've always resided in Myanmar, specifically Rakhine for centuries. Now you'll see many of them fleeing to Bangladesh because of how they're being treated by Myanmar.

I am criticizing their government, parts of their culture and yeah, I have no respect for people who deny atrocities committed by their government and army regardless of time period out of the need of protecting the honor of their country (japanese or american or what have you) or some stupid shit like that. No one is asking them to lay down their lives for penance, only that they acknowledge it. It is not their history, it is ours and the more people know the better the chances of avoiding history being repeated. Wars have been happening for a long time now. For the people that are just ignorant about it, I only feel sad that their government is hiding all this from them.

see You should be thanking them for that research mutt.

The experiments were a human rights violation, but they were being conducted in pursuit of science. Eating their victims wouldn't serve that goal.

Unit 731 conducted the horrific experiments. Various groups of soldiers in the military conducted cannibalism. The two have no connection but are both horrific

At least my teacher taught me that and I came to love my cunt from that time.

If it wasn't for us, they'd be experimenting on your ass, ahmed.