How can I stop being a beta and learn to assert myself at work...

How can I stop being a beta and learn to assert myself at work? I get bullied by coworkers and treated like shit by managers.

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get swole and bully them

They bully me with words

get a haircut

Haha faggot

get wordswole

just do the following to counter it.
>they bully you with words
>imitate their voice in a retarded manner and repeat what they said
>then point finger at them and laugh

lol just beat them up

Sounds kinda dumb desu any other ideas

Boost testosterone kunt, Posture and attitude will naturally become more assertive and aggressive

i can help. i used to be like you. give me an example of time you got bullied and we can work through it

Put trash on their desk. They bully you because they know you're too much of a pussy to fight back.

Ill start from the beginning, Person training me yelled at me for not understanding something for example. Other bad moments include them asking me if I was a virgin etc

read 48 laws of power

Start anonymous rumors online your coworker is a pedophile, hammer your boss on the sly to his peers

As dumb as it sounds, saying a simple thing like "I dont appreciate your tone" worked for me.

Those are shit tests you stupid faggot. Your reaction to getting yelled at caused him to lose respect for you. You're a virgin? Less respect. Now you're dog shit. You don't have dignity and don't deserve respect.

that's the correct answer

I've thought about sabotaging the bully's work or planting CP on his computer but it seems evil and id feel bad

Look man I understand that what I dont get is how to respond.

When they do something blow it out of proportion i.e they take a day off “say did you have a good vacation?” or some shit in front of everyone if they make a minor mistake act keep bringing it up

first tip is to recognize that people are assholes and not worth your respect. what they think of you doesn't matter. you need to show them that you don't care.

i need more detail about your examples. did you fail to understand something important? what did you say when they yelled? are you virgin? what was the context of being asked? who was around? what did you say?

this all matters

No don’t plant anything just untraceable rumors

Are you in the US? If so, that's lawsuit territory. Go talk to a workplace attorney.

But the real answer is, you're bullied because you're perceived as being weak. I stood up to bullies early on, because seriously, take shit from someone? Why? Fuck them. They're weak ass pussies most of the time anyway.
The only way to stop bullies is to beat their asses, or stop being prey. That's on you. Yeah. bullies are weak ass fucks, but only you can stop it, expecting anyone to protect you is dumb.

You can't let people walk over you like that. Ideally the first time they say something like that you call them out on it or if you're quick enough say something witty and scathing back to them.

it works perfectly tho.

>Person training me yelled at me for not understanding something for example.
just remind them that they are not very polite and if they continue to be that bitchy and subhuman you have to report him to the next higher up, you basically continue this all the way up til somebody gives a fuck, if not you get another job midday when they would need you the most.

>Other bad moments include them asking me if I was a virgin
why do you work together with troglodytes in the first place? get better training and a better job.


Also please don't do anything like reporting them, planting stuff etc. Stand up for yourself in the first place, it's the only way.

There's just a lot of stuff man. They always make fun of me over nothing, hard to think of specific examples but it's just repeated things like implying or saying I have no friends, virgin, never go outside, cant do the job, "one upping" me all the time. They talk over me, laugh at things I say and more


Pretend you have dignity and respond accordingly. I'm curious if you're autismo and just don't know how you're supposed to feel about someone shitting on you. Does it bother you? Is it mean spirited or he just fucking with you? Can you recognize the difference?

next time one of them pulls some of that shit, preferably with others around, look into their eyes and say you're confusing me with someone who gives a fuck about what you think. unfortunately you might not ever earn their respect back so stay guarded and avoid them. just don't react weakly or let them see you suffer. they don't matter

Good idea

I just dont want to say too much and overreact to a situation, im worried about that.

I guess I have autism not diagnosed but I have trouble understanding people and often think they're my friends when I look at it back later and realize they are just trying to use me for something

You have no friends, so I guess you didnt learn how to resolve conflicts. You probably just freeze when put in a unfamiliar situation.
Next time somebody jokes about lash out with another joke targeting them personally. They make fun of you tell them they are fat and nobody likes them.
You're their bitchboy, they have no respect for you, you got nothing to lose

Wear a trenchcoat at all times and greet everyone you see with finger guns.

