"I need my AR-15 to defend against a tyrannical gov-"

>"I need my AR-15 to defend against a tyrannical gov-"

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We are all entitled to freedom

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AR-15 owners would support a tyrannical government as long as they let them keep their guns and their bibles and their trucks

And their bigotry.

*teleports behind your trillion dollar war effort*

Heh, nothing personal kid.

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Why are there so many NPCs in foreign nations?

You're really surprised those two flags are cuck-posting?

Enjoy going to school and getting gunned down, idiots

In the case of civil war both sides would have an air force.
Obviously people with AR-15s aren't going to be able to bring down the US military alone dumbass, you have always had to have support from some of the military leaders, nothing has changed.

buy rafales

Pretty much

Yes, carpet bombing your entire own population is the obvious right idea, then you can rule over dead corpses.

But he wont, since he has an AR-15 and can fire back. Its you that will be gunned down, because pro-tip, school-shooters dont care about your "Gun-free-zone-signs"

>government brings in tanks and missiles to quash the rebellion
>thousands of civilians get caught in the crossfire
>numerous countries sanction the US for bombing the fuck out of their own civilians
The rebels would certainly lose, but that's not to say the government would lose too.
Remember what happened in Catalonia, when the government brought in riot police to prevent voting? Imagine if they tried that in Texas. The government would have to carpetbomb the state or fight a drawn out civil war to deal with that. And that doesn't look good for business.

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I have accepted that there is a very small probability that I will die in a school shooting, just like I have accepted that there is a probability that I will die of a lightening strike, airplane crash, home invasion and terrorist bombing.

I know you're being sarcastic, but they unironically think like this.
A society that needs armed children in the hopes of reacting to a shooter is a cum fantasy for republifags

>tyrannical government
>let them keep their guns and their bibles and their trucks
Literally pick one, obnoxious twat. And no, not giving you free money for being a nigger sodomizer doesn't constitute tyranny.

they are guerilla not a fuckin ordinary citizen

It's not okay when the West do it

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This logic is so retarded.
Nah, the fact you accepted the small fate of you being killed in a fucking SCHOOL by a shooter is ludicrous to me.

But Satan, Im not sarcastic. I think its a great idea, that everyone who has no criminal record or mental health issues should be allowed to be armed. I still support heavy background checks tho.

Also, ask what would stop a schoolshooter? Its not a sign user, its other people with guns. Be it police or civilians, its allways other people with guns.

Not that I honestly care tho since schoolshootings is an american thing and doesnt really happen outside of the states no matter how armed a population is.

>schools are supposed to be immune to attacks unlike places such as theaters or supermarkets
nah retard schools are attacked BECAUSE people won't shoot back

>the military troops are all going to side with the government over the people
Fucking retard, they're all on our side not the government's

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LOL why, its an incredibly unlikely event, why should I be scared of it happening?
Should I stop riding in planes because theres a chance of me dieing in a plane crash? Or better yet, should I stop driving to other cities because theres a chance of me dieing in a crash (which is far more likely than any other scenario I mentioned?

>Not that I honestly care tho since schoolshootings is an american thing and doesnt really happen outside of the states no matter how armed a population is
Sure, if you compiled all the law abidding gun owners and put them all into one country I don't they would had school shootings. It's a matter of some retard 17 year old getting his hands on an arsenal and planning something demonic.
So schools should be fucking shootouts. gotcha.

Then why are Americans concerned about the government?

I used to think guns were a dumb hobby. Then I joined the military and after shooting in basic I realized it's pretty fun, no reason people shouldn't own an ar15 of their own.

Yeah, these people clearly don't understand how civil wars happen. Its not "people vs government" its factions of the government vs factions of the government. Their scenario of a civil war is fantasy and has never really succeeded and can be compared to the Whiskey Rebellion in Massachusetts.

I don't worry about getting eaten by sharks or struck by lighting, why would I worry about a school shooting?

>it's an incredibly unlikely event,
So just because something not happening to you as it has a small chance of happening doesn't mean we should do something about it? What kind of logic is this? Also you're doing the whole whataboutism again.


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There are thousands of former military and hunters who could lead a guerilla insurgency in the U.S.

>So schools should be fucking shootouts. gotcha.
as opposed to what? fish in a barrel?

again, you are a literal fucking retard. schools are shot up because of a lack of security and martyrdom of shooters when the media turns them into celebrities

Because our government openly declares its allegiance to Israel

>If it doesn't happen to me, who cares lololol

>It's a matter of some retard 17 year old getting his hands on an arsenal and planning something demonic.

