In what stage are we now?

In what stage are we now?

Attached: market cycle.jpg (602x413, 58K)






Look at all these delusional permabull brainlets thinking this is still in a bull market

denial transitioning into fear

panic / capitulation

somewhere between fear and desperation.

Desperation. People saying denial are greedy bears who will get JUST'd on the next bounce

fear here

Why do these charts get more abstracted and less detailed every week?
Soon we're gonna see just a flat triangle to describe a 500 year supercycle.
These threads are nothing more than a Rorschach test rather than a actual dialogue over the market mechanics of specific crypto currencies and the in and outflow of capital

Attached: Novelty.gif (409x276, 6K)


Just look at biz, denial was 2 months back

AMB is in the center of the earth

just stage

Fucking euphoria bros. In less than a year my link will make me a multi millionaire

Biz is not the majority

Just take a look at Leddit/Tradingview 80% still bullish short-term

almost anxiety

When 80% of these faggots get bearish then you know It's time to buy

95% of people don't know what the fuck they are buying (digital garbage). This is the largest get-rich-quick scheme in history. Just sit back and enjoy watching people piss away their money.

we are THE market, normies BTFO

and yes actually there will be 2 more waves, so short term it will go to about 9 10

Those are bearish as fuck.
Everone screaming 3-5k

Point of maximum financial opportunity

Bitcoin will hit 50k soon faggots

And Ether 5k

Look at google trends. Interest levels are down to 12% from the ATH, back to where they were on October 1st.

I think you're right. Many faggots already dropped their bag and will never to look back in crypto market again.

All the replies here are testimony enough to see that we are still in denial




>evidence of denial

How do you figure? Have you seen a SINGLE post on here that denies that we're in a bear market? No, you bloody haven't mate. What you're interpreting as "denial" is just people calling the bottom too early or calling the next bull market too early. That's not what the word "denial" refers to on bubble chart.

You guys realize biz doesn't represent the average normie right? We're clearly past denial, I know people who are into crypto and they have lost interest since the prices have been going down, I'd say at this point we're closer to despondency


i'm euphoric right now

>having independent thought is denial

stay poor

I dunno about the rest of you but ive been feeling profound hope ever since the bull run started in april. We are back baby!

I thought it was going to be a bear year for all of 2018 just like it was in 2014. It only took 4 months!

True, I suppose any analysis falls prey to becoming the 'greater fool fallacy'

slow down there buffet


Nice cope

Also denying you're in denial is not denial?

>implying we aren't at eternal Jow Forums stage


Unironically Euphoria

whatever the JUST point is

Agreed with this. If that pic has any validity I'd say denial because of people still thinking its bull right around the corner

I feel pretty depressed desu

full circle