I think it's great that degenerate butchers and carnivores are feeling threatened. I hope this happens here too. Watch footage of slaughterhouses and read how pigs are more intelligent than dogs and actually are aware and scared when they're about to be slaughtered. How do you feel Jow Forums?
I cant wait until hot vegan girls are served up in butcher shops I mean, weak protein lacking pacifists are wanting to be violent and aggressive towards violent protein rich hunter killers who eat what they kill? Hah leftism truly has never been on the side of evolution
Butchers are closing everywhere here, yet these retards protest the butchers and not the superstores, that are putting the butchers out of business due to their ability to mass produce animals for slaughter on an industrial scale? Seriously fuck these people.
start selling merch for vegans, come up with some cool slogans and cool designs and put them on tshirts
Benjamin Watson
I cut meat every day.
About to go do it again. Get ecosystemcucked, vegans.
Thomas Garcia
>Watch footage of slaughterhouses and read how pigs are more intelligent than dogs and actually are aware and scared when they're about to be slaughtered.
They're delicious though.
Ryan Turner
vegans think we don't know how slaughterhouses work, we do, we just don't care. pigs evolved to become bacon, this is basic science, being bacon is the purpose of their existence.
Brody Russell
humans are the apex predator
Jack Mitchell
i just ordered big fucking steak
Henry Scott
So stop eating pigs. Chickens and cows are not intelligent and I feel better when I eat meat, I was a vegetarian for almost ten years. The best argument against eating cows is the environmental damage, not the moral issue of taking their life.
Levi Torres
vegans are the apex predator killing the butchers
Zachary Jones
vegans are literally subhuman who kill children and animals by feeding them roasted pine nuts and causing malnutrition, you should unironically kill yourself for setting the species back.
Easton Torres
Vegan is the way of the future Billions of scared animals tortured and living a life of misery
We are truly in a time of modern slavery and most people are blindly ignorant to what they are supporting and eating
Luke Flores
vegans are commies
commies are scum
Jordan Collins
Agree. I've stopped eating pork just because I feel bad for pigs because of the intelligence level. Same for octopus. Fuck cows. Fuck chickens.
The way of the future is lab-grown meat, not veganism. Plenty of people are ignorant about the meat industry just like they're ignorant about 95% of other things as well. There are also tons of people like me for whom the moral argument convinced us to stop eating meat and we felt like garbage in spite of the fact that we had good diets. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5417583/ Do some research and stop being retarded.
Aiden Gonzalez
Carnie cucks, will they ever learn? I'm looking forward to the inevitable breeding out of carnie cucks by vegan body builders.
Samuel Brooks
Ultimate basedboy
Logan Walker
vegans are literally baby killers but this word filter is pretty great
>I really like meat >I am sorry when animals suffer >I am not sorry when humans suffer I guess i'll start eating vegans, I can farm them without any animal being killed and I would have no qualms killing and eating those fucking degenerates. I just hope they do not taste like shit.
Isaiah Peterson
why are vegans this retarded? were they born like this? I feel sorry for their families
Anthony Gonzalez
I lol'd
Luke Adams
Too many fukkin humies.
Jose Ross
Nice just bought 100k VGN
Adrian Hernandez
Owen Adams
>Watch footage of slaughterhouses and read how pigs are more intelligent than dogs and actually are aware and scared when they're about to be slaughtered. Which is why i try to only eat halal.
Daniel Ortiz
i dont really give a fuck what people eat, but the manlets that love to try and make out that eating steak somehow makes them manly crack me up
Lucas Butler
Who cares if they're intelligent? A pig would eat you, no hesitation, so fuck 'em.
David Baker
its a little ironic isnt it
Bentley Rodriguez
Anyone think we should feed vegans to animals?
Ryder James
They haven't killed anyone. I've killed a lot of them however.
Jack James
Raw carnivore the best/healthiest/most natural diet
Jose Hughes
seriously though—fucking retards i was a vegetarian once (both because i'm a big fucking baby who loves cows and chickens and shit, AND out of an effort to avoid overconsuming antibiotics and hormones), and when i was, i would often find myself explaining similar things to people who took to extremes to promote their views i knew a chick who was a vegetarian because she said that she loved animals, but when we were at a restaurant and her order of a meat-free meal got screwed up with the inclusion of a few small sausages, she had the whole thing sent back. though i think that people should be able to do whatever they want with their stuff, i explained to her the irony of the situation—the animal is already dead, but instead of giving the sausages to someone else, she has the whole thing sent back to go to the trash. as it had then stood, the meat industry had been paid for those sausages, and the animal(s you fucking autists) had been killed to produce them—and, she was just tossing them out. she insisted on doing so, rather than having the sausages passed off to me or someone else who was willing to eat them. she had (and has) good intentions, but good intentions don't make straight-up wasting food that animals had died in producing any less pointless. her reasoning skills have always been off. maybe some more protein, or in addition to that, some omega 3s from a few cans of sardines might help...?
hitting my 30s and coming to terms with the fact that everyone's got a bit of cognitive dissonance going on. it's the ultimate cope to think we don't all make stupid illogical decisions on small and big decisions.