Hence we should stop him from getting a gun while not stopping the non-retarded from getting one.

You wont stop people from buying trucks because some jihadist drove one into a crowd and killed 50 people, so dont stop someone from buying a gun because some unstable teen illegally got hands on one.


american military is notoriously shit at front making, 100% of their deployments are abroad and they cant make a front to save their lives (literally), they all got slaughtered in iraq where they had to make a front for the first time and they failed miserably
american force is 100% expeditionary force and it cant do shit when not in a trillion nation coalition

serb anti air services, which werent even a thing, managed to wipe out american ground forces in less than a week of conflict, and also managed to force american 900.000$ cruise class missiles to be spent on a wooden paintjob tank with a microwave placed inside, guess it gave a radar signal for such expensive ammo to be wasted
and they also debunked the trillion dollar "stealth" concept which americans tried to lie their public about saying it was a technical error or whatever but on the pictures of the wreckage it is clearly shown that an anti air missile kinetically struck the trillion dollar "stealth" strategic bomber....

maybe the militias stand a chance, if a whole bunch of them started entrenching all around government installations they would be immune to most artillery and they could disrupt most logistics to starve the govt out just enough for a foreign support to land

There wouldn't be no fish in a barrel if timmy didn't get a fucking weapons depot to begin with.
>schools are shot up because of a lack of security and martyrdom of shooters when the media turns them into celebrities
Are you one of those drain dead right wing losers who think "an armed society is a polite society"?

So why should there be a massive change in gun policy when its only a very minuscule problem? There is no reason for me to be scared of a school shooting unless I'm extremely paranoid, and it should be looked at similarly to people paranoid about getting killed by a shark in the shallow waters of Florida.

>Hence we should stop him from getting a gun while not stopping the non-retarded from getting one.
Except trucks are needed and walking about in an apple bee's for a meal isn't?

>Dude let's rewrite the constitution because of the rare event in which some people will be shot in a school

>There wouldn't be no fish in a barrel if timmy didn't get a fucking weapons depot to begin with.
a weapons depot? you mean a .22 handgun?
>Are you one of those drain dead right wing losers who think "an armed society is a polite society"?
not right ring but yeah, our firearm homicide statistic is skewed by nigger on nigger gang crime. white areas have tiny crime statistics in comparison, deal with reality you retarded faggot lmao

>only a very minuscule problem?
It's not though. Our homicide rates are insane. We do have a gun violence problem. School shootings are a byproduct of that.
>here is no reason for me to be scared of a school shooting unless I'm extremely paranoid
Ok. It's not a problem until it is. Gotcha. Also you keep doing whataboutism.

There is so many errors here, but ill bite.

That shootdown of the F-117 was pure luck, and even the commander of the SAM battery agrees here. It was possible simply due to shitty NATO standard flightpaths and the Serbs spamming a literall shitton of missiles into the air hoping that at least one could hit something. And throw enough shit at the wall and evenutally some of it will stick.


Nah let's rewrite it because of the common event of someone getting shot literally anywhere in the country. It's not like we haven't rewriten the constitution before.
>shooting happens
>Damn that's sad
>move on
Nice solution you got there.

Trucks are needed indeed, and so are guns.

The police and military need guns for their job user, just like the truckdriver needs a truck for his.

And considering both trucks and guns are dangerous, Im assuming you only want the government to be allowed to have them?

>a weapons depot? you mean a .22 handgun?
From school shootings, kids usually have more weapons with them. Eric and Dylan for example used a multitude of weapons. Handguns are also a extremely bad problem though. AR-15's are just unnessary as fuck.
>not right ring but yeah
Then we have nothing more to talk about. You're an absolute retard. Also you brought up race which is hilarious to me and was only a matter of time. Go back to Jow Forums fucking retard

Ban whatever you want statist cuck I'll just print my gun with my 3d printer

That's exactly my solution yes, sad, move on. We're not giving up our liberty for your fee fees

Rafales are garbage gets btfoed by f-4 pantoms no chance againsy

rafales can do everything well tho

I never said anything about military or police. I'm talking about the average citizen where they are absolutely not needed. A truckdriver needs his truck, a gun owner needs his gun because.....well....uhhh....maybe the fact that he will be in a shootout oneday! yep that's a good reason!

>There wouldn't be no fish in a barrel if timmy didn't get a fucking weapons depot to begin with.
Yeah, good luck getting rid of the 400 million+ guns on the US black market user.

