Which general is the best/worst?

which general is the best/worst?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Best = none
Worst = every single one of them

People who post in generals are cowards in every sense of the word.

Based leaf

Best = none
Worst = every single one of them

Best /deutsch/
Worst the rest and especially /brit/

/deutsch/ is the best one, reason: its based
the rest is stinky poo poo pee pee, reason: poo pee

CUM is pretty fun desu

>visit a general
>greet people nicely in hope to know their country better
>tells me to fuck off

All generals are shit. Generals are the anti-thesis of Jow Forums's existence for culture discussion

I wish there were fewer generals, not really what this site is about. I end out hiding them and normally there's about 3 non general threads on the front page. However brit and cum are the best, because they're pretty international and they're not just anime posting like all the others

what's going on in brit, i usually get ignored when i ask a question about English on brit while anons on cum and dixie reply cheerfully

/brit/ has an extremely strange and competitive culture, it's essentially a stream of consciousness looking for (you)s. Serious discussion is very rare (unless someone from Jow Forums start going on about the Jews or whatever). It's not a good place to be unless you understand it

just had a poo boys

so basically circlejerking arcane cesspool

Fuck off back to r*ddit

Worst = deutsch or brit (the former is 80% edgy alt right/nazi garbage for those who can't read it)
Best of the ones I can read is probably the Swedish one

skandi is pretty lit though

oda nobunaga

/Skandi/ is the only good general. Comfy, polite, interesting discussions.

it's comfy but full of homo

basiert und rotgepillt

/flag/ and /carib are my favourite

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/brit/ looks like Twitter,unfocused shitposting,no serious discussion.
/lat/ is the same but with more anime
/luso/ has some discussion

/luso/ is by far the worst


best = /brit/
worst = /brit/

Don't know, I only come here to visit /asean/


/deutsch/ is right wing virgin central

especially italy , denmark is awful. very racist ,
i never forget that thing ,

>visits board for interacting with people all around the world
>talks only with people from your country in your own language


/fr/ is pretty comfy tbf, it has its up and its down but overall it's great.

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Based and redpilled (unironically)

/luso/ as well, but 'Alpha' instead of 'virgin'

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This. They're all shit.

full of n*zis, tho

t. culturecel

Best: mine
Worst: everyone elses

stay mad, irrelevant muhammad

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best: /brit/
worst: /deutsch/

In your dreams, faggot.


Best: Not being biased here, /skandi/
Worst: /Sverigetråden/ or the baltic general

Skanderbeg = Absolute Madman
Turns christian, fights the ottomans and surprisingly even succeeds
I'm actually on the other side but that's 100% Stabil

t. literal faggot

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We have memes and are Try Hard Anti-Anime Posters (THAP)