Okay ill do that. Before I just always tried to laugh it off but I guess that just made them think it was okay.

easiest way would be to kill them all. but then there's jail time, so you have to decide if that's worth it.

Don't think it will be easy. If you're not used to confronting people you will be scared first couple of times. I hope you find strength to do it

Sounds like you're in a low IQ workplace with shitty people. Maybe just go for a new job.

I do have some friends though I jus dont know how to response. If I say "no im not a virgin and I have friends!" It looks pathetic but even worse if I agree and amplify or whatever the usual advice is

Funnily enough they joked about me shooting up the office multiple times for no reason

do not laugh it off. another thing you can do is when they are being real mean for no reason, tell them you've had enough of their shit and if it continues that you'll arrange a discussion with your supervisor about harassment. that's the nuke option imo

this. practice at home how you will stick up for yourself. you got this

If you really want to fuck them up record them making fun of you, bring it to HR. They'll be fired. Probably the most effective thing you could do.

If you're not quick witted it's probably not best to get into a war of words.

I honestly want to take boxing or bjj lessons on the weekends in case it gets physical. I will be willing to beat them into submission in a self defense situation

no need to get physical. your goal is to sternly tell them to fuck off. if that doesn't work, threaten to go to HR if they don't leave you be

you're already chalked up as a pussy your only hope is to start fresh somewhere and dont take any shit from the get go.

What if it's a small company with no hr

Work out and get better/more confident at socializing by talking to strangers (have converstions with random people on the street, go to bars alone etc.). That's unironically what I did to become less alpha and it worked. You can't just all of a sudden tell yourself to be "alpha" and expect it to magically happen. You have to learn how to be confident around other people.

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Also, just be straight up with your coworkers. Don't laugh it off or ignore them. Act like you don't give a fuck about what they say and make fun of them back (don't be afraid to hurt their feelings).

Just ask them what the hell their problem is. Act normal

Meant to say "less beta" kek.

threaten to go to the boss. tell him they're harassing you and its negatively affecting your employment

Any suggestions on how to do this more specifically? I don't really talk to random people and never go alone to places

Do you have long hair OP?
Could be your appearance.

Dude just stop caring. If they crack a joke at you, laugh at it and keep doing your job. Or respond with something idiotic, it doesnt matter

I know its hard but you need to learn how social situation work, the only way to is to fail. Stop being bothered by it

That's the point. I used to be the same. Force yourself into difficult social situations. It was really difficult for me (because I was really shy/beta), but it improved my social game A TON and made me a lot more confident around other people.

There is a good doc about socio biology among chimps that makes you understand group dynamics also read the book by Frans de Waal -chimpanzee politics

Yes but I meant if you had any sort of progression plan or something for me. Where I can start small and work towards little goals and build on it.

if you're a mess try omegle.

I see this type of post too much. Does half of this board work with dickheads. I'm friends with the coworkers around my age (just got back from a trip) and pretty friendly with the older ppl too. Literally nobody gets bullied.

What do you do OP?

To reinvent yourself, you need to
1. move out of there and go in a different context with different people
2. reinvent yourself and experiment a new self


hire a private investigator to find dirt on them and after when they bully you again spit some personal shit that can make them not bully you ever again

It's mainly related to dating, but I'd recommend you watch Blueprint decoded (just torrent it). Good luck.

most in this thread are wrong. you don't have to be a dick or aggressive, you just have to show them whatever they think honestly doesn't matter to you at all. The best way to do this is sarcastically go along with it or frame whatever they say how in a way you can have fun with it, which shows you're not worried about impressing them, only your own amusement. example. "what are you, a virgin?" "yeah bruh, women are scary, do you actually have sex with them? good for you dude." and just smile like a shit-eater. respond with that attitude for any shit test, which as someone said is all these are, and you'll always win and people will stop giving you shit once they realize you don't give a fuck. congrats on your new self esteem

(bonus, once you get good at this women will find you more attractive. they are walking shit tests)

Go full fight club pussy, "you don't know where I've been Lou"

IMO it can't be learned, or not as an adult. People are wired to fit into a certain level of the social hierarchy.