I fixed world
no thanks
I fixed world
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it was already like that
This but unironically.
Most of countries have american bases+most countries will do everything that America will say due sanctions....and Poland too. Fucking puppets of America
actual fix
the only time new zealand will be fully white
And we all live in societies where our basic freedoms are respected and consumer goods are cheap and plentiful. You should try being an American colony, it's nice. Certainly nicer than being a Russian colony.
That state of affairs led to 2 world wars, though. It was not a stable solution.
>multipolar world with more than one major power residing in Europe
This is what causes wars.
you do realize what happened around this time right. This is exactly what you don't want.
nah it actually was pretty stable, seeing as how all great powers worked together, say, at the Berlin Conference or during the Boxer Rebellion
A world with a lone superpower is much more stable, see:
Pax Romana
Pax Mongolica
Pax Britannia
Pax Americana
preach the truth my Khazak friend
pooland is a shithole of kike puppet asshole coward morons and it should be wiped off the map.
Hope muslims invade this shithole and kill millions of these idiots here for taking part in the destruction of Iraq on ZOG's behalf.
Britain wasn't a superpower
they were merely the primary naval power, and even there their superiority over the other powers was nothing compared to how far ahead the US Navy is today
and unipolar worlds are cringe
baited mutt
And then they all went to war over a single fucking assassination. It was not stable because it collapsed in a spectacular way from the build up of tension just below the surface.
WW1 didn't happen because of the assassination, that was merely the pretext
WW1 happened because France built an alliance with Russia and Britain that encircled Germany
That wasn't a given at all, with a more competent diplomacy WW1 wouldn't have happened
Still I'll take a multipolar world over a unipolar one any day
Britain single handedly stopped conflicts from happening around the world due to it's military capabilities. Navy mattered more back then than it does today, as protecting commerce was a huge challenge.
it took me 2 seconds to type Mohammed
Better than being russian puppet
yeah, everywhere but Europe. Because everywhere but Europe was an underdeveloped shithole. Britain had the largest navy, so they could do most overseas. Without contintental allies, they couldn't do shit in Europe.
The US seriously considered joining on the Central Powers side, but then you sent the zimmerman telegram to Mexico and sealed your fate.
Glad to see NZ is unchanged
Britain didn't really need to do shit in Europe, they're on an island and all of their power comes from overseas Like France and Spain.
That was quite stable until Germans started chimping out.
>The US seriously considered joining on the Central Powers side
pretty sure they didn't, do you have a source to back up your claim?
>but then you sent the zimmerman telegram to Mexico and sealed your fate.
yeah that was the pretext. US joined because it had lent the UK tons of money for the war and wanted to make sure it would get that money back
and because France and Spain had land borders and weren't islands they couldn't invest as much in navy and therefore lost their overseas empires to the UK
The US post 1900 was extremely German, the German language was the 2nd most spoken language in the US. The American people at that time felt closer to Germany than they did to the UK, and congress passed around the idea of joining on Germany's side. This would all be reversed when Americans heard about the torpedoed Lusitania and other submarine attacks.
Lusitania was a British Navy ship, she carried ammo, the passengers weren't informed about that by the British
Germany however did warn the passengers that they were traveling on a legitimate target
But Anglos still managed to paint the incident to their favor
>basic freedoms
>consumer goods
Did I miss you getting annexed by Russia yesterday or something?
I wouldn't mind if I was assured that the Germans wouldn't chimpout for some colonies or balkan conflict and trigger the bloodiest war europe has seen haha :)
>what is the Eastern Bloc
>what is French revanchism (over rightful German territory, btw)
>what is the Entente which was created to encircle Germany
>what is French & Russian support for Serbia (which was threatening Austria-Hungary)
>what is French aggression in Morocco
>what is French refusal to remain neutral when Germany asked
but only ebil Germany is responsible, France dindu nuffin
>pax mongolica
>pax britannia
>pax americana
are americans legitimately this retarded?
it's kind of like whether or not Britain would join ww1 when Germany went through Belgium. There was a lot of speculating in the civilian part but the decision had been made a long time before.
Germany should not even exist, germany should have already been partitioned multiple times.
You should be thankful that the americans were retarded enough to allow you to keep living.
>Germany should not even exist
Accoding to you and Jow Forums? Nobody cares about your irrelevant opinion m8
>The British didn't create a peaceful check between powers pre ww1
>America didn't single-handedly unify Europe and prevents regional conflicts from happening, see Iran vs SA, NK vs SK, Taiwan vs Japan, Russia vs EU
>Mongolia didn't unite the Chinese warlords and the steppe nomads
Taiwan vs China*
>the diaspora patriot strikes again
like clockwork
>wars between France and Prussia, Prussia and Austria, Prussia and Denmark, Russia and the Ottomans, between the Ottomans and the slavs/greeks
Oh, yea, Pax Britannica...
The only place that didn't see peace during Pax Britannia was Mainland Europe, everywhere else was forced to play nice. Great Britain effectively stopped all European fighting overseas, especially with the french empire and Spain. European conflicts over overseas territories and colonies was minimal at this time, and so was fighting between major colonial powers. Arab rulers gave up their rights to wage war in favor of protection from the British empire.
You can't stop subhumans killing each other.
America can't stop the trillions of wars in the middle east - even though it tries - and we couldn't stop you Euroniggers from murdering people over an acre of land.
we Austrian empire now
oh fug my cuntry is boland now :DDDD