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will you buy new fallout game?
i already did and i will have lots of fun playing it!
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will you buy new fallout game?
i already did and i will have lots of fun playing it!
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hi todd
1. fleg
2. fuck no
No, I’m already living on a post apocalyptic hellhole
No, I’m already living on a post apocalyptic hellhole
Imagine how shitty elder scrolls will be. I bet cartoony graphics with very funny characters.
I might. I like building settlements and exploring more than stories and NPCs (which Bethesda/Zenimax can't do anyways) so it might be worthwhile
Haven't played many games the last year or two, but I'm enjoying Way of the Samurai 4 a ton right now for some reason
hey did you hear about those kids playing fortnite, I heard there's lots of money in that.
t. bethesda business guys
just play minecraft then
it will be based and full of brazilians nuking everyone
I bought a copy for me and my gf because she wanted to play it
Yours is cooler though, since it’s based on S.T.A.L.K.E.R series, which is way more based than cuckout76
Nice nukes
Sorry Todd, I already spent my money on Black Ops 4.
Even worse
Just bought Escape from Tarkov, so no
Yes, I'll most definitely be purchasing a copy of Fallout 76™ Power Armor Edition™ as developed by Bethesda Game Studios™, a subsidiary of Bethesda Softworks LLC™, for the low retail price of only $59.99!
based. pls also buy new game about post apocalyptic russia. thanks.
daily reminder that only redditors like varg here hate on bethesda and todd
Why are you shilling ukranian garbage?
>Why are you shilling ukranian garbage?
Cuz my town will be there. Hehehe.
Wow! I want to buy it too! Can you link me it fellow 4Channer? ;)
kinda based I will give you that
>buying gaymies
chernobyl is located in ukraine
I want to but have no time to play video games anymore
Me too, guy! This will be a blast!
no im not gay
also fo4 was shit
and fo3 was also only average. I liked it when I was 13.
bethesda can't make good games anymore
Minecraft is too relaxing and random. Bethesda/Zenimax manage environmental storytelling well. I remember this unmarked quest with a sleepwalker falling off a bridge in Fallout 4, which was cool, and that was my least favorite Fallout. I'd like to see more of that. Plus, aggressive strangers sound fun-ish
their best, New Vegas, wasn't even developed by them, it was Obsidian
>boring empty world with piss filter everywhere
new vegas is overrated garbage
New Vegas' writing and direction kept it up, not its gameplay
No, because I hate B*thesda games.
Seriously looks like something amateur made ripped off from nexus mods. Sad!
>muh rpg elements
If I wanted to role-play I would play D&D and not some wannabe cowboy fallout with invisible walls everywhere
Game looks like shit, not surprised to see it being shilled by third worlders
I said writing, not RPG elements. Writing isn't gameplay. Books aren't games
>good writing in games
Go read a fucking book, soyloid
What happened with your flag Dyad'ko ?
Why are you so upset FNV is objectively the best Fallout? Can't you read?
76 will sell millions just like Fo4 and Skyrim did, while you redditors keep seething and circlejerking around Obsidian which if it's not already dead it will be when Microsoft buys them.
bought fo 4 and it was fucking trash.
Won't buy another fallout unless Obsidian is behind it or another studio with better writing and story line development.
F76 seems to be kinda boring desu, like child proof toy
Yes but the braindead HUEzillians will eat it up like the garbage they normally eat as evidenced by this thread
Based, fonv was a blast, the rest is arse. 3 was ok.
i dont buy games
this isnt 2004
i have internet now
>i'm going to pirate an online multiplayer game!!!
I'm not gonna pay for this hurry-made crap. Will w8 for new TES
i wont, i dont like playing with other people i dont know
i never said i would
i did do it with war thunder and i didnt like the game all that much
>buying fallout for multiplayer
fuck MP cancer, cant even play singleplayer games without the bullshit inserted in.
the only reason why thats the case is because they are a lot easier to shill MTX in than SP games cause you see another dude wearing cool skins and you are propelled to want them too.
Fuck this shit honestly.
nah. I can just go outside and experience a real life fallout atmosphere.
Heck no, I'll buy RDR2 instead
76 is gonna be shit and everyone knows this
Why would I buy new 3D Fallout when I already have New Vegas?
the last good fallout games was new vegas. so no i won't be buying falltrash seventy shit
I'll watch streams and ask my friends to see what I think of it
Looks like hot garbage for the mentally challenged mmo crowd.
I still got quite a few dozen hours to squeeze from New Vegas.
fuck you
>bethesda fallout
It's quite interesting to look "AAA" games a few years past. There are different fads companies chased and forced into sp games or favoured over sp in general during different periods. Like coop Dead Space 3 and cookie cutter multiplayer in Bioshock. Battle royale is one of the newer ones, with games trying to copy Fortnite's success.
Fuck online multiplayer. I want to be able to play the game I purached 15 years ago. Even if there are servers, most/all players have moved on.
tbf me3's mp was better than the actual game