>A lovely Saturday in Europe
>*opens up Jow Forums
A lovely Saturday in Europe
Seriously though, why don't americans celebrate easter?
See the issue with you yanks is that you're so arrogant and firm in your belief of superiority that you can't take banter and get immeasurably butthurt at ant criticism
Jow Forums ? more like /shit/
i just get so ANGRY when you people start insulting the ants
how is the view in your ass?
>See, the issue with you yanks is
I meant *any, it was a typo
Where's the lie? You yanks constantly boast about your supposed superiority, go on about "muh freedoms" (despite that you can serve prison time for smoking a plant) and can't handle it when others call you out on it.
>mocks American freedom
>lives in a cunt where you can't even own guns
Do you see the irony here or must I spell it out for you?
>muh gun argument
If you can't own guns you are at the mercy of the state, you have no true freedom only what the state allows you to have
>lives an ogliarchic state controlled by corporate interests
>he is subject to punitive drug laws which restrict his basic freedoms
>he is subject to asset forfeiture on the basis of suspicion of committing crime
>he pretends he has freedom because muh guns
Fucking hell you seppos sure do swallow bullshit
>he subsists of of (You)s from 13-year old r/The_Donald users that post on a Taiwanese oragami forum
They also make hundreds of self-absorbed threads like this one then cry OBSESSED OBSESSED
not even that guy you were replying to but you got absolutely fucking btfo and now you just start shitposting and moving the goalposts
>he opened this thread just to type that
>t. second most butthurt flag on the board behind leafs
All you do is shitpost as hard as you can and go U MAD CAN'T HANDLE BANTS when called on being retarded
not eve that guy you were replying to but i think he was reverse-trolling
you make the same spelling errors lol
>americans think they are free
>no u
Mutts are No.1 butthurt on this board. Aussies just tell it like it is and you always shart your pants.
>americans calling others butthurt
Look at this fucking thread you idiot, holy fuck my sides
>yanks make a thread complaining about euros making fun of them
>proceed to call others butthurt