How much is your TV license, Jow Forums?

How much is your TV license, Jow Forums?

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dont have a tv, only use my computer for work and use my phone for emails sorry

>they don't know we also have a TV license

>dont have a tv, only use my computer for work and use my phone for emails sorry

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it's not a secret most europoors have to pay TV licenses, but only britbongs have the officers that come knocking at your door with batons and TV detectors

We don't have TV licenses, but our national broadcaster still gets money from the state budget, which means I'm paying for it even if I don't have a TV.

Watching TV is unironically a boomer thing.

I really don't want to pay for something i don't use.


what the fuck?

do you watch movies and shit at your computer?

everyone under 40 does you fucking neanderthal

that sounds like shit

nothing better than watching a movie while lounging on your comfy couch

clickbait title

netflix isn't live and therefore doesn't require a license

I know this is a thing with brits and some euros but I want to know why this is tolerated, how does the license work, and where does the money goes.

But my pc is connected to my tv.

>and where does the money goes.
follow your nose, user

the nose knows

Its having the ability to receive a broadcast signal in the unit. Am I right in thinking that you could just buy a monitor and use that instead?

You can watch Netflix without a TV licence, the article's headline is pure clickbait and unsurprisingly it's from the Mirror so that's to be expected.

>f-fake news

It's literally a forced tax here. Even if you don't have a TV. They will unironically send you to jail if you don't pay

We had those officers too just a few years ago, nowadays the national broadcaster just gets it's money from taxes so people kinda forgot about it

I remember it being a pain in the ass to dodge those fuckers when I was a kid and poorer families trying to keep their antennas hidden in some way

I moved into a new place recently and decided to take a tv subscription so I could watch football games and shitpost on /sp/ about it.
It's been a total letdown and waste of money so far.

I have a TV but it's only hooked up to my PC.
No need for a license here though.

Smartphone grandpa

But it's true though. The quote "But I only watch Netflix?!" has no relation to the actual article.
It's clearly meant to cause panic within the readers who may be streaming non-BBC content without a licence.

Yes, did you just climb out of your cave? Lmao.

Why would anyone have a TV with a satellite and all that shit? It's literally wasting money if you already have a PC.

>why this is tolerated
BBC was one of the world first tv channels and we've had the fee for 70+ years to fund pic related
>how does the license work
you should pay the fee if you watch live tv or use BBC iplayer
>where does the money goes.
BBC to make pretty documentaries and strictly come dancing and doctor who and top gear (not anymore) and shit

I don't mind the idea of it overall, I have avoided paying it for 4 years at uni (it's not hard) but I feel bad when they make stuff like Planet Earth so I'll be a cuck and unironically pay it in the future when I have a job

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90 euros per year i think.

It's $390/year here. I don't pay it. though.

We have license inspectors as well, but I'm guessing they only go after people in the cities. I live in the sticks and have never been visited by one - it wouldn't be worth it for them to drive all the way out here for one guy.

No such thing. Everything is included in income tax. You pay tax according to income. Higher income pay higher tax.

I'm watching BBC Iplayer with my vpn.

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we used to have this. its not directly a tv license but to pay for garbage state television. now they dont go around checking for tvs anymore, they just assume you are able to watch it and everyone has to pay.

90 percent of the money of state television is spent on licenses to show soccer games.

I love how britcucks just accept this inhumane garbage. There’s no group of people that have less self respect than white British people

take the proxy off pablo

500 fucking swiss francs

I haven't owned a TV in about 10 years, I do everything at my computer.

Do kinda miss laying down on a couch and watching TV sometimes though

Do you have to pay it if you own a TV regardless of how you use it or only if you watch stuff requiring a license?


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People don't like to pay it and would rather have it included in the income tax.

Honestly, NRK is pretty great though. We have 3 tv-channels, a ton of radio channels and a HUGE online library of basically everything they produce with apps available on every platform. All the quality documentary stuff for UK, France etc. is shown on NRK. Audience numbers isn't what drives them because they've already secured their funding.

I bought a pirate receptor that opens all channels(even international) so i don't pay shit.

You can't stop me! Now pay your license.

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>graham norton show

also I tried watching iplayer through a (british) vpn the other day and it wouldn't let me watch hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Many vpn services just gave up. I got a more expensive one that unblocks it in a couple of hours. The BBC should let us pay for Iplayer. I would happily pay them instead.
Those comfy travel documentaries alone are worth the money.

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which one are you using? I used PIA on iPlayer and it didn't work


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I guess this goes to funding state-media? We have the CBC, but we don't pay a separate fee for it, it just gets funded with tax money.

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tv is obsolete.

>BBC was one of the world first tv channels and we've had the fee for 70+ years to fund pic related
Same here. The three state-run tv channels were the first ones to air here.

State-funded tv channels are a meme though and only exist so government propaganda that nobody wants to watch can be forced through.
>B-But they produce good things ;___;
Once in a blue moon and that good shit would just as easily fly on a private channel.

>paying for a dying media
Why do brits do this
Peak normies

Didn't they have to prove that you were watching broadcasts? So unless you had the TV on when you opened the door you could tell them to fuck off

thanks, might have to check them out

even if it is once in a blue moon i'd rather have that then 24/7
reality tv because it makes more money. BBC have loads and loads of really underrated documentaries and shows though especially BBC 4
BBC doesn't have shite like love island, x factor, naked attraction, and the like and it doesn't have ads either

aw shit,so that dumb bitch reading twitter trending gets payed by all of us NU NX

>BBC doesn't have shite like love island, x factor, naked attraction, and the like
No, instead it has Dr. Who claiming that Victorian England is "a lot less white than the history books make it out to be".

