What's the scariest thing you've ever experienced?

What's the scariest thing you've ever experienced?

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a bizarre rush of anxiety that hit me over a year ago without reason, I knew it wasn't worth caring about, but it still assaulted me with the body's adrenaline and whatnot

>without reason
maybe someone... or something... was watching you from a distance?

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these things

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you mean a panic attack?

were you tired or high?

one day i got so high that i thought that i was going to die.

i sweated, puked and all that shit.

can't think of anything
that's probably a good thing

seein an amer*can trying to fit his fat arse on a toilet and failing repeatedly until he somehow shat onto his own stomach

once I was by myself at home and when I went to sleep I heard this really loud scream coming from my back, like there was someone behind me and screaming in my ear. I turned away and there wasn't anyone there. I still don't know what that was about but there's probably a scientific explanation to it. I don't remember if I was tired or not

probably the handful of times i had sleep paralysis or when i had some hallucinations at night after a long binge period of drinking

Unironically just last night. I pulled into my house and there was an old man standing near by as i was getting ready to stop along the side of the road. I assume he was just walking home but there was no light and we looked at each other. In case he was going to kill me when I got out of the car I just kept driving as if it wasn't my home and called the police. Then they never came because I think they realized I was overreacting. I was literally like something from a horror movie. Also my mom is gone for the weekend so I'm home alone. I made sure all the doors were locked though and have my ruger on my night stand. Was really spooked lads.

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might have been exhaustion or a temporary bout of psychosis, I don't know, but i saw these things all throughout january this year
it caused me a lot of anxiety and as my anxiety grew so did the sightings.
they went away after about a month though thankfully

mental breakdown in early 2015
tons of panic attacks all the time for years

Well i dropped to water during winter cuz ice broke. Seriously thought that i was going to die

Multiple psychosis with severe hallicinuations. Heard people whisper "hey! i am right beside you" into my ear etc, strange shit. It was also combined with some degrees of visuals, seeing small girls, heads

I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's one of the most common hallucinations. The only thing that irks me is the picture you posted, it's rare that they appear in broad daylight

Once I was fucking a girl behind a tree in a park then I looked left that less than 2 meters away a tall, fat guy had his dick out and was masturbating looking at us.

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>seeing small girls
fucken pedo.

>Also my mom is gone
How fucking hard is it to get your own place!

I don't watch anime, but this animated little girl in japanese style appeared infront of me, then it changed into an asian woman old, before becoming dead skull shit

my life is such shit that I had panic a panic attack that lead me to a psych ward. I jumped the wall and spent a night outside and tried to rob a car.
My life is a mess

I think you are batshit insane.

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it's called schizophrenia desu

Beat it normie

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What are psych wards like in Brazil?

The worst part is that i am not sure if it was hallcinuations. I have experienced other things, were we lived was like it was haunted. Every night someone was dragging my blanket, i could see it, feel it. Demons exist.

yes, I've since then read a bunch of very similiar experiences and it was nice knowing I'm far from alone.
They could appear outside or inside my house any time of day, with varying degrees of blackness and form
first pic caught my eye because it looked so eerily similiar (although none of them looked female)
pic related is maybe more accurate

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move out of your parents basement you leech.

Was awake for 3 days and nights and sitting at my computer. Looked over to the open doorway and see a woman walk by. None of that blurry movement at the edge of your eyes bullshit, I could perfectly see her for a solid second just casually walking by. Heart started racing like crazy, my brain telling me something was really wrong here seeing as I live alone. Locked the door and immediately went to sleep

I went to a paid one, it was fine, a lot of crazy fucks and I couldn't even watch tv in peace. Very good food tho and the nurses (men) were good guys.
I saw the public ward from there and it was a mess, crazy crazy people in an insane level. I was lucky to be in the paid area.

I don't get it, why do hallucinations from crazy people are always scary and shit. I wonder if anyone has experience ones that they find interesting.

Don't really feel like sharing, suffice to say, I think many would have faltered if they face the same.

Probably some broad your dads was feckin

I had a psychotic episode once in my life when I was 15. It was the only time I've ever had a psychotic episode. I don't know how to articulate my experience because I'm a brainlet, but I didn't hallcuinate, rather my way of thinking completely changed. The way I looked at things and perceived things was all different. I wish I could explain it better, but it was some scary shit and I was afraid I was going to be stuck in that state, or maybe that state was the true state of things, and this state is false.

>Don't really feel like sharing
Share is fucko

I live alone norgebro

I once heard my nephew's voice just behind the bathroom's door. When I opened it to check everything out, there was nothing.
It was 2 pm, and I was the only one awake at that time.
But that doesn't compare to the time where I felt a cold finger touching my feet when I was about to sleep.
Have tried moving to another place or sleeping in a friend's house?

I know this feel all too well, landsmann

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did you ever try to touch one of them?