You keep using that word, but you clearly don't understand what it means considering you use it to denote any comparison.
>It's not though. Our homicide rates are insane. We do have a gun violence problem. School shootings are a byproduct of that.
This is a better argument than your previous ones because it doesn't use the extreme paranoia of school shootings.
But it still wouldn't solve the homicide rate for a few reasons.
1. There are too many guns already in circulation, and there is no way to possibly confiscate every single one
2. There would be a lot of guns smuggled across borders, so guns would still reach criminals.
3. 3D printing technology will only get better and cheaper, to the point where one will be able to easily print well made guns for not very much money. In order even put a dent in the the amount of guns printed we would have to successfully regulate files on the internet, and our ability to stop online privacy has not shown that to be possible.

>going to school

underage B& detected

Not air to air against a f-15E or F-22s

You're such an idiot. People die when it can be massively avoided and you're like "fuck it who cares. atleast I hab my gub gibben right!"

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>Dude we can solve every problem of human nature through government legislation

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i dont say they are the best for specific domain i said they were good enough for everything and they are way better than eurofighter which is not really hard.

>wh*Toids create gun control to disarm proud BLACK BVLLS
>it gets turned against them

Exactly this, but unironically.

A gunowner needs it for collecting, hunting, sports, home defence, or doing the tasks of the police and military. Naturally they wont do police or military work as effectivly as the governement, but the same can be said about civilian truckdrivers.

I really dont see how a trucks should be allowed in civilian hands if guns arent. Both of them are needed in society, and are regulated. Both of them can be exclusivly owned by the state if you want to, or be allowed for civilians.

They are good for multirole but not as an interceptor hence why Canada didnt want them.

american federal government cracked down on the militia movement so hard, it never went against anything else with such intensity

american militia movements could pose a threat to the american government because american military is not some unstoppable war machine as illiterate goat herders and sand cavemen demonstrated, american society is less free than authoritarian china because it has 10 times more prisoner while having 100 times less people and neither have any privacy, american government is also more communist than communist china because its easier to start a business in communist china than in modern america, and also even the russian peasant during the age of tsars had more civil liberties than modern american citizenry has, which has to pay taxes for literally anything and federal government can arrest you for collecting rain water or any other random reason

american military is hyper inflated

*gets shot down*

Thats fine, our population is high enough that a few school shootings won't cause significant damage

How do you think it's so easy to get those guns user?
You're strawmaning but relating this topic to something like getting killed by sharks. Except shark attacks are EXTREMELY RARE and gun violence is common as fuck? Our homicide rates are insane for a supposedly first world nation come on.
>1. There are too many guns already in circulation, and there is no way to possibly confiscate every single one
So do nothing. Gotcha. I hope another country didn't try this already...wait a second
>2. There would be a lot of guns smuggled across borders, so guns would still reach criminals.
We send more guns to mexico for example than we get in return. We produce a shitton of guns. It would be a nice step into more regulation or the complete removal altogether than just: "fuck it let's do nothing because it's too hard boohoo" Do criminals get guns? Sure, but I think tyrone is getting his glock from a hand me down..
> 3D printing technology will only get better and cheaper, to the point where one will be able to easily print well made guns for not very much money. In order even put a dent in the the amount of guns printed we would have to successfully regulate files on the internet, and our ability to stop online privacy has not shown that to be possible.
What? 3d printing? Ooooookaaay? I would love to hear your solution o all these problems.

not by you

Do you openly admit that you don’t care about protecting human life when given the opportunity to do so? I’d love to hear your views on abortion.

>not going to college
Detected the southern inbred. Also hopefully your kid in the future doesn't get massacred.

>How do you think it's so easy to get those guns user?
By illegal black market sales naturally, that wouldnt be affected at all by legislation, since you know, they are allredy illegal.

That said you should introduce stricter background checks on legal sales too, but thats really unrelated to 99% of the guns used in crime.

Oh yes by me.

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>views on abortion
Women always gets to chose, except when the fetus has a defect such as down syndrome, in which it is mandatory. If the defect is missed and a baby is born, it put in a bag with rocks and thrown in to a river

And where do the black market get their guns user? Do they make them from scratch?

Mainly from thefts by people who store their guns improper, or fail to protect them, not realizing its really valuably for criminals.

Stricter (or basically any at all) storagelaws would also be a good idea user.

>So do nothing. Gotcha. I hope another country didn't try this already...wait a second
If you're referring to Australia they had far less guns in circulation. Anyways, we don't have the capability to track down every gun in circulation because we have so many.
>We send more guns to mexico for example than we get in return
Because guns are legal here so there is no reason to smuggle them in. If we made them illegal, that would change.

From theft huh....Interesting, and where do the people that had those guns originally get them user?

