Imagine if these three and their people just dissapeared tomorrow

Imagine if these three and their people just dissapeared tomorrow.
What a glorious day it would be!

Attached: dsf.png (1836x391, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just Denmark

give us your reasonings that you want them to go fuck themselves

God I wish someone would just kill the norwegians.

I can imagine. The world would morn the loss of the great and mighty Swedes and everyone would forget we ever existed.

Suck my dick.
t. Fenno-Swede
I just hate them. Iceland is the best nordic country by far, much better than my own country

No one would remember the 2 flags next to the middle one.

Actually swedes are the least I'd care about, as from my experiences Danes are nice posters and Finns are based posters.

I wish that every flag with a cross on it would just disappear

It seems like you ran out of red paint. Let me help you, I still got few drops left

Attached: korjattudd.png (1836x391, 153K)


Now that's what i call

Attached: based.gif (531x359, 100K)

Agree on SWE
Not sure about Denmark
Disagree about Fingolia

I'd love to help you out there bud but see I have this gap between my incisors and your dick just keeps slipping out form it.

Oh NO, anything but MS Paint!

Attached: 1521843157643.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Why do the other Nordic countries hate Denmark?

Attached: R14kkDj.jpg (657x527, 35K)

Just nuke all Swedish exclusion zones and we're good.

They're normies

No, Denmark and Finland need to pay too. Especially Denmark.

Imagine being so irrelevant and starved for attention that you need to attack 3 countries to get a response. I can start a thread at any time of the day and shit on either danes or finns, and the (You):s will just be pouring in. I could do the same for Norway, but I don't really see the point.

Norwegians are inbred and stupid

Because they're normie faggots

This will happen to your flag one day
Don't even try to resist

I get plenty of (you)'s whenever I start a thread with this map. So jokes on you, svenne.

Attached: Norgesveldet_kart,_uten_Grønland (1).png (696x480, 31K)

Svenno Bajskorv, please. Just because we don't fuck turd world apes, that doesn't mean we screw our cousins either.


Jow Forums is for weirdos and autists, danes think that's so uncool and unwickid

just make a general for these autistic feuds already you headcases

Any cunt can attack Sweden and get a standing ovation.

nobody would notice and we could include you

Danes are literal faggot normies, there's not much else to say. Not many of them on this site compared to both Norway and Sweden.

Attached: 1VGMQ4R.jpg (871x960, 90K)

>Just because we don't fuck turd world apes
Wathcu waiting for boy? These nuts ain't gonna shine themselves.

Attached: DNN0vWjW0AAjYd7.jpg (862x869, 94K)

We could, but we won't.

By the way, all regressive shit philosophy originates from France, coincidentally.

I love the Danes. Just not on Jow Forums.

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What, why?

People get pretty pissed when their illusions that Norway didn't exist before 1397 AD get shattered.

nothing comes from your shitholes..

What about the dick inside your mother?

Varg does, nigger. He's your problem now

>What about the dick inside your mother?
Thats only about black "swedes"

They do? I've pretty much always thought the opposite. You had a good run during the viking age, but since then you've basically just been Denmark's little buddy.


Attached: 1521716509964.png (545x400, 73K)

dont be sad swedecuck by the truth
i could break varg coward body with 2 fingers.

France calling other western European countries shitholes, that's RICH.

>You had a good run during the viking age, but since then
You see, you people ALWAYS forget about the period between 1066-1397.
1066 was the year that Harald Hardrada got BTFO'd on Stamford bridge, "officially" ending the viking age.
So, between the years 1066-1397 we set about creating what you see on the map I posted.

Of course, Sweden didn't do anything at all in those 4 centuries, so you wouldn't specify them.

We've been doing this for 600 years, I'm not going to be the first to chicken out.

Vi hade några riktigt saftiga inbördeskrig! Kom ihåg att Sverige var uppdelat mellan Svear och Götar ett bra tag.

>i could break varg coward body with 2 fingers.

Just pay your taxes so Varg can collect the French wellfare.

>we set about creating what you see on the map I posted.
Which is what exactly? You lost the British Isles in exchange for some northern islands and Iceland(which was more or less founded by Swedes) gave themselves to you?

Me hadde borgarkrigar i over hundre år, stoppa ikkje oss frå å ekspandera
>Iceland(which was more or less founded by Swedes
now what is this new wewuzzing

Well, I was gonna say "first permanent Scandinavian settlement" but it felt a bit long.

would there be any difference if all the population from those countries was vanished and replaced with norwegians?

Yes, that's true

Iceland is Norwegian, has always been and will always be. A SINGLE swedish family lived on iceland, not thousands like the thousands of Norwegians that settled Iceland after going into exile in the 900s.
You keep your dirty east norse hands to yourselves.

delete this thread this instant, they are our friends (except f*Nland)


I mean, it would be good, but if i'd have to choose 3 countries to disappear tomorrow my pick would differ

Attached: us iserael and saudi arabia.jpg (468x426, 45K)

Sug en kasse kukar, Ole.

Attached: top lad.jpg (1232x1192, 116K)

why denmark? its the least cucked and nicest nordic nation

Norway and Denmark are based and redpilled, they raped my ancestors

Sweden on the other hand is just cringe, they never even tried to invade England

Denmark's a country, not a nation.

>Sweden on the other hand is just cringe, they never even tried to invade England
Neither did Denmark or Norway, so what's your point?

I am a direct descendant of Cnut the Great and Harald Hardrada

haha okay lad

Attached: we are cousins somehow.png (966x613, 56K)

you are a finnic sami east norse subhuman, swedes are the niggers of northern europe and my nordic ancestors would split your head open with their axe

>finnic sami

The sami are steppe niggers from the east, the finns are ugrigs from the lesser east.

typical bluepilled swedepost
unfathomably redpilled britpost

why is sweden so small and pathetic?

Attached: file.png (269x535, 43K)

>being bluepilled on such a level
>talking about redpills
Ole, pls...


Denmark and Norway are German territories. Americans and Russians took them from us.

shut up hans you are an american puppet

Attached: 120.jpg (500x502, 48K)

Are you proud of this? You literally turned Europe and this planet into a Muslim shit hole.

good post

>his country flag is the Scandinavian equivelant to a colonial flag.

Why would Vikings in Sweden need to do that? They had tons of land already. Denmark is a small little peninsula and Norway is just mountains.
Do you notice the reasoning for why you got invaded by them and not swedish Vikings.

Because you spam it as soon as it 404s

Kill yourself, you sad sack of shit.

based post

Absolutely seething, the lot of you.

this is the best thread on Jow Forums right now

Tipped and bluepilled American NPC post. Real Americans see us as greatest ally.

Why are Swedes so in denial of Norwegian achievements? Is it because the Swedish "man" feels the need to desperately overcompensate for his emasculated frame, whereas the NORSK man exhibits sheer power and masculinity by virtue of his existence.

cringe cringe cringe

Tremendous post



Baserad? More like BAJSerad!



So, its time to create thread about these guys Iceland-Scandi

So, those who live in another culture could be very exited with one interesting fact.
Often i see some video where Icelanders with their friends prefer to swim naughty.
Therefore, question is - what happen when you friends, especially girls, see your boner?

Attached: 1538991934.jpg (582x600, 88K)

It's no big deal if you are skinny dipping, just try to hide the boner

Imagine having to resort to cherry picking a few cucks in another country to show them, when you're literally a nation of cucks.

Attached: elin20ersson20plane20facebook[1].jpg (1862x1048, 150K)

You are both cucks.

t. Dane ( Scanian )

Just exile American jews to Israel, and USA will be perfectly fine.

most danes are autistic normalfags, thats why