This is a real crab holocaust machine
Living as a crab is hell
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I hope cartels make a human version of this
germany already did it in ww2
Literally snibs the snab.
This is unironically why sometimes I think when natural disasters, and horrible human atrocities happen, we deserve it
Niggas gotta eat, faggot.
plants have feelings as well
Eating crab meat imported from distant locations is not at all a sustainable form of eating, nor is it defendable under the guise of subsistence.
I also think about the horrible way we treat each other. Some kind of cosmic karma. We truly deserving nothing more than horrible deaths
>dey gonna kill me
Stupid consparitard, come back into the bucket
This but with aliens.
return to reddit, faggot
Make me nerd
Crabs are little more than overgrown insects. There's no indication that they have a nervous system complex enough to feel pain.
Guitar strings are not sustainable.
There is something mined, which is used for plants, which isn't renewable, and which will run out in the next 20 years.
It is not oil btw.
the piano strings are. you have a sustain pedal.
but i believe there is a sustain pedal for the guitar as well (the PLUS pedal).
so you believe there is no karma outside of reddit? like if you hurt someone you are guaranteed to get hurt later, you don;t believe in that? it is akin to conservation of matter.
I hate crab, but now I might eat it to spite you
Is this how the nazis did it?
No, it was a rollercoaster
1) Peak phosphorus is not at all the object of scientific concensus. As with peak oil, the pessimistic estimates are often strictly based on proven reserves. Many estimates put it more towards the end of the century, and others even beyond that. But you are right in pointing out that it's a problem which we ought to start adressing and which we basically haven't at all thus far.
2) Current agricultural practices being unsustainable doesn't mean that other food production methods can't also be unsustainable. You're applying fallacious reasoning.
CRT TVs and monitors have mostly disappeared; that alone used a huge amount of phosphorous.
>Current agricultural practices being unsustainable doesn't mean that other food production methods can't also be unsustainable. You're applying fallacious reasoning.
Are you implying that artificial growing meat will be technically mature in the next decades?
I guess they were only electronic equipment actually needing phosphor
based kurzgesagt
"Animals can't feel pain"
Literally NPCs
>eating food is evil
>we deserve to be killed for living
Are you unironically a nigger?
It's more about our disregard for life, especially the lives of other humans
People decide life's value. My chickens are worth a million chickens I don't know or care about. Alternatively, and are worth less than complete strangers
It's not a disregard for life. It's an efficient way to allow millions of people to eat.
CRTs and plasma displays.
Reading history made realize humans are the niggers of the animal kingdom. We literally do not benefit the earth at all
>Reading history made realize humans are the niggers of the animal kingdom. We literally do not benefit the earth at all
You talk like there's something to gain or lose. We'll run our course, and life will go on
but guess what. it won't happen. HAHAHA DABBB ON THE GRAVE OF NONHUMANS
nigger, nothing benefits the earth. you expect giraffes and crabs to save the planet from the eventual supernova of our sun?
Imagine going to that job every single day, just trying to occupy your mind with anything besides the thought of how many lives you take on a daily basis for a wage you think isn't high enough.
its somewhat normal for a human to rationalize killing some animals on a daily basis because we need to so we can survive, but being responsible for the death of thousands every day you go to work has got to weigh on you pretty heavily
even better
imagine a huge factory like this except for humans, processing tens of thousands every day
The sun is too small for that
As the Norwegian user said, crabs are just overgrown bugs that most likely don't feel pain at all.
I hope they are dead already
Argentine intellectuals
This argument would only hold if we weren't obscenely wasteful with food.
But now I'm on the precipice of arguing for free trade in agriculture again so I'll stop while i'm ahead.
>if we weren't obscenely wasteful with food
Oh yeah, let’s transport the wested food to Africa instead of helping them invest in their infrastructure so they don’t have 90% post harvest losses.
>inb4 snopes article
Yeah because Ethiopia is the whole of Sub Saharan Africa and they didn’t even give sources themselves.
Snopes vs the fucking UN, who is more likely to give a objective report of the post harvest losses?
I know it's inevitable, but fuck that sound is haunting.
Reptiles are about the minimum level of animal that can be considered sentient and capable of actions more advanced than preprogrammed reflexes.
here's an idea: get rid of the stupid common agricultural policy. abolish it. stop it being a thing. stop subsidizing farmers and have them grow only to market demands, rather than subsidising them growing too much food (but not letting the price fall so poor locals benefit), or being paid not to grow any food.
kill everyone who proposes agricultural tariffs. put them in the crab-murder machine for humans. give africans hard currency for selling us food at well below the prices our own farms could achieve, allowing them to reinvest and profit (or just work for a megacorp on African land) and buy in food when their own harvests fail, moving them beyond sustenance farming and doing more for human wellbeing than a thousand years of foreign aid.
>stop subsidizing farmers and have them grow only to market demands, rather than subsidising them growing too much food (but not letting the price fall so poor locals benefit), or being paid not to grow any food
Ronald Reagan tried getting rid of farm subsidies, bless him, but he encountered opposition and had to back down.
>how to absolutely destroy your own agriculture infrastructure
You realize what will happen?
The same thing that happened in Poland the last couple of decades.
Why should any country undermine their own agricultural branch?
Stupid, Jesus.
This kills the crab.
>Why should any country undermine their own agricultural branch?
Because they're an oversubsidised group of cosseted whiners who wouldn't know efficiency if it beat them over the back of the head. you'll never meet a poor British farmer, yet we're expected to pay over the odds to keep them in the lifestyle to which they're accustomed, cocking about in a landrover.
do you think that might be because we tariff them to fuck?
