Seriously what is it with p*kis and raping underage girls?
Seriously what is it with p*kis and raping underage girls?
Pic unrelated I suppose. All I see are british people
>Pic unrelated I suppose. All I see are british people
non whites need to be deported
what an ugly race of subhuman shitskins. need to be exterminated asap
Go do it then
Rapists second offense is so high , so cut dick or Lobotomy surgery
>Pakis rape in Britain (exlucively)
>What's with pakis?
>Russians "poison" in Britain (exlucively)
>What's with rooskies?
Is there a nation that has less self-awareness than brits?
they gave this guy keys to the childrens ward lmao, what's with brits and pedophilia?
This. British isles without angl* subhumans would be a much nicer place
These are clearly anglo-saxon, what are you talking about?
Based pakis
>UK's immigration policy
>singapole's immigration policy
Those are very useful.
This. Rape is actually illegal in Pakistan.
Damn they're ugly, no wonder they're rapist.
>he says that while needing a license to even breathe
Most brutal rapes happen in India happen in northern territories where lives their Punjabi minority.
To west of that area is Pakistan which is 44,7% Punjabi and Pakis rape a lot. Considering this there is a big chance that Pakis in al-Bongistan are Punjabis as well.
Solution: exterminate Punjabis as a whole, give Pakistans Pashtun territory to Afghanistan and the rest of the area is reformed as Sindhistan, Indias new vassal state.
I thought it is normal thing to do in london...
Good one
Seriously, what on earth did he mean by this?
Quintessentially british men
Honestly, the sluts that got abused deserved it. They knew what they were getting themselves into. You reap what you sow, these whores enable rapists and policies that support them
I thought Sikhs were bro-tier
Poor background checks my overseas mate.
Poor background checks...
background checks?
Oi Misha I'm not messing around you better give me an answer.
I remember a brit boy like 8 y/o sucking an immigrant cock in a car was posted here.
It means accepting outright anybody without seeing who they are, what did they do, why did they leave or if hey have any criminal history before moving.
On top of that, they don't give them a mandatory integration period to get accustomed to the way of life on their territory, so they just mooch off and say "Fuck All, you can stay here as long as you want!" and give them the right to force their way of life somewhere where it clearly isn't compatible.
Whatever happened to: "3 years, or you are deported!"?
That would be me
Pakistani men are 2% of the population yet are responsible for 90% of rapes.
Also disproportionately high rates of heroin dealing although thats also North Africans and middle east lads.
It's their culture perhaps.
They can't help it. m*ham-mad was a mad lad pedo.
Being raped is part and parcel of living in a city. And besides, pakis are only assimilated to local british culture.
This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.
>hey you paki user ...take off your clothes.....
>omg you raped me POLICEE!
Consanguineous relationships in Pakistani communities make retard babies and our NHS has to take care of them. They're like Aliens and the auto turret bit. They're wearing resources down and destroying a generation of potential mothers psychologically by rape and torture. This is the slow invasion.
How do you believe God supports what you're doing Islam?
apparently it was recorded by his uncle/brother and they're busted making love or something.
just why