Post people with soccer jersey from you count

Post people with soccer jersey from you count

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Brazilian women are the hottest in the world


cannot find non cherrypicked one on google

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Just got off the bus trying to talk to one. Can confirm.

How do I get an Argentinian wife?

Too bad most of them live in the worst country of the planet

The bitch with the giant butt is from Argentina

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She was nice though. But yeah she turned really serious when she mentioned the dangers of where she lived.

It's gross
I like the small cute butt in the center right
She reminds me of my ex's face from the side

>those ribbon tattoos
user... That's a dude.


>when she mentioned the dangers of where she lived.


Just big cities outside Sao Paulo and the South are dangerous. Maybe the Northeast is more dangerous.

No, is not
Souless animal

You´re that burger again, right?

Sorry, but half of Brazil has the same life expectancy than America. In fact, Santa Catarina has a bigger one

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Why do all the women want a white bull then? they want to leave

She's from Brasilia but grew up in the outskirts of Rio.

If is so bad, how do people live so long?
More than 70% of the world?

How do i get an Argie wife

This guy is not german.
He is an american using a proxy
He has some weird obsession with Brazil.

What kind? Dark or white?

not a proxy. I just like brazilian women

Doesn’t matter

You could find a lot of then in Florida. East coast in general. Not sure? Make sure you have a good job like most would want you to have.

My professor is Argentinian and originally came to Florida
>tfw he told us about how when he first came to the US as a little kid, he tried to use the "Colored" bathroom but a guard told him to go to the "White" bathroom instead

>Butt implants

Football, man

It's all fun and games until one of them puts burudanga in your drink.

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