I inherited millions of dollars (9 to be exact, in real estate and other assets so I just live off the rent money)...

I inherited millions of dollars (9 to be exact, in real estate and other assets so I just live off the rent money). I made a million dollars in crypto and now it's dropped to 300k, I just watch this shit like a video game and it's sort of stressful.

My question is, how do you poor fags cope with the ups and downs? Like I don't really need the money, but even for me it stresses me the fuck out. But what about you guys who are broke? How do you handle it?

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i just get sad when it goes down, wtf are you expecting people to say lol. sounds like you just wanted a reason to tell people you have money

It starts with one thing

I started from nothing, anything I gain is great. I've done pretty well, it doesn't bother me. But I have done serious homework to know exactly how to play this game, and it paid off. I did make the mistake recently getting back into alts, but I didn't put a lot into it. I simply just don't care either way, it's a luckshot getting rich of this, I just wanted to pay of my debts and I did.

Risk = not knowing what you're doing.

Your time is coming

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Then tell us about a safe buy then

>Hurr durr im gonna show off to randoms on a mexican sombrero weaving forum

Intro biggest loser on this site who got millions and still needs reddit for gratification

Surprisingly money isn’t everything. I live my life as usual. Work my shitty 6 figure job, hang out in the backyard of my middle income 500k house watching my dogs play and drinking beer, go to the gym, fuck my wife and watch her big titties, hang out with my daughter, paint, make music, write, watch TV, etc. Only have around 15k in crypto do not going to really ruin my life if I lose it all, will just be 15k poorer.

Real question is, why is your life so vapid that a meaningless amount of money lost is stressing you out and something you’re focusing on?

When it goes down I get addicted and check the price 24/7 but over time I get used to new lows and keep telling myself that it's only my leftover funds invested, and that I would not care if it went to 0. But in the end I'm the type of holder who would never sell BTC and I would rather send it all to a burning address.

I built my life on respect and friendship and not on money. If i have money i share it with people who need it, but not brainless! I own a sharefonds, i studied and afterwards i became an entrepreneur. I don`t care about money, i don`t own an house or a flat, i just have keys from friends all over Germany (where i live). If i need money i just ask about money, but i seriously don`t know why i should own more than 25.000 bucks. If i have more on my account i share it or do some traveling stuff.... i dont regret a thing!