A free and armed populace is the best way to protect human life

>You're strawmaning but relating this topic to something like getting killed by sharks. Except shark attacks are EXTREMELY RARE and gun violence is common as fuck? Our homicide rates are insane for a supposedly first world nation come on.
I wasn't referring to homicides I was comparing it to school shootings considering they are both minuscule problems that enjoy intense paranoia.

>From school shootings, kids usually have more weapons with them.
ok? all you need is a .22, look at jokela. point remains like 99% of our gun violence is nigger on nigger handgun violence

and hey, i just want you to know, if you broke into my home i'd have absolutely no problem shooting you with the guns i legally own to protect my home with lmao

They usually buy them user, gets them as gifts or gets them passed on down. This isnt rockes science user, but Im waiting for your continuation, so I can btfo you again.

>Hasn’t read Hobbes

>If you're referring to Australia they had far less guns in circulation.
True and as a result gun crime went down. Pretty well actually. They haven't had a mass shooting yet. Pretty good if you ask me.
>nyways, we don't have the capability to track down every gun in circulation because we have so many.
You can do what aussies did and give them back in exchange for money. Also we could stop making so much guns to cut the production and circulation all together.
>Because guns are legal here so there is no reason to smuggle them in. If we made them illegal, that would change.
Cars are legal here but yet mexico makes them for us and they drive their shit here. That argument makes no sense.

I think it's more common to get shot at a school than bitten by a shark. They may be minuscule but latter can be avoided altogether while the former has a chance of happening whether you like it or not.

There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math: 0.00925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:

65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws

15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified

17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – gun violence

3% are accidental discharge deaths

So technically, "gun violence" is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Still too many? Well, first, how are those deaths spanned across the nation?

• 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago

344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore

333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit

119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)

Scratch that, shark attacks are more but only by like 10 people.

>Cars are legal here but yet mexico makes them for us and they drive their shit here. That argument makes no sense.
Cars aren't smuggled in, they are made in Mexico because of cheap labor and imported in.
>You can do what aussies did and give them back in exchange for money. Also we could stop making so much guns to cut the production and circulation all together.
There would still be an immense amount of weapons that remain, the only people who would take this aren't the same people who commit homicides.
>They haven't had a mass shooting yet
again, mass shootings aren't an actual issue, they are just something people get paranoid about, and similar to shark attacks or airplane crashes.


Put those statistics away and LISTEN TO MUH FEELS

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Linked wrong post meant this one

>again, mass shootings aren't an actual issue, they are just something people get paranoid about, and similar to shark attacks or airplane crashes.
Fucking this. Less then 0,1% of gundeaths are caused by mass-shootings.

did you guys know? trenches are effective against the air force and artillery, shovel is the most important tool a soldier has, not his rifle

entrenched millitias could deploy home made electronics, radars and drones/unmanned bombs against the government
even if technically inferior, numerical superiority would allow them to wipe out the govt

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>did you guys know? trenches are effective against the air force and artillery, shovel is the most important tool a soldier has, not his rifle
Yes, literally everyone who has spent a month in the military knows this, but its still really pointless in a civil war, where the best method has been shown to be just blending in with the civilian population.

>Cars aren't smuggled in, they are made in Mexico because of cheap labor and imported in.
Exactly, just like guns. I don't know what argument you were trying to make. If we made guns illegal, would mexico smuggle them in? Sure but not on a massive scale like we do to them. We have literally all the production.
>There would still be an immense amount of weapons that remain, the only people who would take this aren't the same people who commit homicides.
I pretty sure it would be a nice exchange for money. I'm trying to provide solutions here while you have provided absolutely nothing. If I had definitive proof something would work 100%, I wouldn't be arguing with some loser on Jow Forums instead I would become a politician.
>again, mass shootings aren't an actual issue, they are just something people get paranoid about, and similar to shark attacks or airplane crashes.
You're doing it again which is pretty funny. Anyway, maybe you like the idea of going to school and having the possibly of getting shot is fun but I don't.
>It's miniscule who cares!
This is something we fundamentally disagree on. Just because it doesn't happen to you dosen't mean that when it happens to someone else we just say "who cares" and move on. You're hoping the day someone intrudes into your house so you can act tough as fuck and kill them or the inevitable collapse our government so you can have fun shooting at drones in the sky.

Reminder that most homicide victims are black, so are we really losing that much?

Your military has gladly slaughtered civilians just for protesting their government overlords, let alone open revolt.

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Nice so I have a 10% chance on the streets of Chicago. How many homicides by gun does GB have? Like50? I prefer the 30k deaths if you ask me.