How much money a month would make the average citizen in your country comfortable?

How much money a month would make the average citizen in your country comfortable?

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depends on the state.

at least $3000

1000 eur/net

1200 in Warsaw

I'll say decent at 4000 dollars and /comfy/ at least 5000-6000.

Can you show me a site that rents apartments in Warsaw?

2000 euroshekels to get comfy

2000€ if you're single

around 45k usd

800 usd outside of moscow and spb

That's reasonable. Salaries are quite low there though.

SPB can be expensive. People live like kings there.

idk like $20,000 a month maybe

0. The state will provide for you by stealing from the productive people, so there's really no incentive to work.

If we didn't take care of our losers, they would be out robbing and stealing to survive like in other countries.

Depends if you're renting or own a place to live. I once did a bit of math with regards to my spendings, and It turned out that could easily live on 350-400€ month.
On average I'd say 700€ would be enough, without having to make too many sacrifices.

2000, maybe 2500€ netto.
Rent became pretty much pain in the ass the last years. You easily pay 800-1000€ for a flat if you live in a bigger city (not even including cities like Munich or Hamburg) without even having something luxurious. Away from that life here is pretty cheap.

sure thing poorfag

Attached: wage average annual.png (339x929, 46K)

700 EUR for 55qm2 in Cologne (3km from the center) reporting in.

BTW, i have now traveled a lot in Europe and nowhere expect in London i saw so many luxury cars on the streets as here in Germany. Like everyone has a 50k+ EUR car. Why is that so? Are everyone else getting rekt with the taxes?

Attached: 1522279122317.jpg (1412x1000, 436K)


go to Luxembourg

and there are two reasons: in most of southern Europe streets are more narrow, partially since they didn't get bombed in WW2 and number 2, elsewhere people aren't as stupid to throw all their money out of the window for their vrumvrum, they rather save it and buy a house or other assets


Well, people here really love their cars. It is also pretty much THE status symbol.
I think it really has to do with culture. If I remember as kids we already were watching car racing all the time, played car card games etc. and you already then wanted to have the nicest BMW/Audi/Porsche...

At least $3,000 for single people living in rural or less-than-urban areas. In large cities such as Chicago or Los Angeles, more than $70,000. For New York and San Francisco, upwards of six figures.

2k U$S

$4000 - Bay Area, CA

Materially comfortable, probably around 2000 USD. Emotionally comfortable (i.e. you don’t feel like a poorfag in a city with such many rich people), at least 8000 USD.

>Materially comfortable, probably around 2000 USD
Can't the government sue you into poverty if they don't like you at a moments notice?

I don’t see that happening very often except to those who just can’t resist blogging about how evil the govt is.

800$ for 80m apparment in middle class neighbrhood, 400$ for food, 150$ clothing etc, 400$ for pubs and bars, 20$ public transport, 20$ internet, 20$ netflix and hbo, 50$ gym, 20$ mobile phone

So thats 1900$ without any savings or buying new stuff except clothings

No, they'd be forced to compete or perish, or live on charity.

idk, my mom makes around $1000 USD a month as chemist in a hospital and we live perfectly fine

Depends on the city but i say for a single adult renting an apartment alone 15000 pesos a month is More than enough to live confortably, not rolling in cash but enough to pay rent in a decent area buying food, pay appliances and going out in the weekends, thats around 800 dollars