You know what happened when NZ abolished agricultural subsidy? A few farmers who went bust killed themselves, then the survivors took charge of one of the most successful agricultural exporting industries in the world. Now NZ advocates free trade in agriculture at any opportunity.
But of course, Africa is too far away to sell us food. Not like New Zealand, which is only 20 minutes by bike from anywhere in Europe.
atleast it looks like they die quick not like the machine that cuts their legs first
overproduction is a problem, but cutting subsidies is just a shurefire way to destroy all farming in Europe and leave it in such a state that it will never recover.
the "market" dictates that farmers should die off as they barely turn a profit as is, that doesn't mean they aren't important.
what is needed is for the EU to re-introduce limits on production in certain sectors such as Dairy since milk is so cheap even with subsidies its unsustainable.
ah yes, what we need is even more expensive food.
>its okay because the food is less expensive xdd
>save da planet!!!
>its okay I want my soy beans from fucking New Zealand while the fucking planes and ships kill the planet
its expensive because as of now the EU claims to promote free production, but then buys up all the surplus to create artificial prices, better in this case to just set production limits than waste so much time with storage and needless surplus that wont see shelves for a long time
m8 any farming product costs already jack shit, if you want to save money and environment its the meat industry that must be destroyed
They are already dead before being placed on the process line, if it makes you feel any better.
I never said anything about saving the planet. In order of precedence, my aims are:
Cheap food.
Cutting the cost of subsidy, ideally to zero.
International development.
I feel like largely leaving it to the market would render production limits unnecessary. Especially if - as everyone has already said - free trade in agriculture would likely destroy European agriculture. Assuming it didn't and European agriculture was very successful, it would still be an oddity for systemic overproduction to crop up since there'd be no subsidised buyer for the surplus end-product. (Though obviously you might get temporary overproduction in years where recessions start and such.)
now we just gotta find a way to do this with the jews
The meat industry is less the problem than the idea of corn feeding livestock.
but the crabs doesn't snibetti snab though. She can hold it without the snab struggling.
Do you have the link to the video where pigs get dumped into a pit and buried alive because they were contaminated?
genuinely hope crabs uprise one day and enslave people for food
I never understood that. Corn isn't even that easy for cows to digest.
Do you feel bad for all the crabs in nature that get eaten and dismembered by sharks and stuff?
It's already dead. Probably via freezing.
Corn-fed beef is fattier and tastes better. That's mostly what's the deal.
>tastes better
The best beef comes from Australia and Japan, which are not corn fed.
American beef is not even of a high enough standard to be sold here despite the fact that our beef is exported and sold in America (and all around the world).
I assume it tastes better for different uses, like in ground beef or cheap mass produces steaks.
Australian beef is good but expensive compared to American.
this is wrong
>American beef is not even of a high enough standard to be sold here
That's a fancy way of saying you have protectionist setups so your beef industry doesn't get undercut by cheaper imported beef.
You are retarded.
how come then cheap American beef doesn't undercut Australian in other countries which don't set any preference for Aussie industry (like here and in China)
>shitposting unironic holocaust memes
I know Australians are dumb trolls but how stupid do you have to be to believe in the Holocaust. Go back to maiing KARA BOGA tier memes that are atleast in the realm of reality.
I cant' tell if this is ironic or not
It's ok because animals do not have souls the man with the weird hat says and humans need meat, the meat industry says.
I don't understand why we can't just kill animals quickly and efficiently? It's the same with halal and kosher meats, why can't we just put a bolt in all their heads instead of letting them bleed to death? I love meat, but I will avoid any meat that has been cruelly killed.
If you think using a bolt is like petting an animal to death you are wrong. Just look up the miss rates and wether the wagecuck on the conveyor has time for a second shot.
quintessential american post
I am talking about using them properly, we need better slaughtering standards. But until then, I guess you just have to know your local butcher like I do.
The price premium you pay at your local butcher's is not because the meat is any better or there is some magical "humane killing" involved, it's marketing and selling you a good conscience.
>and humans need meat, the meat industry says
Humans are omnivores, silly. In fact there's no truly herbivorous animal because even a cow will ingest tons of bugs while grazing.
The crabs have had it too good for too long
He doesn't charge much more than supermarkets, I know him personally. He's part of a collective of farms that give the animals a good free-range life and butcher them quickly at the end for high quality meat. If you think you can try and doubt or guilt me into becoming a vegan, you are very wrong, my conscience is clear and my meals are delicious.
This is the beta uprising, the alpha crabs were stealing our women
I'll bet they are, too. Meat tastes better when the animal it comes from lived a happy life, but that's not necessarily the top tier of meat. All else being equal meat tastiness goes like this (in my opinion at least):
>hand raised then killed by you.
>wild and then killed by you (hunting and so on)
>Hand raised and hand killed (you are here)
>wild and killed by someone else
at least its quick
if i had to choose between being boiled alive or having my head squashed under tank tracks, id choose the tracks
arent those crabs supposed to be alive? Why arent they moving or snibb snabbing the ones that touch their limbs?
i remember the fishing shows, they need to deliver them alive to the factories
Also, theire is a tip at the crabs head that if you snap, it kills him instantly, which is exactly what happens in the op webm
Damn imagine working there, they kill like one every 3 seconds. How can you be cool at the end of the day knowing how many you killed today only?
crabs be like ‘ribbit’
humanoids need gassed asap
Who gives a shit about fucking crabs?
How much of a softy cuck do you have to be to feel sorry for crabs?