Holy fucking BASED.

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As much as I love Finland the Russians will scatter their military with a flick of its wrist.

Swedes and Russians btfo

The Russian baltic fleet isn't anything special.
Though it'd still crush Finland

Ruskies are no match for the Imperial Estonian Navy

Those Russians don't know about our secret weapon

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Is it part of Japanese culture to be terrible at estimating the power of navies?

Imagine how gay the Finnish navy must be


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We are literally the death to the Baltic Fleet though

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Its only brotherhood in the navy.


delet this


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*blocks ur path*

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I bet it literally reeks of ass when you enter the poop deck (where they do dirty deeds to their own poopers)

Holy shit

the baltic fleet killed itself
you just buried it

Blacks and water, what could go wrong

do it again admiral Togo!

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Sides: torpedoed

Crush how? They can't even operate in Gulf of Finland or Gulf of Bothnia without getting spammed by landbased ASM

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You guys are fucking retarded. We Finns are stronger than any other nation in Europe, not that Russia is European.

Russia is pathetic, fragile, crumbling. If they were to attack us they would instantly fall into civil war because they would suffer massive losses against us. They would not stand a chance against us.
Americans overestimate Russia because they need Russia as a boogeyman.

There are only two countries in the world that could beat Finland in an offensive war (no nukes allowed). Those are USA and China. And soon USA will not be on that list either.

Luckily Khan Sauli has been improving our ties with the peoples liberation army for the yellow century

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Why do chink naval uniforms look so Russian

Mongol brotherhood :^)

Your ASM batteries are in range of their land based artillery

Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahanahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. We wouldn’t even have to call our reserves.

>F35’s target and destroy radar and communications stations
>B2 stealth bombers level your military infrastructure
>Endless barrage of cruise missiles pound every remaining military installation into dust
>F22 and F16 fighters patrol the skies shooting down anything that even tries to take off of a runway
>nuclear powered attack subs patrol coastal waters and ports with impunity

all without an American soldier stepping foot onto Finnish soil.

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Ever heard of Somali pirates?


Oh my
Finns are great and Russia would lose people if it invaded. But sorry without using nukes Russia could still cluster munitions and firebomb your country or of the range of every weapons system you have, and in return you'd be able to do some damage to pietari the first day while you still have towed artillery but that's about it

If they want to spend an Iskander per a truck, sure

Based. Whitoid dogs will be crushed by 2020

The problem with these imaginary scenarios where a superpower uses its whole arsenal to a midget country is, that there is no point of doing it. Of course you could bomb the shit out of anyone around you and turn them to a pile of dust, but there is nothing that you can gain from it. Nobody will go to a war destroy another just for the lulz.

Recently there was a russian based company raided by the finnish swat. The were caught of money laundering but the worst pary is they have built several ports on islands across coastline. The ports are capable of serving military purpose boats and even have tunnels in case of bombings. These bases are located on very important service fairways. I wonder why the russian buyers decided to settle their (((summercottages))) on these locations. If you want to read more google ariston helmi

>where a superpower uses its whole arsenal to a midget country is, that there is no point of doing it.

Apparently you didn’t hear about that thing in Iraq where we flexed our military might and smashed saddams armies with almost zero American casualties.

Here is a map of the estates owned by the russian based company airiston helmi. There has been a lot of doubts for years by the media and politicans why this kind of activity hasn't been prevented. There are also other companies practicing lands purchases right next to military zones and power lines.

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And you probably gained something from it. It was worthy in a long run atleast. What would you get doing the same with Finland? We have nothing valuable, barely any natural resources. And destroying our infra has zero purpose for you.

>zero purpose for you

Oh you sweet and ignorant child. We drop bombs everywhere and anywhere just to use up the old supply we have so we can make new ones to replace them. That’s how we keep the military industrial complex going.

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looks very similar to a Visby corvette

There are also sizable helipads.

Russia can gain nothing in 2018 by starting any kind of a filitary conflict with Finland, that part is true