I wish my parents moved to a nice country like Canada (Quebec) or Sweden when they left Mexico

I wish my parents moved to a nice country like Canada (Quebec) or Sweden when they left Mexico.

Attached: stockholm.jpg (2500x1045, 390K)

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I wish I could genocide all of you spics invading my country, you can't always get what you want user.

Based and Redpilled

reported for bully

>t. butthurt anglo untermensch

I was in that courthouse last week. there was this green otherwordly light seeping out of the windows.

A beggar and a chooser what makes you think Canada or Sweden would want you?

I wish my father had not married a Mexican women, so that my Jamestown-tier anglo heritage wouldn't have been spoiled and turned me into a CHI, but as the faggot up there said, we can't always get what we want

what are you going on about? i didn't choose this life, and canada and sweden aren't sentient entities with preferences and opinions LOL.

hopefully your mom cooks good mexican food at least.

>tfw Jamestown tier Anglo on both sides of my family

Sorry your father is a cuck user, that sucks

Attached: 1524412618784.png (563x542, 260K)

Sucks for you lmao I know half white mexican where the dad is Mexican and the mom is white and they look full white.

they're still disgusting tainted mutts

Based and Redpilled

canadian here with russian immigrant parents. canada is shit. i wish my parents moved to the EU like finland, norway, denmark, netherlands, austria, switzerland.

Norway is rich as fuck

Attached: mijito.jpg (1500x1805, 515K)

ikr, i fucking hate canada. we are just america-lite. ugly ass suburbs that all look the same, no sidewalks/trains, mcdonalds + walmarts everywhere, every town looks the same, shitty urban planning and everything is super spread apart.

>you will never live in a gorgeous medieval european city

Attached: shutterstock-222501100-1 (1).jpg (1000x667, 146K)

Can't you just like, move to Massachusetts?

you dont understand, every town in america and canada is the exact same urban hell

Attached: YkzxUcc (1).jpg (1523x1148, 490K)


What? I don't know about you but anti suburban sentiment is growing like a wildfire in southern ontario.

This. I live in Mass and while it's a little bit different it's pretty close to OP's picture.

sentiment isn't going to change the trash urban planning already created.
i never complained about skyscrapers or old buildings. in germany there's trains everywhere, everything is walkable and close, side walks, public transport, we don't have that.


you have to understand that no matter where you live, it's always trash. A good 80% of québec population live in the same condition as the average american(or a village,...which doesn't require large urban planning). The only places in which you'le get a higher quality of life by it's urban planning are in cities or city district with a population who had the will of doing some change. In other word, bew the change you want to see. Become an urban planner(or not) and become the mayor of your small city.

I wish your parents never left Mexico. Fucking 3rd world white-worshipers

lol try again, mass does not look like stockholm. its all suburbs. boston has some old buildings but it definitely does not look like stockholm.

what is this from

Germany would be a lot better if the government allowed more high rise buildings
housing costs go down which makes purchasing power go up and it would save thousands of people a daily commute to the city center which has even more benefits for everyone (less money spent on gas, less cars in the city, less time wasted driving)


The old buildings are mostly what I was refering to but yeah, at the end of the day they do look different. It's probably the closest you'll get in the US desu

here there is zero trains, buses, sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. we have retarded zoning laws just like america so everything is so spread apart, if you tried to walk to and back from the grocery store it would take 5 hours. so you are forced to get a car. and then everyone becomes fat and lazy.


>we have retarded zoning laws
Here as well. The only good examples of zoning laws I have seen is Japan. That's why there you find a supermarket and other businesses absolutely everywhere.

Maybe other Asian countries also got it right, but I don't know about them.

please go to quebec it's fucking awful

cringe and cringepilled

It was blue last time I saw it.

Hahahah! Folkhem: the city.