Lincoln Ross
only subhumans need to eat meat in 2018
Anthony Smith
i'm high and didn't proofread :(
Jaxon Garcia
bash the animal eaters
Mason Nguyen
fucking self-righteous liberals, all this type of shit is going to backfire in the coming years. Already did with Trump being elected.
Jaxson Adams
>i'll vote for an oligarch >haha that will show them
Gabriel Brown
Trump is just the beginning
Jason Gutierrez
why are non meat eaters liberals?
David Morris
i hope these people protest halal butchers too desu they're even worse
Chase Fisher
Conservative and veganhere. Been vegan for nearly ten years. Gym every day, high energy, non protein deficiency, bang bitches and making money.
not falling for the carcasses cause we’re apex predator meme. Almost never sick. Don’t believe what big ag tells you.. dyor.
Caleb Jenkins
2018 and not being vegan
Imagine cucking yourself like a fat obese Texas redneck
Mason Collins
pics of your vegan super body
Grayson Gutierrez
I’ll never stop eating fucking octopus.
Elijah Ramirez
Fuck you, I'm eating. Meat.
Austin Reyes
nice just slaughtered 100k animals
Levi Sanders
Fuck off achmed.
Josiah Jenkins
This also. Been vegan ~25 years though. Carnie cucks are adorable thinking vegans are emaciated and not realizing they're the fastest growing demo in athletics/bodybuilding. Kek.
Dylan Myers
nice try faggots im a level 7 vegan which means I dont eat anything that casts a shadow. I bet you dont even have 8 packs yet you genetically inferior shitters
Lincoln Thompson
I just turned 25 and I feel like *everybody* is *perpetually* in a state fo cognitive dissonance. A lot of people's lives and emotions are just the result of happenstance and social conditioning.
I never get veganism/vegetarianism because *everything* we consume - clothes, public transport, internet, running water - has either: i) human suffering ii) animal suffering iii) environmental destruction. EVERYTHING.
Baffles me that people decide to draw the line at food - then continue to eat out and expect to be catered for at other people's houses. Why not just change one of your HUNDREDS OF OTHER consumption habits, that doesn't require you to be a bitch about it in social situations?
also wat u smokin bud?
Kayden Kelly
Stay fat and drink milk like a child and eat diseaseridden meat and pray like a fucking reptile on eggs and die from heartattacks and limp Dick you pathetic
Don't really care either way but that gorilla meme is so fucking retarded.
a. You're not a fucking gorilla. b. Gorillas eat literally all day every day, they eat like 20 pounds of plants.
Zachary Hughes
Sister-in-law is vegan. Won't touch any meat, and she'll tell you she cares about animals with her leather purse, belt and shoes on. Eating an animal seems a much more noble use than wearing his skin as decoration.
Joshua Torres
Feels good. Am vegan. Inironically considering investing is onions products.
Grayson Campbell
How the fuck can anyone consider eating selectively bread contemporary edible plants is beyond me.
One has to perform intensive chemical procedures, cooking, to make them edible at all. Their truly natural counterparts being basically always either inedible (carrots) or miniscule in their edible flesh.
Veganism is the first transhumanist diet. It's wholly artificial.
Zachary Scott
Aaron Evans
*unironically considering investing in s_o_y products
Xavier Morales
Jow Forums doesnt understand nutrition, let them eat their retarded plant-based-onions-diets and imported african berries & roots.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
>Almost never sick.
Congratulations you fucking city faggot. I haven't been sick in 6 years and I eat meat. Urban dwellers like you think it's an accomplishment for being healthy. Can you even grow your own vegetables? Probably fucking not, every vegetable you buy comes from some random farm and you probably store it in plastic bags. Good little goy.
Putting on your boyfriend's tight pants and running 2 miles at the gym isn't that impressive, Melvin. Eat a hot dog and fuck off.
David Foster
>fake news
That aside, meatcucks should stop obsessing over what vegans eat and vice versa
Angel Clark
I want to go short on meat eaters. Any idea how to do that?
Parker Adams
I feel that all vegans must be gassed.
Alexander Reyes
I hate vegans. They expect special treatment but give none back. Who shows up at a BBQ and demand a special spot on the grill that no meat has touched? Meat isn't poison, you don't support the meat industry if you happen to get some meat juice on your tomato.
Worst of all these dumb vegans don't even understand that we breed cows and pigs for slaughter. When they don't eat meat they aren't saving animals, they are preventing them from existing in the first place. These kind of special snowflakes can go fuck themselves.