what makes americans so massive?
What makes americans so massive?
big bones and genetics
Large portion sizes, long work hours encouraging people to buy fast food, and said fast food being more fattening than it needs to be.
Not fun making fun of people's weight
Massive hearts.
We need extra space for all the freedoms
exactly what is a laker girl and why is it considered an honour to be photographed next to one?
in awe of the size of this lad
absolute unit
could crush both girls at the same time ngl i'd like to see that
I'm terrified that I will soon be looking like this guy. Have been gaining weight for the last two years and I don't know what to do about it. I exercise regularly, cook relatively healthy meals, but I do eat large portions. I don't know what the fuck else to do, if I eat less I will be hungry and irritable throughout the day. A few days ago I was shopping for work clothes and if things don't change I will need to buy my clothes at a "big and tall" store.
shitty diets (too much sugar, salt, and unhealthy greasy carbs, not enough veggies, fruits, protein, healthy fat, or fiber)
It comes with being part of the greatest country ever.
stop eating any sweets, chips and drinking anything else than mineral water, tea or coffee(without sugar)
eat chicken or turkey meat instead of pork and beef
Eating lots of food and no exercise
I don't eat junk food, but I do drink a lot of beer on the weekend. During the week I only drink water and one morning coffee.
>what the girls are
Professional cheerleaders
>why it's honor
No idea, maybe the guy can't get laid and always dreamed of doing it with a cheerleader
No car or access to healthy food within 1 mile.
just eat less in general
healthy eating doesnt mean shit if all you do is cram 4000 calories of it in every day
eating this shit
unité absolue
southerners, the poor, and minorities
looks like he won a contest from the basketball team los Angeles lakers to go on a date with two cheer leaders
ahh yes i see you are a man of sophistication
zero regard for what we are eating or how much of it we are eating.
isn't it saturday night there now?
do you really want to spend your saturday night having the same thread that's been done hundreds of times?
stop drinking beer too
it's a lot of unnecessary calories
eat a lot of vegetables rather than fruits because fruits have a lot of sugar
cucumbers and tomatoes are great because they taste good and barely have any callories
>saturday night in Poland
>why are americans__________?
Cut ALL sugar, check everything you drink. The stomach is directly connected to the brain via the vagus brain. Your gut bacteria sends signals about what they want through it. You must starve the ones consuming sugar by NOT giving it to them! No breads containing syrup either.
They have spent several Saturday nights talking about our dicks before
who is this semen demon
>go on a date with two cheer leaders
that sounds so fucking uncomfortable i'm cringing just thinking about it
uh every day is saturday in poland, user.
>saturday night
Fuck off with the normalfag speak and lurk at least two years before posting.
next will be a circumcision thread...again
Christ you fuckers are self obsessed.
I have never spent 1 second thinking about your "anything"
the world seems to be obsessed with us
here in America we have a SUPER abundance of food and the kind of food we eat is bad for you. there is food EVERYWHERE! a mcdonalds there, a burger king here, taco bell right down the road, everywhere! i've also heard that in america the serving sizes are quite large, larger than places in europe. not only is there a lot of food, but a lot of it is bad for you! do you have any idea how much SUGAR is in a can of coke? look at my image. 39 grams! it is well known that eating lots of sugar causes diabetes, obesity, heart disease, a variety of health problems. now there is a lot of sugar and there is a lot of fat too, have you ever seen the GREASY oil that we use to deep fry our foods in? liquid heart-attacks. though deep fried foods are chiefly the kind you buy as 'fast food', it is high in saturated fats which are the kind that clogs your arteries.
american food is bad for you!
Descendants of the ancient giants that used to roam the earth
>it's everyone else's fault I'm a fat piece of shit
German genetics.
It also makes us intelligent, thoughtful, strong, and large.
Anglos become the rednecks the Germans are in the mid western cities.
jack the ripper from fate grand order
dios mio...
Ah, Fate, should've known.
I'd like to rip that Jack.
he was lucky on his date lmao
fat genes, corn syrup, no exercise
oh wow
Corn syrup tastes like shit
you have two options, one is diet based, either to eat less and deal with the irritation for a while until you get used to it, or to follow a low carb diet where you'll also have to deal with the irritation for a while until you get used to it
another option is changing your lifestyle in a minor but effective way, for example i lost significant weight when i started to commute by bicycle for a few months, 40 minutes of pedaling each day that's packaged in a form where i can't just say "i dont feel like it" because i obviously have to show up at work is absolutely great for a lazy piece of shit like me because i just do it without thinking or agonizing about it unlike in regular exercise
superior bloatgod genes rivaled only by the greeks
this guy is pretty /fa/, w2c shirt and weight?
the grease stains are extra btw for the shirt