I have had a really interesting episode. The audiotory hallicinuations were after severe trauma, little food, sleep, in addition to alcohol. But one time i was just lying in my bed all awake, suddenly my eyes start to "dirr" have rapid eye movement, wide awake. I close my eyes and see in clarity like a movie being played; spaceships in all forms, large planets which obviously was habitated, it was like i was being shown something. Seeing planets from above, gigantic cities. Things i could not imagine, architecture with intricacy, dyson spheres.


was home alone one night in a rented house during my undergrad about to fall asleep when suddenly hear my front door slamming shut. I grab my gun and stay at the top of the stairs in dead silence listening for what felt like 10 minutes. I finally go downstairs to check things out and nobody is there and my door was still locked from the inside.

This was like 2 weeks after an acquaintance of mine brought his brother who was a wiccan who for some reason really took a liking to us and left these little black stones with hand etched carvings in every doorway of the house as some kind of ward for good luck/protection or some shit. While im not the kind of guy to believe in things like that it still spooked me.

My family experienced it as well, it was a nightmare.

Hort om vardoger? Gå på google og sok "vardoger julehilsen pdf", interssant lesning. Det er noen forskere som har sett på overnaturlige opplevelser i Norge.

Are you sure you didn't saw that from True Detective?

the great city of Pnakotus

>be American
>grab gun at every minor impression of danger

my moments with them were very fleeting and I would be too frozen with panic to try
but one of them looked like it touched me in the face.
it first appeared on the carpet in my hallway, then looked like it crawled towards me (not memeing) then dissappeared, then seconds later a shadow looking like a limb extended towards my face and my head went super light (i'm sure it was panic and not the "arm" actually doing something to me)
Then I ran the fuck out of my house and went on a 2 hour walk trying to calm myself

I died, then I woke up but was still dreaming, then I woke up again

Yes. Is that in there? It was like spaceships flew past me, like in VR, the scale was huge. I saw these different planets, some had large green "spheric lights", gigantic structures, it was like being in space looking down on them.

Don't you ever thought, its an illusion, so ignore it or try to face it?

Had this dream where I had just dumped the body of someone I'd killed. I didn't see the murder or the dumping but I knew.
I just sat at the shore weeping knowing I was going to hell. Seriously fucked me up for a week.
I've had this dream four times and it affects me equally as much each time.

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a very real threat of a home invader (which is what I thought it was at first) is like 99% of the reason to ever own a gun outside of entertainment/collectability

This happens to me too

>Hort om vardoger?
ja. eg har hatt fleire av dei og to av dei delte eg med systera mi.
takk, eg skal sjekke ut den pdf'en. dette er utruleg interessant

>Share is fucko

very interesting. thanks for sharing
these things usually occur when people are already exhausted in some way and as such they are not thinking clearly in the first place

many times. Most of the times I saw them I managed to ignore it save for an initial feeling of dread, but those were also not very visible
Other times they would appear so strongly and real that it was impossible to ignore

I saw shadow of my dog sitting on my bed few days after he died :(

Mye rart i Nord-Norge.

>so strongly and real that it was impossible to ignore
why not just say fuck it and charge at it!

lol why are all norwegians schizos

I saw my dick after I lost 50 pounds

Are you sure you aren't an american rape baby?

odins blessing/curse

Shamanic genes.

kek i thought this only happened in cartoons


>I grab my gun

you lads probably arn't gonna belive me but here i go
i was about 6 or 7 in some after school program because both of my parents worked late. had to go to the washroom but since i was young and the washroom was at the end of the hall i went with two other freinds.
so afther i finished i was waiting for my freinds when a gost or figure of a lady wearing a dress (kind of looked like pic related) fucking comes out the wall. all three of us sprint out and run back to the afther school thing.
the spookiest thing about this was all three of us saw it so its not like i was having visions or anything

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lads what can you tell me about the totemnissar?
are they more of a Swedish thing?
I want to go out in the wilds in Northern Norway with a rifle in my hand and see what creatures lurk in the dark

Where will I find the totemnissar?

Don't shoot the nisse, they're cheeky fucks but not dangerous or hostile, they bring presents.
Watch out for huldras and trolls, though,

I had something like this too. Saw him at the bottom of the stairs

You can apparantly find them in the deep wild, have you read that story on /x about the swede in Alaska? Nisse is a small gnomish creature, they aren't always nice and can fuck you with their powers they say. You may think its funny or something to find them, but don't you can be killed

Although the most acute judges of witches and even the witches themselves, were convinced of the guilt of witchery, the guilt nevertheless was non-existent. Thus it is with all guilt.

During one of my dream paralysis, I once saw a inhuman hand passing through my room's door and then trying to move the door handle.

>have you read that story on /x about the swede in Alaska?

It's a Swedish man in northern Yukon, Canada, I believe.

And that's what has made me decide that I want to find them fuckers. Aren't they small? Do you think they're friends with Trolls and other creatures?

