why are we so polite?
Why are we so polite?
bacouse you fear spelling your thoughts loud because you are faggots
It's in your nature
I love you Japan, be proud of your beautiful country!
because nippon-san is master of deception, (like the jews) behind that mask of taunting politeness is a bloodthirsty monster.
Because Japan is deeply ashamed of their barbaric past and wants to shed their warmongering image to the international community. It's why Japan can have one of the strongest military in the world despite legally not having one. That, and having zen Buddhist centric culture which values "the unsaid" basically means you're all passive aggressive cunts.
But japanese looks cool as fuck so I guess that's good enough for me to learn more
Yes, you are so polite, and too polite.
brain wash education
>this guy cannot speak japanese
no, you are the stupid gaijin
Delete your post you fucking burger, you ruined the perfect red&white only thread.
Can you post a smaller image please? I can almost tell those are people
失礼します。私の青。。。fuck it. Fucking 2 months of Anki, and can't write a sentence. But at least I know 1500 words. Lotta good that did me
Keeping up appearances. Due to tradition that samurai could kill commoners that looked at them wrong.
Two faced politeness.
nice LARP
wtf i hate all gaijin now.
Because you're more than decent human beings
don't worry about it
there's nothing wrong with being polite
Post your proof of Japan being absolutely superior compared to others
based chinos del mercadona
are you the one that posts on /v/?
Because the Japanese society can't otherwise function at such a density, and I'm moderately jealous of it.
culture based off public shaming and anxiety
Because Japan is such a tiny island you have no choice but to be polite if you want to live. See how Americans, Russians and Mongols are barbarians when Monégasque, Andorrians and swiss are very polite
high IQ
Shit , I never thought people had internet there, how's it going in your iglu, bro.
But the French are notorious for rudeness and you are neither large nor small
Yeah it was basically impossible to get good Internet ten years ago but i has become better over the years
I am doing fine for the time being, there's just nothing to do up here
You too would become extremely bored if you had nowhere to go, i am sure of that