Mark of the 3rd world

what is this thing? Why do 3rd worlders mark themselves like this? The only people that have them are refugees and such.

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It's some vaccination thing. In Spain I don't think anyone under 40 or 50 has it.

That looks quite pronounced, but vaccination marks themselves are common, aren't they?

My ex was foreign and when her family came over all of those little sudaca goblins had them

Nobody has them, our vaccinations don't give you big ass scars.

That’s an old school polio vaccination mak.

Measles vaccine.

I just googled it and apparently it's smallpox and tuberculosis vaccinations. Probably is more of a third world thing, especially if you give it to children.

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jesus why would you do that to yourself
smallpox are dead

>smallpox are dead
Because of vaccinations, you retarded zoomer

It was declared dead in the 70s or something. Yet younger people from the 3rd world still have these scars.

I have it. Although hers is worse than mine.

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>he still thinks vaccinations cure disease

They had these done when they were still babies. And no, smallpox aint dead in 3rd world shitholes. I had 'em when I was 6.

Because of the vaccinations.

The fucking Black Plague shows up in America every once in a while. The smallpox virus still exists, it just doesn't affect anyone because of the vaccine.

You didn't have smallpox.

>It was declared dead in the 70s or something.
And if you stop vaccinating people it wont stay dead

Vaccinations give autism so I won't vaccinate my children

Je begrijpt toch ook wel dat iedere vaccinatie anders is.

elke nederlander heeft autisme


I've never seen anyone with a vaccination scare even my grandparent's generation.

Same. I got lots of vaccinations and I don't have any weird marks.

>tfw don't have any scar on my arm and got all my vaccines except diphtheria

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