I inherited millions of dollars (9 to be exact, in real estate and other assets so I just live off the rent money). I made a million dollars in crypto and now it's dropped to 300k, I just watch this shit like a video game and it's sort of stressful.
My question is, how do you poor fags cope with the ups and downs? Like I don't really need the money, but even for me it stresses me the fuck out. But what about you guys who are broke? How do you handle it?
i just get sad when it goes down, wtf are you expecting people to say lol. sounds like you just wanted a reason to tell people you have money
Xavier Brown
It starts with one thing
Austin Lewis
I started from nothing, anything I gain is great. I've done pretty well, it doesn't bother me. But I have done serious homework to know exactly how to play this game, and it paid off. I did make the mistake recently getting back into alts, but I didn't put a lot into it. I simply just don't care either way, it's a luckshot getting rich of this, I just wanted to pay of my debts and I did.
>Hurr durr im gonna show off to randoms on a mexican sombrero weaving forum
Intro biggest loser on this site who got millions and still needs reddit for gratification
Robert Russell
Surprisingly money isn’t everything. I live my life as usual. Work my shitty 6 figure job, hang out in the backyard of my middle income 500k house watching my dogs play and drinking beer, go to the gym, fuck my wife and watch her big titties, hang out with my daughter, paint, make music, write, watch TV, etc. Only have around 15k in crypto do not going to really ruin my life if I lose it all, will just be 15k poorer.
Real question is, why is your life so vapid that a meaningless amount of money lost is stressing you out and something you’re focusing on?
Ian Murphy
When it goes down I get addicted and check the price 24/7 but over time I get used to new lows and keep telling myself that it's only my leftover funds invested, and that I would not care if it went to 0. But in the end I'm the type of holder who would never sell BTC and I would rather send it all to a burning address.
Lincoln Harris
I built my life on respect and friendship and not on money. If i have money i share it with people who need it, but not brainless! I own a sharefonds, i studied and afterwards i became an entrepreneur. I don`t care about money, i don`t own an house or a flat, i just have keys from friends all over Germany (where i live). If i need money i just ask about money, but i seriously don`t know why i should own more than 25.000 bucks. If i have more on my account i share it or do some traveling stuff.... i dont regret a thing!
James Cook
^ This Because of your lack of understanding of the financial world & grasp on the concept of money, you are doomed to lose it all. Unless you start reading like crazy & educating yourself
it helps to remember that you're miles ahead of the curve by not holding on to fiat.
Adrian Allen
It's relative, but I'm SKY and UTN atm
Adrian Miller
Don't listen to these fags, aslong as you don't spend it all on drugs, parties and expensive consumer goods you're fine.
Grayson Anderson
this mentality is creepy as fuck, it's like you've abandoned all self-interest for some weird sense of altruism. feels communist/extremely unnatural and I wouldn't trust you with anything because I don't understand your incentives. just an observation
Samuel Taylor
The sadness of this person is only surpassed by the fact that op posts this multiple times a day
Jace Brooks
I can see we’re you are coming from one half says be with rich the othe pooor you choose the Middle ground The best plan is to hold on to it if you have taken a loss This is not for all things but if you bought bitcoin at say 1900 you have no choice to hold and watch it. In time the investment will pay off. You use to falling into a good deal Now you have to wait for the investment to pay off Great gramma bought oil stocks when she came to America passed them down the company no longer exists because it was bought out 3 time the value was big took 30 years but never seen that much money in my life So hold don’t short or long just hold your investment
Adam Hughes
is this cog speaking to me?
Why would you assume I lack a grasp on "the concept of money? Do you even have any money?
Hunter Diaz
Thats a pretty small answer for your big words
Daniel Wilson
Then you must be illiterate
Joseph Thomas
99% of people have fall back positions they can rely on. I have a professional degree and a low 6 figure professional job I can always trade my time for. Everyone here is the same. Some work at horrible jobs, some are more middle-class, others can squat at their family homes for free.
I had 1.7m in crypto in January now it's a measly 450k. It's irritating but I just hold it. 450k or even 1.7m pre tax isn't enough for me to retire on.
Broke guys have to make a difficult choice. Either sell to pay bills or hold and suffer living in sub-optimal way.
Cooper Murphy
agreed it's like the type of attitude a rapist or conman would purport to have, either that or he leeches off people and has no sense of self-awareness
Elijah Gomez
He is fucked unles he goes 100% Bitcoin. The rest of his assets are confiscable by (((The State))), and they will be confiscated when we enter 2008 on steroids.
Just move out of the USA to St. Kitts like Ver did aswell, actually a lot of congressman have double passports with St. Kitts also. It's not that hard.
Robert Edwards
It's going to be a bail-in next time. Basically anyone with over 150k fiat in their bank account will take a haircut. I plan to hold crypto so I'm unaffected (they can't confiscate it, I hold the keys). Everyone else should just buy property and businesses and keep less than 6 figures in their bank accounts.
Jaxon Thomas
The ups and downs don‘t affect my emotions, I‘m cold as ice.
Yeah personally I think the best store of value if you consider an economic failure to be real-estate, idk if the value declines, not that knowledgeable but everyone needs a roof over their heads no matter what right?
Jacob Gray
It will always have value because people need to stay somewhere. The government can't confiscate illiquid things like property. No matter how much the government dilutes the money supply property will have value.
William Turner
Acceptance of powerlessness and uncertainty is crucial to sleeping well with crypto.
Kevin Thomas
Fight the Ocean and you will drown in it
Benjamin Gonzalez
He's probably an african. That way of thinking is one of the main reasons they're so poor.