Tell me about that one time you fucked up and lost a shit ton of money. Please I want to feel better about myself
Tell me about that one time you fucked up and lost a shit ton of money. Please I want to feel better about myself
I never made a mistake
I cashed out a ton before the first crash. Then I put a bunch back in halfway into this bull trap to 10k. Just lost 100k. Feels bad man.
>lost 100k
Off okay thanks. I already feel better. How can you sleep knowing that you lost 100k
I can't, I haven't slept all week.
I got mtgoxed in 2014
imagine how I feel
give me a number user
Held 10,000 LRC at its ATH of 3.08 aud, Sold LRC at 0.98cents.
Lost 100k when bitcoin corrected. Lost another 100k since February when stick market corrected. It’s only money r-r-right?
I signed up to CreditExpert to find out my credit score, completely forgot to unregister and paid £14.99/month for three years without noticing.
Just over half a grand lost on a service I used once.
I took out a loan when eth was around 300usd. I knew little TA and lost around 50k. Had I of just held eth @ 300usd I would have been so rich right now. I then DM'd an OG on twitter to ask for help. Not my brightest moment. Now having to sell my house to pay off my debt.
I once had 5 BTC profit on Poloniex on a margin position. Little did I know its not a good idea to keep margins open for days at a time. And little did I know you shouldn't leverage yourself with the same asset. Long story short; went for a hike, return home, check my position and I got liquidated because of a flash crash. 6 BTC gone along with the 5 BTC I could have profited. This was when BTC was still around 1000$, really hurts thinking back.
Feeling is for bitches.
Oh yeah I also sold about 10.000 XMR days before the alphabay pump. Hurts even more.
2 btc.
Not much but 100% overnight is still terrible and I feel for those that had more. Lesson learned I don't keep shit in exchanges nowadays, unfortunately it means I am stuck hodling a lot of coins since I can't trade out of dips very easily.
Well i have one story where i nearly lost all.
>be me
>moving flats in november
>packing out
>where is my seed word sheet for le ledger wallet
>i lost it :(
>ok no probs
>transfer funds to "mew wallet"
>make new ledger
>write down seed words
>smoke a joint :)))))
>transfer 52k req, 18k link and some zrx to usual adress :)
>my heart stops
>nope nope nope
Fortunately I found my seed words in the trash collecting room at my previous place after about 3 hours of dumpster diving. But holy shit was that a learning experience. Also switxhed to having my seed encrypted on a Internet free pc and then uploaded into the cloud with a 176bit password@256bit encryption.
I also bought 15k capp tokens at 3600sats
pic related AMA
This guy gets it
Diversify your assets. I recommend assigning about 2~3℅ of your asset for daytrading.
I simply entered the cryptomarket at its highest, only to watch it plummet.
Only lost about $1000 so no big deal, but I had still hoped to achieve some Jow Forums memes other than getting JUSTed
Clicked an EtherDelta contract link in EtherDelta chat one time with metamask disabled and funds in the contract. All of the ETH instantly gone.
I once bought this stupid fucking thing called a bitcoin.
Deleted my 2000 eth presale wallet.
No fuck you. Remember this pain. It's all your fault!
i was dumb enough not to cash out months ago, that's pretty much it. bye bye $200k.
Lost $500 playing poker yesterday. I suck I'll never do that again. I don't know what else to do though...I got nothing.
Sold Zilliqa for 3.25x when it first listed on Huobi. I thought it was 32.5x and read the decimal wrong. I had about 290k of those babies.
Lost 5 ETH to a scammer address when trying to get into a Matrix AI ICO pool.
ATH = 60k
Currently = 5k
watched my ethereum investments increase x20, just to later realise that i had forgotten to buy in again after selling.
Unrelated to crypto, but if it makes you feel better:
Lost 2k eurobux in strip club in Barcelona during a trip for a friends' bachelor party. Had had more than 25beers before walking in there and was dumb enough to bring my cards with me.
Spanish strip clubs are apparently also brothels so when I was taken back for a private dance, two other whores came in. They basically tore my clothes off and without fully realizing what was happening, soon I was having a threesome with 2 whores while the third one held a card reader and force fed me champagne & liquor, adding to my tab the more I drank (she knew my pincode at that point).
Only thing that saved me from losing more money was the 2,5k limit on my card. When I was cleaned, they dressed me back up & kicked me out the back.
My friends later told me they tried to get me out of there but security ofcourse didnt let them.
bought 100$ of envion at ICO
I bought 400 Neo at ATH. I get some gas which eases the pain but I'm still stuck with that huge bag.
I spent about $1500 on Telcoin when a pal told me to go in on it. It went from 81 says down to like 17.
I bought btc in October and didn't cash out on the parabolic run. I just didnt understand markets the and how bubbles deflate. I thought things just sharkteethed upward.
I bought some fake Jordans once for $160
Not crypto currency but had a call option on a stock and was playing hefty premiums as it was a hot play in the market at the time. Fucking woke up one day and its moved a fuckton in the wrong direction
Ended up liquidating and losing near 240k. This was almost 5 years ago.
Sold man for 90c before it went up to 1,4dollar or smthing to buy chainlink for 55cents.
Lost 14k on link on its own and had I wait it for man pump...
Bought £500 BTC with 50 X leverage in August last year.
Cancelled the trade later that week and lost the money trading Forex.
Paid just over 1 BTC to a scam site that claimed to sell ASICs. Dumb.
Buying into crypto. Starting to think it's one giant joke.
woah, you experienced the male version of rape. financial rape!
consider it a sped-up marriage experience