Eternal dumpling edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>the Philippines should rename themselves
>the Philippines flag should be redesigned
more like
Probably a German living in France
Petition to rename this general into /nusantara/. NUSANTARA > ASEAN
flip is not part of /nusantara/
The weak should fear the strong
Wish Malays and Indos werent part of Asean.
Please leave and be gay island niggers in nusantarastan
first of all, lets murder the white race.
Peru? That’s not very tolerant of you peru
Thoughts on Kuala Lumpur?
sprawling shithole full of niggers and degenerates, needs to be nuked ASAP
Are there lots of hot mainland chink qts there at least?
Are condos cheap?
Kaliningrad or known in Bahasa as Noble River is rightful Javanese clay
my gf looks like Cherie Chung.
When will you visit her peru?
not quite, but you can find a lot around uni places since most of them are students, we also have a jap and korean enclave
>Are condos cheap?
the new ones can be quite expensive by our standards, they're mostly for richfags and foreigners to invest in
Any final changes to be made before I release it to the world, malayanons?
Why are Southeast Asian girls so much more cute than plastic East Asians?
You are blind. East Asians are more cute. Now please catch them all east asians!
No, they're ugly and smell like shit
East Asian are cuter and smell nicer
Where do all the chink qts hang out in Jakarta?
>smell like shit
Untrue. They smell like nothing.
they smell like shit. your snout must have been broken
P _ _ _ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ G _ _
Pondan Niggers Get
We are the founder of ASEAN as an organization though?
Based pengen ngentot gan poster
ASEAN had five fouding members though
I like flips just not indonesians and malays. But malays are the worst.
Because your some kind of LGBT?
Did you just got out from a cave user?
What do you think about white buddhists?
Ultimate redpill. The chinks are Soros funded left-leaning libtards
Yeah, ASEAN was a mistake. We should had continued MAPHILINDO instead of dissolving it in favor of creating ASEAN.
Why are we bailing out shitholes in mainland sea again?
Yeah I mean in the sense that we are one of the founding father, first meeting are held in Bali if I'm not mistaken.
But then why do you be one of the member of ASA?
Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita :^)
I need a dicking
Can anyone list me mangoes where girls that broke a guy's heart get exactly what they deserve. The more It stroke my hateboner the better it is, especially if it involves tall girls with long black hair due to reasons.
Today is last day of shooting the short film, I hope all goes well so I can finally get some rest and focus on the other subjects
You need Quran not manga
Damn, today I become om. Shit, I feel so old now.
Based Muhammad Blake
Happy birthday? or congrats on your sibling wedding?
Today, my cousin has a baby.
ah, boy or girl?
Not him but they're fine as long as they follow the 5 precepts and Theravada tradition and don't go full hippy.
Great church service, heretics BTFO
You need Jesus
Are you chink or bumi?
>soul for salvation
pick one and only one
which is a good thing. Only Bahasa speaking cunts should be in /nusantara/ so we can speak our language instead of "engrish
Fucking saved. It's time for May 13 2.0 but this time they got holocaust for real.
Based Christian Malay , LGBT supporting, Open minded hipster malay poster! #bersih2.0 #IniKaliLah
Many western buddhists are just hippies or hipsters.
Still, buddhism is really the only good religion.
Tak suka nak juga
lel ch*nk. how many anglican cocks have you sucked?
i want your benis blis gib now
There are handful of westerner who aren't hippies. I knew one guy from Australia. He is a muslim convert, probably from Levant countries. He been taking care of elder Arhat monk for decades. His name is Azzam.
English is much superior than Bahasa.
>Only Bahasa speaking cunts
>Only Bahasa
Don't be the ch*nk enabler and propaganda pods for the ch*nks, use the full name instead: Bahasa Melayu.
The reason why we speaks english in this board is because of fl*ps. So you're saying that we must bow down to flips and continue using english as this general lingua franca?
Awak pakai tudung?
awak da makan?
the footage of c*nak recorded
saya lelaki tapi pakai tudung
screw you /seapol/ lemme clean up this shitty thread
Buatlah tawba dan ibadat cepatlah
t. Blake
That's pretty disturbing, is it some chink shit where they think suffering makes it taste better?
it's a gas chamber from a pig factory in Australia.
One day prophet Isa ibn maryam (it's jesus for you christcucks) will descend from the heaven and he will kill pigs and destroy crosses with his sword, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Al Masih Alaihissalam Kalamullah.
Have you slaughtered an animal yourself?
I killed a kambing for aqeeqa even though it's illegal some farmers allow it for under the table income.
Reinstall it again
Nope, I just let some professional does it for me.
Also, isn't Akikah doesn't need to be the father who slaughters it though?
>the screaming pigs
That shit is scary
Reunification and annexing traitors in the blanket when?
delete your save file and start doing mr house's quests
More like neinein wkwkwk.
Got anything with English subs? I can't follow stuff that complex yet
Unfortunately no. It's secret code.
yes chicken and duck
Only SJWs or politicians wanting attention are saying that
Don't worry, even I can't understand if someone speak malay that fast.
I will get there eventually. What are you going to do with all the cucks who say why would we want that land they are poor.