1. Country 2. What things do you do that your countrymen think is weird?
1. USA 2. I don't eat bread Whenever I eat a burger for some reason I take the buns off and ask for extra lettuce, which I use to wrap the burger My gf thinks I'm weird and says it's another weird gringo thing I do
i only eat burgers from one shop and they have a 'no bun' option where they give you extra lettuce and its the same price. i think its because of people who cant eat gluten. not that weird.
Julian Cruz
In n Out has "Protein Style" which is where i got the idea from I used to just throw the buns away and eat it with a fork and knife
USA I like anchovies on pizza. Most people under age 60 think I'm bizarre.
Joseph Bennett
looks good. i dont eat much bread and rarely have pasta and ive been doing it before the paleo diet fad became popular around 5 or 10 year ago. i mostly only eat bread if i get indian take out because it goes well with curry. i recently read that your body breaks bread down into sugar or something like that.
Gavin Young
USA I take care of myself and make sure I look my best
Josiah Taylor
Try moving out of the south sometime, people that's normal everywhere else.
Juan Mitchell
It's only common among hipsters.
Robert Gonzalez
Well I live in the Pacific Northwest so I might be a little biased..
Hunter Jenkins
It's common among everybody in Northern California I rarely see fat people >CA is 25.1% obese >WA is 27.7% >OR is 29.4% How the FUCK do we make Oregonians stop eating so much?
Carson Martinez
common in hipsterland
Angel Brown
Take note that hipsterland only pertains to the major cities in the PacNW, everywhere else is basically the Midwest
Eli Perez
>legal weed >net neutrality >not horribly obese (obesity actually falling in all three states) >centers of technology in the US How can flyovers and least coasters compete?
someone posted in a thread the other day that california had the lowest 'quality of life' of all american states. also, coincidentally, the highest 'diversity' of any state.
Brayden Thomas
Russian-American here (was born in Russia, moved when I was 4, and visit often) It's not normal at all >tfw first gf was in Russia >she was a girl who I used to be friends with when I was really young >she thought I'd take her back to America with me
Nolan Watson
I wish
Michael Edwards
Washington and Oregon are basically California but full of white people.
Sebastian Johnson
>someone posted in a thread the other day that california had the lowest 'quality of life'
Look up why it's rated low, sweetie That rating is a meme based on traffic, social inclusiveness, and voter participation
Washington and Oregon are Californian colonies that will be in the same pit within 20 years
Michael Clark
Be Russian
Austin Adams
Washington fags hate Californians and the culture is quite different so I can't see that happening. Californians are friendly and talkative, speak what's on their mind. Washington fags are abrasive, blunt, and somewhat antisocial.
Kayden Phillips
Most of the "anti-Californians" are out-of-staters who think they're "natives" because they've been here since 2012
Brandon Adams
I've lived in Auburn all my life and I can't stand them desu
Asher Lee
>traffic, social inclusiveness, and voter participation
sounds like it may have been bullshit. also mentioned was that more people are leaving california than are moving there. if thats true there has to be good reason.
Hudson Cook
>if thats true there has to be good reason. It's expensive to live here
Aiden Bell
Are you by any chance a right-wing Trump supporter
Alexander Jackson
I'm really attracted to hijab wearing muslims and islam in general. real islam and relationships are really good actually. I'm white and christian Too afraid to help at immigrant shelter because if I fall in love my life will be fucked. I would convert but too scared of what people say. I can't talk to anybody about this and I will maybe get a German gf and be unhappy forever
Eli Hill
rip in peace germany.
Carter Wood
I will not do it. It's just a thought in my head
William Hill
cunt i don't give a flying fuck about footy, cricket, or rugby