
this ones for schizy

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London is peng

not cara
not anime

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hate anime
love manga
simple as really

god can you imagine being a southerner
everything's expensive
you're surrounded by other southern twats
everyone's constantly banging on about LAAANDAAAAAN
must be cringy as fuck

Ye shall know them by their fruits

ngl but honestly im the biggest and most ripped cunt here

could annihilate any single one of you little runtlings

mad that the diameter of earths orbit is 1000 light seconds

someone stream dunkirk
don't have a VPN and I'm sure as fuck not pirating that

where's 190

bent you wank off to pictures as well

nonce freak


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>The home secretary, Sajid Javid, has been rebuked by MPs and human rights campaigners for tweeting about “Asian paedophiles”.
>The tweet was quickly condemned for noting the perpetrators’ ethnicity. The Labour MP David Lammy said: “Sajid Javid has brought a great office of state into disrepute. By singling out ‘Asians’ he not only panders to the far right but increases the risk of violence and abuse against minorities across the country.

Oh fuck off, they are "Asian"

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a serbian film

Lying in bed drinking beer
happy as larry

UK posters have a very immature and child like sense of violence.
In North America you would get shot and stabbed.
(notice, how we do not talk as if throwing hands in a pub is the be all, end all)

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I exclusively wank to anzu

Based & redpilled

i honestly pity you Northerners. You can't even enjoy the superior South when you eventually get down here because your tribal loyalties mean you have to pretend the North is superior.

God forbid one finger is laid on the pretty head of a paki

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Just stream it on openload

stream it online you nause
not illegal to do that

I'm highly trained in French military combat. I'd like to see you try

edgy bollocks

Made 3k+ from the catfish findom account already this month.

*walks away and talks to someone else*

want to watch it with my friends (read: you)

Lol they really believe in those fictionary northern/southern fragmentation. It's just a weak/Brit/ gimmick please get over it

wheres goebbels

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white boys fear me

A Poo and a Nigger to all of you fine of fine connoisseurs of Anglo and international cultures!

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5 April, AD 15,232 A simultaneous total solar eclipse and transit of Venus.

20 April, AD 15,790 A simultaneous annular solar eclipse and transit of Mercury.

October, AD 38,172 A transit of Uranus from Neptune, the rarest of all planetary transits.

26 July, AD 69,163 A simultaneous transit of Venus and Mercury.

AD 571,741 A simultaneous transit of Venus and the Earth as seen from Mars

post some of the highlights

Thank you Chaim, you are truly my greatest ally.

the so called scran

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you arrive in newport city centre

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Yeah, you would walk away pussy..

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what the fuck
he's from Emmaus?

thats dinner sorted

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looks great

tfw no autistgf

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reminder that these will get you years in federal institution in the """free country""" know as the united kingdom

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I could literally ruin the lives of about 15 people who sent money using their real name and looked and they have wives and shit
One lad from Norway sent several hundred several times and he looks like a male model has a hot gf etc

Wish I was a Jewish prodigy
Hate being a midwit goy

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That's tourrets

pengchel pengley

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That isn't autism
It's acting

Any weird quirks in those interviews are acting to sell the movie

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penchant for buggery

Yeah but then you'd have no foreskin.

Hehe ain't paying taxes anymore

don't care virgins

THE footrkaut?

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>had falling out with dad when I went to uni because because I was an edgy idealist and wanted to study history
>meanwhile he wanted me to do an MBA (wanted to pay tuition for me) and join his company
>told him to go fuck himself and took out student loans to do my history degree instead
>28 now, talked with him like five times since then (talk with mum more)
>his business has been really successful and he's a literal multimillionaire now, bought a big new house
>meanwhile I'm making £20k at 28 and will never amount to anything

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Pseudo-intellectual ironing board
I look like this but younger

Must be awful being a goy without a foreskin in yankland

>dat spine

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don't think so

Tell me something only FootKraut would know..
Like, what ethnicity is your girlfriend and whats your favorite country...

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If you calllllll your dad he could stop it all

what pics are you using? rosy's?

can he get me a job? whats the business?


Your dad sounds like a controlling immature faggot and you're both incredibly petty for falling out over something so insignificant.

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if its any consolation i did compsci and only make about 20k too

Buckingham palace lads

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I'm considering stopping it all myself.

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Nah and don't know who that is

>proto-gf sends me risque vid
>put it on pornhub
>she goes ballistic
don't understand women me

Yeah. Not the real footkraut.
I though you said foot fetish was homo?

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scouser lee

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how old are you though?

when they do it what?

digging into my face with a razor blade im so fiucking uglyyy



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lmao you probably got so many eyes on you walking around all these places at night with a camera

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Cheer up lad, could be worse. You could be a poonigger

penchant for frottage

Suicide, you mean? Don't be silly
You might be a daddy's boy but you can make it on your own

Doing that won't make you any more beautiful

Love Nozaki

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Why are brits so adamant on saying William the conqueror wasn't french when he was 94.62% french?

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Keep posting women and from your taste I will be able to judge whether or not you are legit

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he might have been 94.62% french but he was 100% english