Fallout New California aka Project Brazil, a massive mod for Fallout New Vegas that has been in production for 6 years releases tomorrow, October 23 2018
will Jow Forums play it?
Fallout New California aka Project Brazil...
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I will look into it
I can't wait honestly. Also, remember that Fallout The Frontier is coming out this year too!
Can’t, only got Xbox 360.....
NV already looks like fan-created addon. Imagine how shit is mod made for mod.
Yeah, I've been waiting for fucking ages, I never actually thought it would come out.
I played part 1 like 4 years ago and thought it was great, and I've been checking up on it every now and then ever since.
more like Fallout 3 looks like bad quality mod for New Vegas
Can you get it on steam?
only if its nothing like fallout 4
No. Just download the installer from ModB when it comes ou tomorrow
>Project Brazil
also , good name for this mod.
Looks cool, will check it.
is it just new story content or new stuff like flyable helicopters
Not at the moment, but I think the devs are looking into it.
You can get Enderal on steam soon though.
nah it looks bad
too much emphasis on being cinematic and about an epic war about enclave vs good guys
I watched gameplay and half of it is groups talking among themselves with minimal input from the PC and the game spawning in waves of enemies to fight
ofc you can install it on the steam version but keep in mind that GOG version is better because it has already patched .exe to allow more RAM to be used by game which is essential if you don't want to crash every 10 minutes
all old games from GOG run better than steam
but you can patch the steam version yourself
for free?
i am waiting for the Enderal story addon that will probably come out with the steam version of the mod
need to replay this mod because it was awesome
also will it work with my 94342 already installed Fallout mods?
>paid mods
fuck yeah fuckin oath
How does the story tie in to New Vegas? What ending is canon?
it is a prequel to New Vegas
How much does CDPR pay you?
but that's a fact
old games on GOG already come with preinstalled unofficial community patches that make them play better
one of the most extreme examples is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines which is such a fucking broken piece of shit without all the fixes, and the GOG version works flawlessly out of the box
New Vegas is my favourite fallout, if they manage to make the story fun I'll still play it despite the god awful game engine
The problem is that GOG often bundles out-of-date versions of these patches, you are often better off doing it all yourself. Thief is another example.
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
very based game despite getting rushed out the door
Fallout 4 engine is not much better except for gunplay
it's a fucking shame to have loadingscreens(and LONG ones on top of that) when entering one of hunderds of interiors on the map in 2018
if it wasn't for this mod, the loadings in Fallout 4 would be unbearable
what it does is uncapping the framerate during the loading screens, you get over 1000 FPS and the game speeds up and loads everything 10 times faster (yes the engine is so much broken)
i really hope Elder Scrolls 6 will be on some totally new engine but chances for this are low i bet, it is going to be the same shit engine from Fallout 4
Yes I was waiting for it last year but they delayed it
whats it about? what does it do?
Have over 100 mods for Fallout 4 but have never heard of this, will give it a go. Thanks!
>all these people wanting to be in california
NCR>>>Real California
remember that, user
>the world was blown up by nuclear guns
>go vault dweller, choosen one courrier etc. and blow even more stuff up with guns
Am I the only one bothered by this? Why can’t we have a nice game about rebuilding civilization insetad?
apocalypse or not, americans get shot
>In far future, the posthuman descendants of Americans are amorphous jelly like creatures with no distinguishable invulnerable to projectile based weaponry. This does not stop them from trying to shoot one another to death.
Tbh I can't imagine it will be very good, the writing in the beta was pretty lame, and the aesthetics look pretty bad.
I'll still play it though.
yeah. I'm already playing NV.
Play Factorio
>California gets nuked
>it's an improvement
it's still a den of degenerates though, but somethings never change