Is it true Trolls can smell Christians or is it just bullshit?

what did he mean by this

I found it lads, apparently he faced his doom in Yukon with his Swedish grandfather

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When i was a kid i fucking swear one time i waked up in the middle of the night and saw some red eyes staring at me deep in the darkness of the closet but i couldnt move or scream or anything, for some reason i could go back to sleep, my skin crawl everytime i remember this

Sleep paralysis
The first time I woke up I hallucinated my mother entering my room several times but I couldn't talk to her or even move. It wasn't that frightening at that time, mostly uncomfortable.
The scary one was when I woke up and hallucinated hearing what sounded like people walking around in my apartement(I live alone these days). The sounds coupled with the feeling of helplessness scared the absolute fucking shit out of me. The steps right outside of my door were the worst part.

Trolls can probably smell humans in general, and just say they can smell christians since it's the dominant religion in scandinavia (for now).

This year I had two cases of sleeping paralysis, the first ones that I had in my whole life.
Those left me very fucked up. But the first one has to be the worst.
I dreamed that I was a doctor, everyone called me that, I was much taller than I am now, and the place where I worked looked insipid. The nurses didn't laugh at the patients' dicks because there was no patient to be seen in the first place.
They called me over to a room where the patients were supposed to be while they talked about a sickness or some shit like that.
When I entered with them into the room everyone that was supposed to me my patients were completely still, they didn't flinch, in fact, it looked like they weren't breathing. They were on their feet facing at the front, with an enraged expression on their faces, they were showing off their teeth like they were some kind of animal, the fact that that had bloodshot eyes and blood coming from their mouths didn't help.
I remember that I was pretty scared when walking with the nurses across the room. Even if I was higher than everyone in there I still felt like I was in constant danger. I never showed how scared I was and kept walking.
Then I stopped, I don't know why, but I started looking at them for a long while. It still seemed like they didn't acknowledge my presence.
When I was about to keep going one of them jumped at me and ripped out my throat with her teeth, I heard how the patients started referring to me as the "doctor whore". Everything turned black while my ears started to get destroyed by screams, laughter and some kind of strange music in the background that I cannot describe.
In fact, I woke up when the loudness of all of those sounds started to become unbearable. Once I was awake I couldn't move and the sound kept getting louder and louder as I increasingly struggled to breathe.
When I could move I turned on the lights and tried to sleep again but as long as I started to get drowsy that sound came back again over and over.

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I believe they are interdimensional creatures, so they abide by the laws of this and lower/higher dimensions as well, making them able to alter reality. You can't shoot them. The other dimensions is almost like a mirror to this world, layered on top of this one, it has some similiarities but different laws. I saw two of them one time during an experience, two small fellas holding hands like brothers, going on to some important business it seemed. Kind of like midgets but smallers. They unironically looked like they were pictured in LOTR, but more "modern". There is some truths to tales and sagas.

Shitttt, why is my post so fucking long?

>christians since it's the dominant religion in scandinavia (for now).
Not even trying to meme but wouldn't Islam technically be the dominant religion considering 99% of Scandinavians are actually atheist and atheism isn't an actual religion?

No, a good majority of norgs are members of the state church, far more than the mus.

The runes he carves around his hut has a function, not in this dimension but in another dimension. This is what the vikings and shamans believed. They become something else there and protect, create etc. So by making a specific rune wall around his hut, he has created a barrier which protected him.

I think practicting Christians are actually more numerous because of immigrants from places like Poland, but I could be wrong.

To be quite frank my only case of sleep paralysis involved the sight of a black person haha

Saw a flying dorito.
3 lights.

>state church
Yeah but how many actually believe in the Christian God and being saved through Jesus and all that jazz? I'm admitting I'm completely ignorant but I'd have to assume that there's more serious muslims than serious christians in Scandinavia.

Did you not try talking to them?
How many times have you seen them?

>christians since it's the dominant religion in scandinavia (for now)

What % of Norwegians are christians?
I thought Atheism was pretty big up there. Are there any Pagan people left?

Do you know what kind of runes one can use for protection?

>Are there any Pagan people left?
"""""Neo-pagans""""" are all LARPers, and don't let anybody convince you otherwise.

They're just atheists who want to discover some meme spirituality, like when white hipsters """""convert to buddhism""""".

Probably hypnagogic hallucinations, happens to me all the fucking time. I almost never have visual hallucinations, almost always screams like you describe.

Can't be fucked to look up the numbers, but I'd say the "spritual" christains outnumber the athiests, who outnumber the mus.
There are basically no pagans left in europe, the only ones left are crazy fucks like Varg,

Once when I was a kid we were walking home from school passing by the house of some old Chinese recluse who lived with his mentally challenged son, one of my friends went up and kicked in his basement window and the old Chinese guy ran out with what looked like a snub nosed revolver and started chasing us, I remember running home and not looking back to see if he was still following so I hid under a table in case he followed me in

To avoid paralysis sleeping avoid consume too much sugar or caffeine before sleeping, at least 3 hours I would say. This includes candy.

t. médico puta