There's trash that sells and then there's government propaganda. At least trash is something there's a demand for. It's a fallacy to presume that something is better purely because it's disconnected from the market. In fact, the greatest works of art in history were made on commission and the most memorable movies were made for profit. Competition breeds excellence, guaranteed "just throw anything at the wall, we'll pay you anyway" breeds mediocrity.

Look no further than France, the "cultural exception" is the very reason why they haven't produced anything worth watching since the 80s and the internationally most succesful French movie is about the multicultural adventures of a racist white man and a "youth".

Canada is another example. You know all those shitty American cartoons that somehow keep making it to your tv screen like Johnny Test, that CGI Donkey Kong cartoon, Angela Anaconda et cetera? They're not American, they're Canadian. That's because Canada also has a cultural exception rule, which states 40% of what airs on tv must be Canadian. This means two dollar studios just throw together some half-assed shit and collect their money because whatever they mangle together is guaranteed to air.

Another good example is Germany. Two words: Uwe Boll.

These fucking TV license wankers have knocked on my door 8 times in the past two months.

I told them to go away and that I don't watch TV but they keep coming back.

Dont really know why brits get lumbered with this meme. At least there you can try and argue your way out of paying. In germany it's a forced tax. the moment you declare yourself as living in a property as the main renter/owner you need to pay it. If you don't you'll get fucked up credit and debt collectors at your door within the year. it also costs more here than britain

Not to mention the tax on dog ownership

It baffles me too, but then American memes are always shit so why bother thinking about them.

How much is your monthly medical insurance premium?

>don't have a satellite dish, don't have cable TV
>obviously I can't watch TV (streaming from the internet doesn't count as watching TV in my country)
>TV license guys send me a letter demanding money
>send me more letters
>eventually threaten to sue me
>go ahead assholes
>they really do it
>prove to court I have no satellite dish and that I'm not a customer of any cable TV companies
>"yes but you own a TV so you still have to pay even if you can't watch TV"
>have to pay TV license + legal costs + fine


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Are we the only cunt that actually gets anything half-way decent out of their licence fee?

Poms are just as guilty as the Americans are when it comes to clinging onto shitty baseless memes.
As an Australia I have them directed at me all the time, by yanks and poms the vast majority of the time. Self awareness clearly isn't a cheap evolutionary trait.

Yes. Our public tv suck dicks.

The only memes we fling at at you are the ones about Aussies being cheating underhanded cunts who pretend to be all about fairplay and cry when they get caught.

0, I just don't pay. What the fuck are they going to do.

Not really, it's a mixed bag everywhere. BBC has fallen pretty low in the past few years, it's just that everyone very vehemently clings to the few good gems they produced decades ago. I think it is also misguided patriotism to a large extent, see that other Brit's reaction when I proposed just getting rid of public tv stations in general and privatizing it all.

We get the best nature documentaries in the world though, partly because the fee is designed to fund those types of projects.

>We get the best nature documentaries in the world though
Doubt. Also
That's some worrying phrasing

>partly because the fee is designed to fund those types of projects
That relies on the entirely unproven premise that these projects wouldn't be funded if the state wasn't funding them.

>What the fuck are they going to do.
You don't understand what taxes are, do you? Taxes are backed by force. Some people believe this force is justified for financing the maintenance of order and the integrity of the borders. Some chumps believe this is justified because 'muh documentaries'. Because why pay for a product you want when you can make others pay for that product?

there's always one aussie bootlicker

You can doubt but you'd be wrong.
>That relies on the entirely unproven premise that these projects wouldn't be funded if the state wasn't funding them.
True but then we only live in the reality where they do exist, and the state funds them. Whether or not one is a definite result of the other is an irrelevant argument.

>You don't understand what taxes are, do you?
You don't understand how Sweden works. There are tens of thousands that dodge the license every year. All you have to do if they come to check if you actually own a television is close the door and tell them to fuck off.

I think the real problem is that the BBC shouldn't bother with making entertainment and only have a public function.
That said our public broadcasting does the same, though it is very differently organized than the BBC.

>True but then we only live in the reality where they do exist, and the state funds them.
So basically the status quo is good because it's the status quo. Even though there are already multiple documentaries made by profit-oriented tv stations and even entire tv stations centered around airing documentaries.

In that case your argument isn't even "we have the best documentaries in the world because of our tv licenses". You're left with a non-argument, just an appeal to the status quo.

I think you are taking this a little too serious.

You seem to be getting awfully upset about a system that isn't broken.

>I think the real problem is that the BBC shouldn't bother with making entertainment and only have a public function.
The thing is that this would make the BBC a complete moneysink. The state (in any country really) is perpetually lacking money so they have to make sure their unprofitable state run channels make at least some modest returns to cover the costs.

Ideally I'd say to just get rid of those state-run channels and have the state buy/reserve airtime for important programming that serves a public function like election debates. Saves money for the state, allows programming to actually be based around what the audience wants and potentially allows for lower taxes (due to lower state expenditure).

>The thing is that this would make the BBC a complete moneysink
No it won't.
Our public broadcasting only spends €29 million out of their €549 million(!) budget on airing the news and other primary functional items. All the other money is actually wasted.

Lol, we do that here too. My house is in the middle of nowhere, so they never come to check anyway.

Got a sauce on that? I feel like getting even angrier at 3 in the morning.
Keep in mind though €29 million is just the cost of producing the news, obviously to run the channels themselves a lot of money is needed too.

>Boer zoekt vrouw is "samenleving" ipv entertainment

Boerincels zijn een serieuze zaak.

Definitely not shills

Should have read your laws before avoiding taxes